尝试在 Wordpress 中使用 jQuery 文件,这需要 noConflict,但现在我的 Object [obj

Trying to use a jQuery file in Wordpress, which requires noConflict, but now my Object [object Object] has no method

本文关键字:noConflict 我的 obj Object Wordpress jQuery 文件      更新时间:2023-09-26


.js文件使用 $,已知在 Wordpress 中会发生冲突,所以我用 jQuery 替换了$的每个实例,并在顶部调用jQuery.noConflict();

在我调用 noConflict 之前,我的错误控制台告诉我"未捕获的类型错误:对象 [对象对象] 的属性 '$' 不是函数。现在该消息已被"未捕获的类型错误:对象 [对象对象] 没有方法'stickem'"替换,并且 stickem 仍然不起作用。



    item: '.stickem',
    container: '.stickem-container',
    stickClass: 'stickit',
    endStickClass: 'stickit-end',
    offset: 0,
    onStick: null,
    onUnstick: null

;(function(jQuery, window, document, undefined) {
var Stickem = function(elem, options) {
    this.elem = elem;
    this.jQueryelem = jQuery(elem);
    this.options = options;
    this.metadata = this.jQueryelem.data("stickem-options");
    this.jQuerywin = jQuery(window);
Stickem.prototype = {
    defaults: {
        item: '.stickem',
        container: '.stickem-container',
        stickClass: 'stickit',
        endStickClass: 'stickit-end',
        offset: 0,
        start: 0,
        onStick: null,
        onUnstick: null
    init: function() {
        var _self = this;
        //Merge options
        _self.config = jQuery.extend({}, _self.defaults, _self.options, _self.metadata);
        return _self;
    bindEvents: function() {
        var _self = this;
        _self.jQuerywin.on('scroll.stickem', jQuery.proxy(_self.handleScroll, _self));
        _self.jQuerywin.on('resize.stickem', jQuery.proxy(_self.handleResize, _self));
    destroy: function() {
        var _self = this;
    getItem: function(index, element) {
        var _self = this;
        var jQuerythis = jQuery(element);
        var item = {
            jQueryelem: jQuerythis,
            elemHeight: jQuerythis.height(),
            jQuerycontainer: jQuerythis.parents(_self.config.container),
            isStuck: false
        //If the element is smaller than the window
        if(_self.windowHeight > item.elemHeight) {
            item.containerHeight = item.jQuerycontainer.outerHeight();
            item.containerInner = {
                border: {
                    bottom: parseInt(item.jQuerycontainer.css('border-bottom'), 10) || 0,
                    top: parseInt(item.jQuerycontainer.css('border-top'), 10) || 0
                padding: {
                    bottom: parseInt(item.jQuerycontainer.css('padding-bottom'), 10) || 0,
                    top: parseInt(item.jQuerycontainer.css('padding-top'), 10) || 0
            item.containerInnerHeight = item.jQuerycontainer.height();
            item.containerStart = item.jQuerycontainer.offset().top - _self.config.offset + _self.config.start + item.containerInner.padding.top + item.containerInner.border.top;
            item.scrollFinish = item.containerStart - _self.config.start + (item.containerInnerHeight - item.elemHeight);
            //If the element is smaller than the container
            if(item.containerInnerHeight > item.elemHeight) {
        } else {
            item.jQueryelem.removeClass(_self.config.stickClass + ' ' + _self.config.endStickClass);
    getItems: function() {
        var _self = this;
        _self.items = [];
        _self.jQueryelem.find(_self.config.item).each(jQuery.proxy(_self.getItem, _self));
    handleResize: function() {
        var _self = this;
    handleScroll: function() {
        var _self = this;
        if(_self.items.length > 0) {
            var pos = _self.jQuerywin.scrollTop();
            for(var i = 0, len = _self.items.length; i < len; i++) {
                var item = _self.items[i];
                //If it's stuck, and we need to unstick it
                if(item.isStuck && (pos < item.containerStart || pos > item.scrollFinish)) {
                    //only at the bottom
                    if(pos > item.scrollFinish) {
                    item.isStuck = false;
                    //if supplied fire the onUnstick callback
                    if(_self.config.onUnstick) {
                //If we need to stick it
                } else if(item.isStuck === false && pos > item.containerStart && pos < item.scrollFinish) {
                        item.isStuck = true;
                        //if supplied fire the onStick callback
                        if(_self.config.onStick) {
    setWindowHeight: function() {
        var _self = this;
        _self.windowHeight = _self.jQuerywin.height() - _self.config.offset;
Stickem.defaults = Stickem.prototype.defaults;
jQuery.fn.stickem = function(options) {
    //Create a destroy method so that you can kill it and call it again.
    this.destroy = function() {
        this.each(function() {
            new Stickem(this, options).destroy();
    return this.each(function() {
        new Stickem(this, options).init();
})(jQuery, window , document);

在定义函数之前,您不能使用它。现在,你对stickem的呼吁是在stickem的定义之前。您需要将代码放在 jQuery(function() { }); 块中以延迟执行,直到 DOM 准备就绪(作为副作用,这也允许在尝试使用它之前定义 stickem 函数)。

jQuery(function() {
    item: '.stickem',
    container: '.stickem-container',
    stickClass: 'stickit',
    endStickClass: 'stickit-end',
    offset: 0,
    onStick: null,
    onUnstick: null


;(function ($) {
    //Code in here

这将$仅分配给 jQuery。这样做可以防止与也使用该$的其他库/代码发生冲突。此外,用;引导此代码可保护函数免受未关闭脚本的影响。我不会依赖noConflict()方法。

<script type="text/javascript">
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
    //You can do it like this too
    //Make sure to replace all your 'jQuery' referecens to '$'
    //jQuery.extend({}, _self.defaults, _self.options, _self.metadata)
    $.extend({}, _self.defaults, _self.options, _self.metadata)
})(jQuery, window, document);

想为其他库释放 $ 时才需要使用无冲突模式。

// Release $ for other js libraries.


(function($) {
  // Inside this function $ is jQuery    
    // jQuery code goes here.