我的 JavaScript 代码不是线性运行的

My JavaScript code is not being run linearly?

本文关键字:线性 运行 JavaScript 代码 我的      更新时间:2023-09-26


var books = [];
function getBookmarks(){
        search_for_title(bookmarks, "Music", null, books); //Collect all bookmarks in the "Music" folder and put them into the books array
    for(var i = 0; i < books.length; i++){ //Once all bookmarks are added to the books array, loop through all of them
        console.log("ITEM: " + books[i]);
    console.log("books: " + books.length); //Print out the length of the books array
function search_for_title(bookmarks, title, parent){
    if(parent == null){ //First find the parent folder
        for(var i = 0; i < bookmarks.length; i++){ //Loop through all bookmarks
            if(bookmarks[i].title == title){ //If the bookmark title matches the title of the folder we're looking for ("Music"), proceed                    
                search_for_title(bookmarks[i].children, null, bookmarks[i].id); //Loop through all the bookmarks in the folder that we found
                console.log("books length: " + books.length);
            } else{
                if(bookmarks[i].children){ //If the bookmark is a folder, it has children                        
                    search_for_title(bookmarks[i].children, title, parent);
    } else if(title == null){ //Parent folder is found, now just traverse the bookmarks within
        for(var i = 0; i < bookmarks.length; i++){
            console.log("books[" + i + "] = " + bookmarks[i].title + " , books length: " + books.length);
            books[i] = bookmarks[i].title; //Assign all the bookmarks into the books array
console.log("FINAL BOOKS: " + books.length);

需要注意的几件事:var books = [] 在全局范围内声明和初始化,函数search_for_title递归,并且在此代码片段的末尾调用 getBookmarks() 以启动代码。


  1. 书签!

  2. -
  3. 打印出"音乐"文件夹中的所有书签,然后返回getBookmarks功能-

  4. 项目:。。。

  5. 项目:。。。

  6. 项目:。。。

  7. 书籍
  8. :625 **(书籍的长度)**

  9. 最终书籍: 625


  1. 书签!这很好

  2. 书籍: 0 为什么在开头是这样?此值应为 625

  3. 最终书籍: 0 为什么程序中的最后一行代码几乎在开头?此值应为 625

  4. -
  5. 找到的所有书签 - 这很好

  6. 书籍长度:0 这应该靠近程序的开头,如第二行正确的值为 0

我显然是在 search_for_title 方法中直接访问全局"books"数组,但由于某种原因,它总是告诉我数组的长度为 0。此外,由于某种原因,我的代码似乎没有任何线性路径,它只是到处跳跃。此外,当程序打印出每个单独的书签时,它会打印出书籍数组的正确长度(即书籍[599] = Nero - Promise - YouTube,书籍长度:600),但是为什么当它返回getBookmarks函数时,它总是说长度为0?

JavaScript 是线性运行的,但是chrome.bookmarks.getTree方法是异步调用。这意味着 #getTree 方法之后的代码不会等到方法完成。

在JavaScript中,函数是第一类对象。回调函数被传递到 #getTree 方法中,该方法在执行自己的逻辑后执行参数函数。


function getBookmarks(){
    search_for_title(bookmarks, "Music", null, books); //Collect all bookmarks in the "Music" folder and put them into the books array
    for(var i = 0; i < books.length; i++){ //Once all bookmarks are added to the books array, loop through all of them
      console.log("ITEM: " + books[i]);
    console.log("books: " + books.length); //Print out the length of the books array