谷歌登录无法识别登录 角度中的回调功能

Google Sign In not recognizing sign in Callback function in Angular

本文关键字:登录 功能 回调 识别 谷歌      更新时间:2023-09-26


              <span class="g-signin"


(function () {
  var po = document.createElement('script');
  po.type = 'text/javascript';
  po.async = true;
  po.src = '';
  var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
  s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);


.controller('splashController', ['$scope', '$window', function($scope, $window){
        $scope.googleLogin() = function(){
                $scope.googleAuthResult = $window.googleAuthResult;

        window.signInCallback = function(authResult){

但问题是,在 google+ 脚本运行后,它会在 Angular World 之外寻找这个 signInCallback 函数,我想将其保留在 Angular 中,因为我想通过 angular 发送令牌,而不是像 jQuery 那样。有什么建议吗?

尝试使用 gapi.auth.authorize 方法。 它调用与按钮相同的功能,但通过 Javascript 显式调用,它还允许您在控制器/服务/任何范围内传入回调方法。 这是我的登录功能:

var authParams =                    // Define a params object for gapi.auth.authorize
    client_id       : '****-****',
    scope           : '',
    immediate       : false,
    cookiepolicy    : 'single_host_origin'
 * Authenticates the user and authorizes the local browser's JS GAPI Client, returns an object
 * with the GAPI Client's login token or false if it's not yet available, and the deferred 
 * object whose promise will be resolved when the JS GAPI Client authenticates.
 * @param hard      If {{ hard }} is truthy, force the GAPI Client to reauthenticate the user
 *                  and reauthorize the client.  Ensures the client is logged in and the session
 *                  stays active even if it is disrupted external to the application.
this.login = function(hard)
    // @TODO:   Consolidate into (!hard && (token || pending) if token can be guaranteed falsey
    //          while pending otherwise ret.logged is unreliable.  
    //          Where's a logical XOR when you need one?
    // If a login is pending and we're not forcing a hard reauth, return the deferred object
    // promising the authorization response and 'logged':false
    if (pending && !hard) return { logged : false, deferred : deferred };
    // If the token is already set and we're not forcing a hard reauth, resolve the deferred
    // promise immediately and return it along with 'logged':token
    if (token && !hard)
        deferred.resolve(token); // Resolve the promise immediately, no login response to wait for
        return { logged : token, deferred : deferred };
    deferred = $q.defer();  // We need to wait for gapi.auth.authorize to respond, reinit the promise
    pending = true;         // Don't restart the process on future calls if an authorization is pending
    gapi.auth.authorize(authParams,this.handleAuthResult);  // Authorize the client, then run the callback
    // Not logged in, return the deferred object
    return { logged : false, deferred : deferred};
