
Optimization suggestions for setInterval code that display how many puppies, kittens, etc. are born every second

本文关键字:代码 出生 优化 setInterval 显示      更新时间:2023-11-26

我正在进行一个项目,该项目将以许多"逐秒"计时器为特色,这些计时器将显示每秒有多少动物出生:)对于如何最好地优化该脚本以获得性能和DRY ish,你有什么建议吗?


var start = new Date(),
midnight = new Date(start.getFullYear(), start.getMonth(), start.getDate(), 0),
first = new Date(start.getFullYear(), start.getMonth(), 1);
setInterval(function () {
    var now = new Date(),
        secondsFromStart = Math.floor((now - start)/1000),
        secondsFromMidnight = Math.floor((now - midnight)/1000),
        secondsFromFirst = Math.floor((now - first)/1000),
        puppiesBornPerSec = 3.16,
        puppiesStart = Math.round(secondsFromStart*puppiesBornPerSec*100) / 100,
        puppiesMidnight = Math.round(secondsFromMidnight*puppiesBornPerSec*100) / 100,
        puppiesFirst = Math.round(secondsFromFirst*puppiesBornPerSec*100) / 100;
    // 3 puppies born every second
    $('#s01 .morning').text(puppiesMidnight.toFixed(2));
    $('#s01 .month').text(puppiesFirst.toFixed(2));
    // 5 kittens born every second 
    $('#s02 .morning').text(Math.floor(secondsFromMidnight*5));
    $('#s02 .month').text(Math.floor(secondsFromFirst*5));
    // 7 rats born every second
    $('#s03 .morning').text(Math.floor(secondsFromMidnight*7));
    $('#s03 .month').text(Math.floor(secondsFromFirst*7));
}, 1000);


<section class="s" data-quantity="3.16" id="s01">
    <h1>if 3.16 puppies are born every second</h1>
    <b id="badge01" class="now">0</b> puppies have been born so far.<br>
    <b class="morning">?</b> puppies have been born today<br>
    <b class="month">?</b> puppies have been born since the first of this month.
<section class="s" data-quantity="5" id="s02">
    <h1>if 5 kittens are born every second</h1>
    <b id="badge02" class="now">0</b> kittens have been born so far.<br>
    <b class="morning">?</b> kittens have been born today<br>
    <b class="month">?</b> kittens have been born since the first of this month.
<section class="s" data-quantity="7" id="s03">
    <h1>if 7 rats are born every second</h1>
    <b id="badge03" class="now">0</b> rats have been born so far.<br>
    <b class="morning">?</b> rats have been born today<br>
    <b class="month">?</b> rats have been born since the first of this month.


var start = new Date(),
midnight = new Date(start.getFullYear(), start.getMonth(), start.getDate(), 0),
first = new Date(start.getFullYear(), start.getMonth(), 1);
//create now Date outside Interval
var now = new Date(),
secondsFromStart = Math.floor((now - start)/1000),
secondsFromMidnight = Math.floor((now - midnight)/1000),
secondsFromFirst = Math.floor((now - first)/1000);
//create each $(".s").data with the values
    var BornPerSec = $(this).data("quantity"),
    Start = secondsFromStart*BornPerSec,
    Midnight = secondsFromMidnight*BornPerSec,
    First = secondsFromFirst*BornPerSec;
setInterval(function () {
    //increment each $(".s").data values and set .text
        var persec=$(this).data("persec");
        $(this).children('.now').text(persec.Start % 1 === 0 ?persec.Start: persec.Start.toFixed(2));
        $(this).children('.morning').text(persec.Midnight % 1 === 0 ?persec.Midnight:persec.Midnight.toFixed(2));
        $(this).children('.month').text(persec.First % 1 === 0 ?persec.First:persec.First.toFixed(2));
}, 1000);


//cache them
var elems = [];
   var $this = $(this);
      obj: $this,
      data: $'persec'),
      now: $this.children('.now'),
      morning: $this.children('.morning'),
      month: $this.children('.month'),