
Change text based on exact scroll percentage?

本文关键字:百分比 文本 滚动      更新时间:2024-03-29



var progress = $(this).scrollTop() / $(document).height();
//calculate the percentage of the total window that the user has scrolled
var questNum = progress * 4;
//multiply that by the total number of questions, to get the corresponding question number
if (questNum < 1) {
else if (questNum < 2) {
	$('#question').text("It's me...");
else if (questNum < 3) {
	$('#question').text('I was wondering if after all these years...');
else if (questNum < 4) {
        $('#question').text('You'd like to meet.');
        $('#question').text('*ring ring*');
  height: 500px;
  font-family: sans-serif;
  font-size: 1em;
  font-weight: 100;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <span id="question" style="position: fixed">...</span>



  1. $(document).ready需要一个函数作为其参数,所以添加function() { ... }
  2. 当单引号出现在单引号字符串中时,需要使用反斜杠进行转义:'It''s me...''You''d like to meet.'
  3. 由于您不知道代码将在哪个窗口大小上运行,将500px设置为窗口高度只会在某些设备上产生所需的效果。相反,动态设置高度:

    $('body').height($(document).height() + slackSpace);


  4. 当你有更多的问题时,你留给滚动的空间(slackSpace)应该更大,所以它应该取决于问题的数量。在切换到下一个问题之前,您需要决定需要滚动多少像素。因此,您可以定义slackSpace如下:

    var slackSpace = 5 * scrollPerQuestion;

    其中CCD_ 6将是问题的数量。这个数字应该更好地动态管理(参见下一点)。

  5. 如果你把问题放在一个数组中,管理起来会更容易。然后你就不需要这些if .. else if ... else if ...了,只需要根据问题文本的编号来选择:

    var questions = [
        'It''s me...',
        'I was wondering if after all these years...',
        'You''d like to meet.',
        '*ring ring*'
    // ... once you have the questNum value:


  6. 进度的计算不正确。这两个部分衡量的是不同的方面:滚动顶部给出(可见)内容的顶部,而文档高度对应于所有内容的底部偏移量。两者之间的区别至少是窗户的高度,所以你永远不会有100%的进步。这甚至可能使一些问题变得遥不可及。相反,使用这个:

    var progress = $(window).scrollTop() / slackSpace;


  7. 有些浏览器在您返回页面或刷新页面时会保留以前的滚动位置。因此,每当加载页面时,您都希望将页面滚动到顶部。

  8. 文档的每一侧都有一些像素的默认边距。这严重影响了进度的计算。为了简化操作,请将该边距设置为零,并对问题元素本身应用一些间距,以便文本仍然显示在距离窗口边界很近的位置(也可以为问题元素指定类名而不是内联样式):

    body {
        margin: 0px;
    .question {
        position: fixed;
        padding: 10px;


$(document).ready(function() {
    var questions = [
        'It''s me...',
        'I was wondering if after all these years...',
        'You''d like to meet.',
        '*ring ring*'
    // How many pixels to scroll before going to next question
    var scrollPerQuestion = 50;
    // Total space needed to scroll through all questions
    var slackSpace = questions.length * scrollPerQuestion;
    // Set appropriate document height for scrolling all questions:
    $('body').height($(document).height() + slackSpace);
        // Calculate the percentage of the total window that the user has scrolled
        var progress = $(window).scrollTop() / slackSpace;
        // Convert progress into question number
        var questNum = Math.floor(progress * questions.length);
        // Make sure the question number does not pass the maximum
        var questNum = Math.min(questNum, questions.length);
        // Display corresponding question
    // Scroll to top on page load
body {
    font-family: sans-serif;
    font-size: 1em;
    font-weight: 100;
    margin: 0px;
.question {
    position: fixed;
    padding: 10px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <span id="question" class="question">...</span>






$(document).ready(function(){ //$(document).ready(
var progress = $(this).scrollTop() / $(document).height();
//calculate the percentage of the total window that the user has scrolled
var questNum = progress * 4;
//multiply that by the total number of questions, to get the corresponding question number

if (questNum < 1) {
else if (questNum < 2) {
    $('#question').text("It's me...");
else if (questNum < 3) {
    $('#question').text('I was wondering if after all these years...');
else if (questNum < 4) {
        $('#question').text('You''d like to meet.');// $('#question').text('You'd like to meet.');
        $('#question').text('*ring ring*');