如何在 redis 中将 JS 对象传递给它自己的事件参数 - 连接事件上的哨兵

How to pass JS Object to its own event parameter in redis - sentinal on connect event

本文关键字:事件 参数 自己的 连接 哨兵 它自己 redis 中将 JS 对象      更新时间:2023-09-26

在 redis 哨兵客户端程序中 - 第一个程序,当我保留要创建的 redis 哨兵对象并且设置 KEY 工作正常时。但是当你观察第二个程序时,client.on('connect', runSample(client));我正在传递客户端对象(redis 哨兵客户端),它的连接参数运行样本。为此,我收到以下错误..



 RedisSentinelClient.prototype.send_command  undefined
  return client.send_command.apply(client, arguments);
  TypeError: Cannot read property 'send_command' of undefined
at RedisSentinelClient.send_command (/node_modules/redis-sentinel-client/index.js:293:16)
at RedisSentinelClient.(anonymous function).RedisSentinelClient.(anonymous function) (/node_modules/redis-sentinel-client/index.js:307:23)
at runSample (/msg/lb4.expire.onefile.2m.notworking.js:25:13)
at init (/msg/lb4.expire.onefile.2m.notworking.js:16:26)
at Object.<anonymous> (/msg/lb4.expire.onefile.2m.notworking.js:75:1)
at Module._compile (module.js:460:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:478:10)
at Module.load (module.js:355:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:310:12)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:501:10)
RajRajen:pubsub.local rajrajen$


'use strict';
 var client = getRedisSentinelObject();
 client.on('error', function(err) {
   console.log('Error ' + err);
client.on('connect', runSample);
function runSample() {
   var allStrings = '{abc:123}';

   client.get(allStrings, function(err, reply) {
      if (reply) {
        console.log('Key is ' + reply.toString());
        client.ttl(allStrings, writeTTL);
    } else {
        console.log('string key expired or not set before!');
        // Set a value
        client.set(allStrings, allStrings);
        // Expire in 3 seconds
        client.expire(allStrings, 3);
 function getRedisSentinelObject() {
   var redisSentinelHost = process.env.REDIS_SENTINEL_SERVICE_HOST;
   var redisSentinelPort = process.env.REDIS_SENTINEL_SERVICE_PORT;
   var options = {
      'master_debug': false

    var redisSentinelMasterDebug = process.env.REDIS_SENTINEL_MASTER_DEBUG;

if (typeof redisSentinelMasterDebug !== "undefined") {
    if (redisSentinelMasterDebug === "true") {
        options.master_debug = true;
console.log('redisSentinelHost ', redisSentinelHost, 'redisSentinelPort ', redisSentinelPort);
var RedisSentinel = require('redis-sentinel-client');
var sentinelClient = RedisSentinel.createClient(redisSentinelPort, redisSentinelHost, options);
console.log('sentinelClient ', sentinelClient);
return sentinelClient;
function writeTTL(err, data) {
    console.log('I live for this long yet: ', data);


 'use strict';
  function init() {
var client = getRedisSentinelObject();

client.on('error', function(err) {
    console.log('Error ' + err);
client.on('connect', runSample(client));
function runSample(client1) {

var allStrings = '{abc:123}';

client1.get(allStrings, function(err, reply) {
    if (reply) {
        console.log('Key is ' , reply.toString());
        client1.ttl(allStrings, writeTTL);
    } else {
        console.log('string key expired or not set before!');
        // Set a value
        client1.set(allStrings, allStrings);
        // Expire in 3 seconds
        client1.expire(allStrings, 2);
   // client1.quit();

 function getRedisSentinelObject() {
var redisSentinelHost = process.env.REDIS_SENTINEL_SERVICE_HOST;
var redisSentinelPort = process.env.REDIS_SENTINEL_SERVICE_PORT;
var options = {
    'master_debug': false

var redisSentinelMasterDebug = process.env.REDIS_SENTINEL_MASTER_DEBUG;
if (typeof redisSentinelMasterDebug !== "undefined") {
    if (redisSentinelMasterDebug === "true") {
        options.master_debug = true;
console.log('redisSentinelHost ', redisSentinelHost, 'redisSentinelPort ', redisSentinelPort);
var RedisSentinel = require('redis-sentinel-client');
var sentinelClient = RedisSentinel.createClient(redisSentinelPort, redisSentinelHost, options);
console.log('sentinelClient ', sentinelClient);
return sentinelClient;
function writeTTL(err, data) {
console.log('I live for this long yet: ', data);



在示例 1 中,您有以下行:

client.on('connect', runSample);


在示例 2 中,同一行如下所示:

client.on('connect', runSample(client));

在此行中,将立即执行runSample方法。然后,此函数调用的结果(在本例中为 undefined)传递给 client.on 。因此,如果我们在这里手动进行一些评估,javascript 可以归结为:

client.on('connect', undefined);

这失败了,因为你告诉 redis,"当你连接时,什么都没有"。



client.on('connect', function () {



function buildRunner (client) {
   return function runTests () {
       var allStrings = '{abc:123}';

       client.get(allStrings, function(err, reply) {
           if (reply) {
               console.log('Key is ' + reply.toString());
               client.ttl(allStrings, writeTTL);
           } else {
               console.log('string key expired or not set before!');
               // Set a value
               client.set(allStrings, allStrings);
               // Expire in 3 seconds
               client.expire(allStrings, 3);


client.on('connect', buildRunner(client));


client.on('connect', function runTests () { ... })
                  // ^ runTests is holding on to an internal copy of `client` because
                  //   `client` existed back when we built runTests
                  //   up in `buildRunner`