
Displaying a large string in sentences one click at a time

本文关键字:句子 字符串 显示 一下 一次 单击      更新时间:2024-06-14
#branchID pool
branch0 = "This is a wall of text. This is a wall of text. This is a wall of text. This is a wall of text. This is a wall of text. This is a wall of text."
branch1 = "This is a second wall of text."
branch2 = "This is a third wall of text."
#classes section
  #pulls text from pools above.
branch = (name, branchid)->
  stringID = String(branchid)
  document.write("<h1 id=''#{stringID}''>#{name}</h1>")
  document.getElementById(stringID).onclick = ->
#This is where the game goes. It will be built with conditionals
window.onload = ->  
  branch('Start', branch0)





#branchID pool
firstBranch = [
    "This is a wall of text. This is a wall of text. This is a wall of text. This is a wall of text. This is a wall of text. This is a wall of text."
  "This is a second wall of text."
    "This is a third wall of text."
currentStep = 0
#classes section
  #pulls text from pools above.
branch = (event)->
  if firstBranch[currentStep]?
    document.getElementById( "text" ).innerHTML = firstBranch[currentStep]
#This is where the game goes. It will be built with conditionals
window.onload = ->
    document.getElementById( "nextbtn" ).onclick = branch