
Will static javascript function using only constants be compiled to constant

本文关键字:常量 编译 函数 javascript 静态      更新时间:2023-09-26


var StaticTest_A = (function () {
  function StaticTest_A() {
  StaticTest_A.GetConstant = function () {
    return StaticTest_B.MyNumber + StaticTest_B.MyNumber;
  return StaticTest_A;
var StaticTest_B = (function () {
  function StaticTest_B() {
StaticTest_B.MyNumber = 5;
  return StaticTest_B;

从该TypeScript 生成

class StaticTest_A
   static GetConstant():number
       return StaticTest_B.MyNumber + StaticTest_B.MyNumber;
class StaticTest_B
   static MyNumber = 5;




function methodMemoize(target: Function | Object, key: string, descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<() => any>) {
    const originalValue = descriptor.value;
    let hasRun = false;
    let returnedValue: any;
    descriptor.value = function(...args: any[]) {
        if (!hasRun) {
            returnedValue = originalValue.apply(this, args);
            hasRun = true;
        return returnedValue;
class StaticTest_A
    static GetConstant()
        console.log("run only once");
        return StaticTest_B.MyNumber + StaticTest_B.MyNumber;
class StaticTest_B
   static MyNumber = 5;
StaticTest_A.GetConstant(); // "run only once", returns 10
StaticTest_A.GetConstant(); // returns cached 10