如何通过每行中动态添加的按钮更改 HTML 表格单元格值

How do I change an HTML table cell value by a dynamically added button in each row

本文关键字:HTML 表格 单元格 按钮 何通过 添加 动态      更新时间:2023-09-26

var insert = document.getElementById('insertitem');
insert.addEventListener('click', function() {
  var table = document.getElementById('insertfirsttable'),
    itemType = prompt("Enter the Item type"),
    filling1 = prompt("Enter the filling"),
    filling2 = prompt("Enter the filling"),
    filling3 = prompt("Enter the filling"),
    stock = prompt("Enter the amount in stock"),
    minimum_Stock = prompt("Enter the stock minimum");
  for (var r = 0; r < 1; r += 1) {
    var x = document.getElementById('insertfirsttable').insertRow(r);
    for (var c = 0; c < 10; c += 1) {
      var y = x.insertCell(c);
    table.rows[r].cells[0].innerHTML = itemType;
    table.rows[r].cells[1].innerHTML = filling1;
    table.rows[r].cells[2].innerHTML = filling2;
    table.rows[r].cells[3].innerHTML = filling3;
    table.rows[r].cells[4].innerHTML = stock;
    table.rows[r].cells[5].innerHTML = minimum_Stock;
    table.rows[r].cells[9].style.width = "100px";
    var CreateBtn = document.createElement("button");
    CreateBtn.innerHTML = "sell";
    CreateBtn.id = "sellbtn";
    CreateBtn.style.width = "100px";
    CreateBtn.style.height = "25px";
    CreateBtn.style.cursor = "pointer";
    CreateBtn.style.fontSize = "18px";
    var sellBtn = document.getElementById("sellbtn");
    CreateBtn.onclick = function Sell() {
      var sell = prompt("Enter the amount of stock you're selling");
      for (var a = 0; a < table.length; a += 1) {
        for (var b = 0; b < table.cells.length; b += 1) {
      table.rows[a].cells[4].innerHTML = parseInt(table.rows[a].cells[4].innerHTML) - sell;
body {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  background-color: #E6E6E6;
  font-size: 20px;
table {
  border-spacing: 1px;
  width: 100%;
th {
  padding: 1px;
#firsttablediv {
  width: 100%;
#firsttable {
  color: white;
  background-color: green;
#insertitem {
  width: 100%;
  padding: 2px;
  font-size: 20px;
  cursor: pointer;
#insertfirsttable > tr {
  background-color: #31B404;
  <div id="firsttablediv">
    <table id="firsttable" border="1">
        <th>Item Type</th>
        <th colspan="3">Filling</th>
        <th>Stock Minimum</th>
        <th>Closing Inventory</th>
        <th>Last Month Inventory</th>
        <th colspan="2">
          <button id="insertitem">New Item</button>
      <tbody id="insertfirsttable">

当我按下销售按钮时(添加项目时,JavaScript 会动态添加到每一行)





table.rows[a].cells[4].innerHTML = parseInt(table.rows[a].cells[4].innerHTML) - sell;


this.parentNode.parentNode.cells[4].innerHTML = parseInt(this.parentNode.parentNode.cells[4].innerHTML) - sell;

要像您正在尝试的那样做到这一点,您必须使用闭包。这样,当您单击按钮时,它会调整按钮的父 (td) 父 (tr) 单元格 4 的值。


var insert = document.getElementById('insertitem');
insert.addEventListener('click', function() {
  var table = document.getElementById('insertfirsttable'),
    itemType = prompt("Enter the Item type"),
    filling1 = prompt("Enter the filling"),
    filling2 = prompt("Enter the filling"),
    filling3 = prompt("Enter the filling"),
    stock = prompt("Enter the amount in stock"),
    minimum_Stock = prompt("Enter the stock minimum");
  for (var r = 0; r < 1; r += 1) {
    var x = document.getElementById('insertfirsttable').insertRow(r);
    for (var c = 0; c < 10; c += 1) {
      var y = x.insertCell(c);
    table.rows[r].cells[0].innerHTML = itemType;
    table.rows[r].cells[1].innerHTML = filling1;
    table.rows[r].cells[2].innerHTML = filling2;
    table.rows[r].cells[3].innerHTML = filling3;
    table.rows[r].cells[4].innerHTML = stock;
    table.rows[r].cells[5].innerHTML = minimum_Stock;
    table.rows[r].cells[9].style.width = "100px";
    var CreateBtn = document.createElement("button");
    CreateBtn.innerHTML = "sell";
    CreateBtn.id = "sellbtn";
    CreateBtn.style.width = "100px";
    CreateBtn.style.height = "25px";
    CreateBtn.style.cursor = "pointer";
    CreateBtn.style.fontSize = "18px";
    var sellBtn = document.getElementById("sellbtn");
    CreateBtn.onclick = function Sell() {
      var sell = prompt("Enter the amount of stock you're selling");
      for (var a = 0; a < table.length; a += 1) {
        for (var b = 0; b < table.cells.length; b += 1) {
      table.rows[a].cells[4].innerHTML = parseInt(table.rows[a].cells[4].innerHTML) - sell;
      table.rows[a].cells[7].innerHTML = (parseInt(table.rows[a].cells[7].innerHTML)) ? parseInt(table.rows[a].cells[7].innerHTML) + parseInt(sell) : sell;
body {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  background-color: #E6E6E6;
  font-size: 20px;
table {
  border-spacing: 1px;
  width: 100%;
th {
  padding: 1px;
#firsttablediv {
  width: 100%;
#firsttable {
  color: white;
  background-color: green;
#insertitem {
  width: 100%;
  padding: 2px;
  font-size: 20px;
  cursor: pointer;
#insertfirsttable > tr {
  background-color: #31B404;
  <div id="firsttablediv">
    <table id="firsttable" border="1">
        <th>Item Type</th>
        <th colspan="3">Filling</th>
        <th>Stock Minimum</th>
        <th>Closing Inventory</th>
        <th>Last Month Inventory</th>
        <th colspan="2">
          <button id="insertitem">New Item</button>
      <tbody id="insertfirsttable">

var rowCount =0; // add a counter  for your row
var insert = document.getElementById('insertitem');
insert.addEventListener('click', function() {
    rowCount++; // increase row counter
  var table = document.getElementById('insertfirsttable'),
    itemType = prompt("Enter the Item type"),
    filling1 = prompt("Enter the filling"),
    filling2 = prompt("Enter the filling"),
    filling3 = prompt("Enter the filling"),
    stock = prompt("Enter the amount in stock"),
    minimum_Stock = prompt("Enter the stock minimum");
  for (var r = 0; r < 1; r += 1) {
    var x = document.getElementById('insertfirsttable').insertRow(r);
    for (var c = 0; c < 10; c += 1) {
      var y = x.insertCell(c);
    table.rows[r].cells[0].innerHTML = itemType;
    table.rows[r].cells[1].innerHTML = filling1;
    table.rows[r].cells[2].innerHTML = filling2;
    table.rows[r].cells[3].innerHTML = filling3;
    table.rows[r].cells[4].innerHTML = stock;
    table.rows[r].cells[4].id = "stock_"+rowCount; // add an id to your cell
    table.rows[r].cells[5].innerHTML = minimum_Stock;
    table.rows[r].cells[7].id = "sell_"+rowCount;
    table.rows[r].cells[7].innerHTML = "0";
    table.rows[r].cells[9].style.width = "100px";
    var CreateBtn = document.createElement("button");
    CreateBtn.innerHTML = "sell";
    CreateBtn.id = "sellbtn";
    CreateBtn.title = rowCount; // add title to your button to have the row counter
    CreateBtn.style.width = "100px";
    CreateBtn.style.height = "25px";
    CreateBtn.style.cursor = "pointer";
    CreateBtn.style.fontSize = "18px";
    var sellBtn = document.getElementById("sellbtn");
    CreateBtn.onclick = function Sell() {
        var sell = prompt("Enter the amount of stock you're selling");
        stock_cell = document.getElementById("stock_"+this.title); // find the stock cell with row counter
        sell_cell = document.getElementById("sell_"+this.title);
        stock_item = parseInt(stock_cell.innerHTML); // get the current value
        sell_item = parseInt(sell_cell.innerHTML);
        stock_cell.innerHTML = stock_item - parseInt(sell); // increase sell item from stock
        sell_cell.innerHTML = sell_item + parseInt(sell);