
Get all links except with specified class name with regex

本文关键字:链接 正则表达式 获取      更新时间:2023-09-26

我想使用 REGEX 从 HTML 文档中获取所有链接,除了具有指定类名的链接。


<a href="someSite" class="className">qwe</a> <a href="someSite">qwe</a>

结果,我只想从不包含等于"类名"的类的链接中使用 href="someSite"





如果你愿意使用 jQuery,你可以在不使用正则表达式的情况下做到这一点:

 var list = $("a", document).filter(function () {
                return $(this).hasClass("className") == false;

假设你在某个变量中有 HTML,你可以使用 http://code.google.com/p/phpquery/wiki/Selectors (phpquery - 一个 php jQuery-esq 的东西)。

其他答案是明智的。但是,如果出于任何原因您坚持使用 REGEX 方法。试试这个。


我还将匹配与过滤中的那些具有错误类的匹配分开,因为 REGEX 对于后者并不理想(因为类属性可能出现在链接的开始标记中的任何点)。

$str = "<a href='bad_href' class='badClass'>bad link</a> <a href='good_href'>good link</a>";
preg_match_all('/<a.+(href ?= ?("|'')[^'2]*'2).*>.*<'/a>/U', $str, $matches);
foreach($matches[0] as $key => $match)
    if (preg_match('/class=(''|")[^'1]*badClass[^'1]*'1/', $match))
$matches = $matches[1]; //array containing "href='good_href'"
var aList= document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i in aList) {
   if (aList.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
     if (aList[i].className.indexOf(YourClassName) != -1) continue;
    //... Your code


正如其他人将或已经指出的那样,使用正则表达式来解析非常规语言充满了危险!最好使用专门为作业设计的专用解析器,尤其是在解析 HTML 标签汤时。


如果您坚持使用正则表达式,这里有一个经过测试的 PHP 脚本,实现了正则表达式解决方案,它做得"相当不错":

<?php // test.php Rev:20120626_2100
function strip_html_anchor_tags_not_having_class($text) {
    $re_html_anchor_not_having_class ='% # Rev:20120626_1300
    # Match an HTML 4.01 A element NOT having a specific class.
    <a'b                   # Anchor element start tag open delimiter
    (?:                    # Zero or more attributes before CLASS.
      's+                  # Attributes are separated by whitespace.
      (?!class'b)          # Only non-CLASS attributes here.
      [A-Za-z]['w'-:.]*    # Attribute name is required.
      (?:                  # Attribute value is optional.
        's*='s*            # Name and value separated by =
        (?:                # Group for value alternatives.
          "[^"]*"          # Either a double-quoted string,
        | ''[^'']*''       # or a single-quoted string,
        | ['w'-:.]+        # or a non-quoted string.
        )                  # End group of value alternatives.
      )?                   # Attribute value is optional.
    )*                     # Zero or more attributes before CLASS.
    (?:                    # Optional CLASS (but only if NOT MyClass).
      's+                  # CLASS attribute is separated by whitespace.
      class                # (case insensitive) CLASS attribute name.
      's*='s*              # Name and value separated by =
      (?:                  # Group allowable CLASS value alternatives.
        (?-i)              # Use case-sensitive match for CLASS value.
        "                  # Either a double-quoted value...
        (?:                # Single-char-step through CLASS value.
          (?!              # Assert each position is NOT MyClass.
            (?<=["'s])     # Preceded by opening quote or space.
            MyClass        # (case sensitive) CLASS value to NOT be matched.
            (?=["'s])      # Followed by closing quote or space.
          )                # End assert each position is NOT MyClass.
          [^"]             # Safe to match next CLASS value char.
        )*                 # Single-char-step through CLASS value.
        "                  # Ok. DQ value does not contain MyClass.
      | ''                 # Or a single-quoted value...
        (?:                # Single-char-step through CLASS value.
          (?!              # Assert each position is NOT MyClass.
            (?<=['''s])    # Preceded by opening quote or space.
            MyClass        # (case sensitive) CLASS value to NOT be matched.
            (?=['''s])     # Followed by closing quote or space.
          )                # End assert each position is NOT MyClass.
          [^'']            # Safe to match next CLASS value char.
        )*                 # Single-char-step through CLASS value.
        ''                 # Ok. SQ value does not contain MyClass.
      |                    # Or a non-quoted, non-MyClass value...
        (?!                # Assert this value is NOT MyClass.
          MyClass          # (case sensitive) CLASS value to NOT be matched.
        )                  # Ok. NQ value is not MyClass.
        ['w'-:.]+          # Safe to match non-quoted CLASS value.
      )                    # End group of allowable CLASS values.
      (?:                  # Zero or more attribs allowed after CLASS.
        's+                # Attributes are separated by whitespace.
        [A-Za-z]['w'-:.]*  # Attribute name is required.
        (?:                # Attribute value is optional.
          's*='s*          # Name and value separated by =
          (?:              # Group for value alternatives.
            "[^"]*"        # Either a double-quoted string,
          | ''[^'']*''     # or a single-quoted string,
          | ['w'-:.]+      # or a non-quoted string.
          )                # End group of value alternatives.
        )?                 # Attribute value is optional.
      )*                   # Zero or more attributes after CLASS.
    )?                     # Optional CLASS (but only if NOT MyClass).
    's*                    # Optional whitespace before closing >
    >                      # Anchor element start tag close delimiter
    (                      # $1: Anchor element contents.
      [^<]*                # {normal*} Zero or more non-<
      (?:                  # Begin {(special normal*)*} construct
        <                  # {special} Allow a < but only if
        (?!/?a'b)          # not the start of the </a> close tag.
        [^<]*              # more {normal*} Zero or more non-<
      )*                   # Finish {(special normal*)*} construct
    )                      # End $1: Anchor element contents.
    </a's*>                # A element close tag.
    // Remove all matching start and end tags but keep the element contents.
    return preg_replace($re_html_anchor_not_having_class, '$1', $text);
$input = file_get_contents('testdata.html');
$output = strip_html_anchor_tags_not_having_class($input);
file_put_contents('testdata_out.html', $output);

function strip_html_anchor_tags_not_having_class($text)

此函数去除所有 HTML 4.01 锚元素的开始和匹配结束标记(即 <A> 标记),这些标记没有包含以下内容的特定(区分大小写)CLASS属性值:MyClassCLASS值可以包含任意数量的值,但其中一个必须恰好是:MyClass 。锚标记名称和 CLASS 属性名称匹配不区分大小写。

示例输入 ( testdata.html ):

<h2>Paragraph contains links to be preserved (CLASS has "MyClass"):</h2>
Single DQ matching CLASS: <a href="URL" class="MyClass">Test 01</a>.
Single SQ matching CLASS: <a href="URL" class='MyClass'>Test 02</a>.
Single NQ matching CLASS: <a href="URL" class=MyClass>Test 03</a>.
Variable whitespace: <a href = "URL" class = MyClass >Test 04</a>.
Variable capitalization: <A HREF = "URL" CLASS = "MyClass" >Test 04</A>.
Reversed attribute order: <a class="MyClass" href="URL">Test 05</a>
Class before MyClass: <a href="URL" class="Pre MyClass">Test 06</a>.
Class after MyClass: <a href="URL" class="MyClass Post">Test 07</a>.
Sandwiched MyClass: <a href="URL" class="Pre MyClass Post">Test 08</a>.
Link with HTML content: <a class="MyClass" href="URL"><b>Test</b> 09</a>.
<h2>Paragraph contains links to be stripped (NO CLASS with "MyClass"):</h2>
Case does not match: <a href="URL" class="myclass">TEST 10</a>.
CLASS not whole word: <a href="URL" class="NotMyClass">TEST 11</a>.
No class attribute: <a href="URL">TEST 12</a>.
Link with HTML content: <a class="NotMyClass" href="URL"><b>Test</b> 13</a>.

示例输出 ( testdata_out.html ):

<h2>Paragraph contains links to be preserved (CLASS has "MyClass"):</h2>
Single DQ matching CLASS: <a href="URL" class="MyClass">Test 01</a>.
Single SQ matching CLASS: <a href="URL" class='MyClass'>Test 02</a>.
Single NQ matching CLASS: <a href="URL" class=MyClass>Test 03</a>.
Variable whitespace: <a href = "URL" class = MyClass >Test 04</a>.
Variable capitalization: <A HREF = "URL" CLASS = "MyClass" >Test 04</A>.
Reversed attribute order: <a class="MyClass" href="URL">Test 05</a>
Class before MyClass: <a href="URL" class="Pre MyClass">Test 06</a>.
Class after MyClass: <a href="URL" class="MyClass Post">Test 07</a>.
Sandwiched MyClass: <a href="URL" class="Pre MyClass Post">Test 08</a>.
Link with HTML content: <a class="MyClass" href="URL"><b>Test</b> 09</a>.
<h2>Paragraph contains links to be stripped (NO CLASS with "MyClass"):</h2>
Case does not match: TEST 10.
CLASS not whole word: TEST 11.
No class attribute: TEST 12.
Link with HTML content: <b>Test</b> 13.


请注意,总会有此解决方案失败的边缘情况。 例如,CDATA 部分中的恶意字符串、注释、脚本、样式和标签属性值可能会使这种情况绊倒。(请参阅上面的免责声明。也就是说,这个解决方案在许多情况下会做得很好(但永远不会 100% 可靠!