
How to handle Meteor Data that requires state from child component?

本文关键字:组件 状态 数据 Meteor 何处理 处理      更新时间:2024-01-06

将Meteor 1.3中的一些代码转换为ES6+React语法。组件需要获取Meteor数据,所以我使用createComponent来替换getMeteorData()。问题是,旧的getMeteorData使用了组件中的状态,createContainer组件没有访问该状态。


Component = React.createClass({
   mixins: [ReactMeteorData],
   getMeteorData() {
    var mo = this.state.currentMonth;
    var start = newDate(moment(mo).startOf('month'));
    return {
     events:     collections.events.find({
        $or:       qwry,
        startDate: { $gte: start },
        endDate:   { $lte: end }
  render() {


class Component = React.Component {
 constructor(props) {
 render() {
export default createContainer(({params}) => {
var mo = this.state.currentMonth;
        var start = newDate(moment(mo).startOf('month'));
        return {
         events:     collections.events.find({
            $or:       qwry,
            startDate: { $gte: start },
            endDate:   { $lte: end }
}, Component);

获取错误"cannot get currentMonth of undefined",因为它正在尝试访问状态。有什么建议吗?


// Parent component, setState should go here
export default class StateHolder extends React.Component {
  constructor(params) {
    this.state = {myKey: 1};
  incrementKey() {
    this.setState({myKey: this.state.myKey + 1});
  render() {
    return <Container myKey={this.state.myKey} onClick={this.incrementKey.bind(this)} />;
// Child component, renders only
class PureComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <div>
      <button onClick={this.props.onClick}>click me</button>
// Decorated child container. 
// Make sure to use this one in parent component's render() function!
let Container = createContainer((props) => {
  let doc = MyCollection.findOne({someKey: props.myKey});
  return {
    myValue: doc ? doc.someValue : null
}, PureComponent);