
How can I create empty JSON keys (nested or not) using a string?

本文关键字:是否 嵌套 JSON 何使用 字符串 创建      更新时间:2023-09-26





function constructJson(jsonKey, jsonValue){
   let jsonObj = langFile;
   let jsonKeyArr = jsonKey.split('.')
   if (jsonKeyArr.length === 1) {
       if (valToAdd === undefined) {
           if (jsonObj[jsonKey] === undefined) {
               jsonObj[jsonKey] = {}
       } else {
           if (jsonObj[jsonKey] === undefined) {
               jsonObj[jsonKey] = valToAdd
   } else if (jsonKeyArr.length === 2) {
       if (jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]] === undefined) {
           jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]] = {}
       if (jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]][jsonKeyArr[1]] === undefined) {
           jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]][jsonKeyArr[1]] = jsonValue
   } else if (jsonKeyArr.length === 3) {
       if (jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]] === undefined) {
           jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]] = {}
       if (jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]][jsonKeyArr[1]] === undefined) {
           jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]][jsonKeyArr[1]] = {}
       if (jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]][jsonKeyArr[1]][jsonKeyArr[2]] === undefined) {
           jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]][jsonKeyArr[1]][jsonKeyArr[2]] = jsonValue
   } else if (jsonKeyArr.length === 4) {
       if (jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]] === undefined) {
           jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]] = {}
       if (jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]][jsonKeyArr[1]] === undefined) {
           jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]][jsonKeyArr[1]] = {}
       if (jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]][jsonKeyArr[1]][jsonKeyArr[2]] === undefined) {
           jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]][jsonKeyArr[1]][jsonKeyArr[2]] = {}
       if (jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]][jsonKeyArr[1]][jsonKeyArr[2]][jsonKeyArr[3]] === undefined) {
           jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]][jsonKeyArr[1]][jsonKeyArr[2]][jsonKeyArr[3]] = jsonValue
   } else if (jsonKeyArr.length === 5) {
       if (jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]] === undefined) {
           jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]] = {}
       if (jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]][jsonKeyArr[1]] === undefined) {
           jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]][jsonKeyArr[1]] = {}
       if (jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]][jsonKeyArr[1]][jsonKeyArr[2]] === undefined) {
           jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]][jsonKeyArr[1]][jsonKeyArr[2]] = {}
       if (jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]][jsonKeyArr[1]][jsonKeyArr[2]][jsonKeyArr[3]] === undefined) {
           jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]][jsonKeyArr[1]][jsonKeyArr[2]][jsonKeyArr[3]] = {}
       if (jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]][jsonKeyArr[1]][jsonKeyArr[2]][jsonKeyArr[3]][jsonKeyArr[4]] === undefined) {
           jsonObj[jsonKeyArr[0]][jsonKeyArr[1]][jsonKeyArr[2]][jsonKeyArr[3]][jsonKeyArr[4]] = jsonValue
   } else if (jsonKeyArr.length > 5) {
      return console.log("Length over 5 not supported yet!")
   return jsonObj;



function constructJson(jsonKey, jsonValue){
   langFile = {a:{}, foo:{}};// remove this for your own code
   var jsonObj = langFile;
   var jsonKeyArr = jsonKey.split('.');
   var currentValue = jsonObj;
   for(var i = 0; i < jsonKeyArr.length;i++){
          currentValue[jsonKeyArr[i]] = {};
       if(i < jsonKeyArr.length-1){
       currentValue =  currentValue[jsonKeyArr[i]];
            currentValue[jsonKeyArr[i]] = jsonValue;
   return jsonObj;
alert(JSON.stringify(constructJson("a.b.cd.ef", "toto")));


是的,可以对从拆分字符串创建的数组使用javascript reduce函数。

function namespaceCreateExceptLast(representationOfElementToCreate, baseNamespace) {
    var tokens;
    if (typeof representationOfElementToCreate !== 'string')
        throw new Error('Expecting string as first parameter');
    if (baseNamespace === undefined)
        baseNamespace = window;
    tokens = representationOfElementToCreate.split('.');
    // Remove the last element (which will contain the value)
    // Use reduce to create part by part your new object
    return tokens.reduce(function (prev, property) {
        if (typeof prev !== 'object') {
            throw Error('One property is already defined but not an object, namespace creation has failed', property);
            return undefined;
        } else {
            if (!prev[property])
                prev[property] = {};
            return prev[property];
    }, baseNamespace);


function constructJson(jsonKey, jsonValue){
    let jsonObj = langFile;
    var lastItem = namespaceCreateExceptLast(jsonKey, jsonObj);
    var lastKey = jsonKey.substring(jsonKey.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
    lastItem[lastKey] = jsonValue;
