是我的问题还是Visual Studio 2010的问题

Is it me or Visual Studio 2010?

本文关键字:问题 2010 Studio 我的 Visual      更新时间:2023-09-26


虽然在运行时一切看起来都很好,但在visual studio中总是有一个噩梦。



最后一个右括号 上的

} (window, jQuery));


; (function (window, $) {
    // Define a local copy of MyLibrary
    var MyLibrary = {},
    // Shortcuts.
    // A central reference to the root messages object
    // A central reference to the root messages.messageType object
    MyLibrary = function () {
        // The MyLibrary object is actually just the init 
        // constructor 'enhanced'
        return new MyLibrary.fn.init();
    MyLibrary.fn = MyLibrary.prototype = {
        init: function () {
            // Initialise the object shortcuts.
            $$messages = MyLibrary.fn.messages;
            $$messageType = MyLibrary.fn.messages.messageType;
    // Give the init function the MyLibrary prototype for later instantiation
    MyLibrary.fn.init.prototype = MyLibrary.fn;
    MyLibrary.fn.messages = {
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides means to provide feedback message to the client.
        /// </summary>
        messageType: {
            information: "information",
            error: "error",
            success: "success"
    MyLibrary.fn.tester = function () {
    // Expose MyLibrary to the global object
    window.MyLibrary = window.$m = MyLibrary();
} (window, jQuery));
jQuery(document).ready(function () {


} (window, jQuery));


})(window, jQuery);