JavaScript片段中的Ruby变量不能与Slim lang一起工作

Ruby variables in JavaScript snippet not working with Slim lang

本文关键字:Slim lang 一起 工作 不能 变量 片段 Ruby JavaScript      更新时间:2023-09-26


<script id="IntercomSettingsScriptTag">
window.intercomSettings = {
// TODO: The current logged in user's email address.
email: "",
// TODO: The current logged in user's sign-up date as a Unix timestamp.
created_at: 1234567890,
app_id: [redacted]




|<script id="IntercomSettingsScriptTag">
 window.intercomSettings = {
 // TODO: The current logged in user's email address.
 email: "#{}",
 // TODO: The current logged in user's sign-up date as a Unix timestamp.
 created_at: #{@user.created_at.to_i},
 app_id: [redacted]

上面的代码使Slim崩溃,页面甚至无法加载。我也尝试在代码片段之前使用javascript: Slim函数声明变量,如上面的链接所示。没有运气。



- if user_signed_in?
  script id="IntercomSettingsScriptTag"
      window.intercomSettings = {
      // TODO: The current logged in user's full name
      name: "#{@current_user.full_name}",
      // TODO: The current logged in user's email address.
      email: "#{}",
      // TODO: The current logged in user's sign-up date as a Unix timestamp.
      created_at: #{@current_user.created_at.to_i},
      app_id: "eac384da45babdcac214d669601f1a29632f0d97"


script id="IntercomSettingsScriptTag"
    window.intercomSettings = {
      // TODO: The current logged in user's email address.
      email: "#{}",
      // TODO: The current logged in user's sign-up date as a Unix timestamp.
      created_at: #{@user.created_at.to_i},
      app_id: [redacted]


- if user_signed_in?
  script id="IntercomSettingsScriptTag"
      window.intercomSettings = {
      // TODO: The current logged in user's full name
      name: "#{@current_user.full_name}",
      // TODO: The current logged in user's email address.
      email: "#{}",
      // TODO: The current logged in user's sign-up date as a Unix timestamp.
      created_at: #{@current_user.created_at.to_i},
      app_id: "eac384da45babdcac214d669601f1a29632f0d97"
