
Pebble.js Menu Items Slow to Render

本文关键字:速度慢 菜单项 js Pebble      更新时间:2023-09-26




var UI = require('ui');
var ajax = require('ajax');
var main = new UI.Card({
  title: 'Pebble Interface',
  icon: 'images/mattec.png',
  body: 'Press Top Button to open Cell Picker.'
main.on('click', 'up', function(e) {
  var menu = new UI.Menu({
    sections: [{
        items: [{
          title: 'ALMSC1'
        }, {
          title: 'ALMSC2'
        }, {
          title: 'DL 1'
        }, {
          title: 'DL 2'
        }, {
          title: 'DL 3'
        }, {
          title: 'DL 4'
        }, {
          title: 'EDGER'
        }, {
          title: 'EPOXYA'
        }, {
          title: 'EPOXYP'
        }, {
          title: 'FORK 1'
        }, {
          title: 'FORK 2'
        }, {
          title: 'HICK 1'
        }, {
          title: 'HICK 2'
        }, {
          title: 'LG 1'
        }, {
          title: 'LG 2'
        }, {
          title: 'LG 3'
        }, {
          title: 'LG 4'
        }, {
          title: 'LG 5'
        }, {
          title: 'LG 6'
        }, {
          title: 'PHD 1'
        }, {
          title: 'PHD 2'
        }, {
          title: 'PHD 3'
        }, {
          title: 'PHD 4'
        }, {
          title: 'SPRLTE'
        }, {
          title: 'STEEL1'
        }, {
          title: 'STEEL2'
        }, {
          title: 'STEEL3'
        }, {
          title: 'STEEL4'
        }, {
          title: 'STEEL5'
        }, {
          title: 'STEEL6'
        }, {
          title: 'SVL 01'
        }, {
          title: 'SVL 02'
        }, {
          title: 'SVL 03'
        }, {
          title: 'SVL 04'
        }, {
          title: 'SVL 05'
        }, {
          title: 'SVL 06'
        }, {
          title: 'SVL 07'
        }, {
          title: 'SVL 08'
        }, {
          title: 'SVL 09'
        }, {
          title: 'SVL 10'
        }, {
          title: 'SVL 11'
        }, {
          title: 'SVL 12'
        }, {
          title: 'SVL 13'
        }, {
          title: 'SVL 14'
        }, {
          title: 'SVL 15'
        }, {
          title: 'SVL 16'
        }, {
          title: 'SVL 17'
        }, {
          title: 'SVL 18'
        }, {
          title: 'SVLCUB'
        }, {
          title: 'TAMP 1'
        }, {
          title: 'TAMP 2'
        }, {
          title: 'WEEDER'
  menu.on('select', function(e) {
      ajax({ url: 'http://myserver/test/pebble/oldpebble.php?cell=' + e.item.title, type:'xml' }, function(data){
      var istag = data.match(/<istag>(.*?)<'/istag>/)[1];
          istag = istag.replace(/&quot;/g, "'"");
      var psname = data.match(/<psname>(.*?)<'/psname>/)[1];
          psname = psname.replace(/&quot;/g, "'"");
      var psip = data.match(/<psip>(.*?)<'/psip>/)[1];
          psip = psip.replace(/&quot;/g, "'"");
      var upcstatus = data.match(/<upcstatus>(.*?)<'/upcstatus>/)[1];
          upcstatus = upcstatus.replace(/&quot;/g, "'"");
      var i2of5status = data.match(/<i2of5status>(.*?)<'/i2of5status>/)[1];
          i2of5status = i2of5status.replace(/&quot;/g, "'"");
      var content = istag + "'n'nPrint Server'n" + psname + "'n" + psip + "'n" + "UPC - " + upcstatus + "'nI2of5 - " + i2of5status;
      var detailCard = new UI.Card({
          body: content,
          scrollable: true,
          style: 'small'

Pebble.js根据需要将列表的数据流式传输到手表。六秒钟听起来很长,我没有看到那么多延迟,但除了用C SDK重新构建应用程序之外,你无能为力。