
Remove underscore from Kendo dropdownlist

本文关键字:删除 下划线 下拉列表      更新时间:2023-09-26

这个看起来很简单,只是不知道在哪里处理它。我正在通过 REST JSON 从 SQL 数据库中检索列名值。下拉列表中的值具有预期下划线 (Customer_Name)。我想显示不带下划线的"友好"(客户名称)版本,但仍将我的值 (Customer_Name) 发送到我的 REST 服务。我看了下划线.js但只是不知道从哪里开始,这可能比我想象的要简单。谢谢!



但基本上,您只需要映射 REST 服务接收的数据,根据需要更改值。


// Call to the REST service and when done call the callback function loadDDL
  type: "POST",
  url: "my-rest-service"

// Callback function when returning from the REST service
// -> load data in the DDL (here, it has the id "my-ddl")
function loadDDL(data) { 
    dataTextField: "text",
    dataValueField: "value",
    dataSource: _.map(data, makeFriendlyName),
    index: 0

// Function used by the _.map function in order 
// change dynamically the labels in the DDL
function makeFriendlyName(obj) {
  return { 
    text: obj.text, 
    value: obj.value.replace("_", " ") 



function loadDDL(data) { 
    autoBind: true,
    dataTextField: "DOMAINQUERY",
    dataValueField: "COLUMN_NAME",
    dataSource: dataSourceSearch1,
    template: "${DOMAINQUERY.replace(/_/g, ' ')}"

编辑 2 :


var dataSourceSearch1 = new kendo.data.DataSource({
    transport: {
        read: {
            url: "http://demos.kendoui.com/service/Customers",
            dataType: "jsonp"
    change: changeDS // <-- Here add a change event : each time the datasource changes, this event is being raised

// This is the function call when the DS changes
// the data stuff is in the `items` property which is the object send via the REST service
function changeDS(datasource) {
    _.map(datasource.items, makeFriendlyName);

// Function to apply to each data -> here I just replace all spaces in the 
// `ContactName` field by `_`
function makeFriendlyName(data) {
    data.ContactName = data.ContactName.replace(/ /g, '_');
    return data;

// Fill the DDL with the previous datasource
var cboSearchField1 = $("#cboSearchField1").kendoDropDownList({
    dataTextField: "ContactName",
    dataValueField: "ContactName",
    filter: "contains",
    autobind: true,
    select: cboSearchField1_Selected,
    change: cboSearchField1_onChange,
    dataSource: dataSourceSearch1