如何在较小尺寸的屏幕中间以单独的 html 形式获取 php 文件的输出

How to get output of a php file in separate html form at the middle of screen of lesser size

本文关键字:html 单独 获取 输出 文件 php 中间 屏幕      更新时间:2023-09-26


   <script type="text/javascript">
  //This function auto-fills fields the form 'qform' and auto submits.
  function datcal(subnm, chpno, qsnno) 
  document.qform.subnm1.value = subnm;
  document.qform.chpno1.value = chpno;
  document.qform.qnumber1.value = qsnno;
  //calling the function with some data

    <!-- This is the other part of form here.....-->

     <!-- I want to get the out put of below form at center of screen separately -->
    <form id = "qform" name="qform" action="getques.php" style="visibility:hidden"     
      method="post" target="_blank">
   <input type="text" name="subnm1" ><br>
   <input type="text" name="chpno1" ><br>
   <input type="text" name="qnumber1" ><br>
   <input type="submit">




<script language ="javascript"> 
    function submitForm(){
        var url = "http://www.newpage.php?subnm1="+value1+"chpno1="+value2 //and like this
        window.open (url, "acb", "status=no, width=960, height=700")

<a href="#" onclick="submitForm()">Submit</a>