
How to call on an objects property value outside of the object maker

本文关键字:对象 外部调用 属性      更新时间:2023-09-26


var playerGold = 0;
var playerExp = 0;
var playerLvl = 1;
var expNeeded = 10;
var playerHP = 10;
var playerATK = 1;
var playerDEF = 1;
var playerSPD = 1;

function Monster(name, exp, gold, hp, atk, def, spd) {
    this.name = name;
    this.exp = exp;
  this.gold = gold;
  this.hp = hp;
  this.atk = atk;
  this.def = def;
  this.spd = spd;
  // Method definition
  this.implement = function() {
    var monsterList = document.getElementById('monsterList');
    var opt = document.createElement('OPTION'); // Creating option
    opt.innerText = this.name; // Setting innertText attribute
    monsterList.appendChild(opt); // appending option to select element
  var playerDam = function () {
    var playerDamage = Math.round(playerATK - this.def);
  // Method execution
var fly = new Monster("fly", 1, 1, 5, 1, 0, 1);
var mouse = new Monster("mouse", 2, 3, 10, 2, 0, 2);
var rat = new Monster("rat", 4, 5, 20, 4, 2, 2);
var rabidChihuahua = new Monster("rabid chihuahua", 6, 8, 35, 6, 1, 4);
var bulldog = new Monster("bulldog", 10, 14, 60, 10, 4, 1);
$('#battleButton').click(function() {  
  $('#dam').html("You have hit the " + $('#monsterList').val() + " for " + playerDamage + " damage");

- 在Monster类中保存对this的引用(例如self
- 在option元素的 data 属性中保存对每个Monster对象的引用。

function Monster(name, exp, gold, hp, atk, def, spd) {
  var self = this;
  /* ...*/
  this.implement = function() {
    /* ... */
    // we save the Monster object (self) in the 
    // <option></option> data attribute 'monster'
    $(opt).data('monster', self)
  // and your playerDam function becomes:
  this.playerDam = function () {
    self.playerDamage = Math.round(playerATK - this.def);
    return self.playerDamage;

当用户单击该按钮时,您将检索当前选定的值,并获取 data 属性:

monsterEl = $('#monsterList option:selected');
// we retrieve the monster selected from the <option></option> data attribute
monster = monsterEl.data('monster')
  .html("You have hit the " + $('#monsterList').val() + " for " + monster.playerDam() + " damage");




var opt = document.createElement('OPTION'); // Creating option
opt.innerText = this.name;




当你创建一个像var fly = new Monster("fly", 1, 1, 5, 1, 0, 1)这样的新怪物时,这将创建一个<option data-monster="you monster object"></option>元素(数据怪物不会显示在源代码中,但相信我,它就在那里),包含Monster对象及其所有属性(名称,hp,exp...)。

当您单击该按钮时,jQuery 将获得所选选项并使用键monster检索数据:

// get the selected option via CSS selector
monsterEl = $('#monsterList option:selected')
// get the associated Monster via the .data('monster') method
monster = monsterEl.data('monster')
// now you can invoke method on the monster variable
console.log(monster.name ) // 'fly'
console.log(monster.hp ) // 5


var self = this
this.playerDamage = 0;
this.playerDam = function () {
    self.playerDamage = Math.round(playerATK - self.def);
    return self.playerDamage;

您正在将playerDam函数分配给怪物函数作用域 ( this )。
要访问函数内的 Monster 作用域,您必须使用一个技巧并使用一个变量(此处self,但可以是任何变量名称)来预先存储 Monster 作用域。然后,您可以从playerDam函数内部访问它。


Monster.prototype.playerDam = function() {
    // 'this' is the now the Monster class scope
    this.playerDamage = Math.round(playerATK - this.def);
    return this.playerDamage;


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