
Loop Will not terminate when passed innerHTML and (this.id)

本文关键字:循环 终止 id innerHTML this      更新时间:2023-09-26


function updateBoardState(newMark, squareNumber)
    var boardState;
    var loc;
    var winners;
    winners = getWinningCombinations();
    boardState = getBoardState();
    loc = winners.indexOf(squareNumber);window.alert(loc);
    while(loc >= 0)
        replaceCharacterInString(boardState, loc, newMark);
        loc = winners.indexOf(squareNumber);
function markTheSquare() // uses the this keyword to concatenate "X" to the inner HTML of the current element.
    this.onclick = null; // Disassociates the oncliick function with clicked()
    this.innerHTML = getXorO(); // Concatenates the result of getXorO to the current innherHTML of the element.
    updateBoardState(this.innerHTML, (this.id).charAt((this.id).length - 1));
    setMarkCount(getMarkCount() + 1) // Increment markCount by 1.

function replaceCharacterInString(source, where, what)
    return source.substring(0, where) + what + source.substring(where + 1, source.length);


function updateBoardState(newMark, squareNumber)
    var boardState;
    var loc;
    var winners;
    winners = getWinningCombinations();
    boardState = getBoardState();
    loc = winners.indexOf(squareNumber);window.alert(loc);
    while(loc >= 0)
        boardState = replaceCharacterInString(boardState, loc, newMark);
        loc = boardState.indexOf(squareNumber);