在使用 Lo-Dash 3.0 转换值时分组的任何好方法

Any nice way to groupBy while transforming values with Lo-Dash 3.0?

本文关键字:方法 任何好 转换 Lo-Dash      更新时间:2023-09-26


var data = [
    {key: 'a', val: '1'}, 
    {key: 'a', val: '2'}, 
    {key: 'b', val: '3'}, 
    {key: 'c', val: '4'}, 
    {key: 'c', val: '5'}, 
    {key: 'c', val: '6'}


var desiredResults = {
    'a': [1, 2], 
    'b': [3], 
    'c': [4, 5, 6]

到目前为止,我已经找到了两种方法来实现这一点 lodash-fp ,但我仍然想知道是否有更好的方法。


var out = _(data)
    .transform(function(out, item) {
        out[item.key] = out[item.key] || [];
    }, {});


var out = _(data)
// Yes, I know that _.property is implied if I just pass a string

但是,这比我想要的更混乱:我必须迭代中间结果以转换分组值,我认为它掩盖了代码试图实现的目标。 不过,我不能先变身,因为我想要的变身会删除键!

有没有像groupByTransforming(groupIteratee, transformIteratee)方法这样的东西?

我对 LoDash 一无所知(抱歉),但我有一个简单的函数,可以做你想做的事,只使用香草 JS:

 * Maps an array of objects into a single object,
 * grouped by one property and supplying another.
 * @param  {Array}  input     The array of objects containg data
 * @param  {String} groupBy   The name of the property to group the elements by
 * @param  {String} groupProp The property to push into each array
 * @return {Object}           The mapped object.
function mapToObject(input, groupBy, groupProp) {
    var obj = {};
    // Loop through the data
    input.forEach(function (data) {
        // If the output object doesn't contain the key,
        // make it as an empty array
        if (!obj[data[groupBy]]) {
            obj[data[groupBy]] = [];
        // Push the value into the obj[groupBy] array
    return obj;


mapToObject(data, 'key', 'val'),所以它会返回一个按'key'分组的数据对象,值为'val'。有关示例,请参阅下面的代码段:

var data = [
    {key: 'a', val: '1'}, 
    {key: 'a', val: '2'}, 
    {key: 'b', val: '3'}, 
    {key: 'c', val: '4'}, 
    {key: 'c', val: '5'}, 
    {key: 'c', val: '6'}
 * Maps an array of objects into a single object,
 * grouped by one property and supplying another.
 * @param  {Array}  input     The array of objects containg data
 * @param  {String} groupBy   The name of the property to group the elements by
 * @param  {String} groupProp The property to push into each array
 * @return {Object}           The mapped object.
function mapToObject(input, groupBy, groupProp) {
	var obj = {};
	// Loop through the data
	input.forEach(function (data) {
		// If the output object doesn't contain the key,
		// make it as an empty array
		if (!obj[data[groupBy]]) {
			obj[data[groupBy]] = [];
		// Push the value into the obj[groupBy] array
	return obj;
// Just to show example output:
document.write(JSON.stringify(mapToObject(data, 'key', 'val')));