AngularJs SPA logout

AngularJs SPA logout

本文关键字:logout SPA AngularJs      更新时间:2023-09-26

我在这里发布了更复杂的问题 AngularJs 注销操作 .但我还有另一个方面要看,我认为应该分开提问。

我有身份验证的Angualr SPA。使用持有者 JWT 令牌实现的身份验证。我用ng-route来表达不同的观点。让我们想象一下,一个视图(使用/protected路由、protecetedControllerprotectedDataService)包含受保护的资源,另一个视图(使用/unprotected路由、unprotecetedControllerunprotectedDataService)包含未受保护的资源。控制器示例代码:

(function () {
    'use strict';
        .controller('protectedController', ['$location','protectedDataService', function ($location, protectedDataService) {
            var vm = this;
            vm.title = 'protectedController';
            protectedDataService.getData().then(function (res) {
                vm.values =;
            }, function (err) {


(function () {
    'use strict';
        .controller('unprotectedController', ['$location','unprotectedDataService', function ($location, unprotectedDataService) {
            var vm = this;
            vm.title = 'unprotectedController';
            unprotectedDataService.getData().then(function (res) {
                vm.values =;
            }, function (err) {



$routeChangeStart 事件来捕获路由的更改,并使用帮助程序函数来决定是否重定向到登录页面。


  .run(function (/* inject dependencies */) {
    // other code
    // Define a list of routes that follow a specific rule. This example
    // can be extended to provide access based on user permissions by
    // defining other variables that will list routes that require the
    // user to have specific permissions to access those routes.
    var routesThatDoNotRequireAuthentication = ['/unprotected'];
    // Check if current location is contained in the list of given routes.
    // Note: the check here can be made using different criteria. For
    // this example I check whether the route contains one of the
    // available routes, but you can check for starting position, or other criteria.
    function rootIsPresent ( route, availableRoutes ) {
      var routeFound = false;
      for ( var i = 0, l = availableRoutes.length; i < l; i++ ) {
        routeFound = routeFound || route.indexOf(availableRoutes[i]) > -1;
      return routeFound;
    // And now, when the $routeChangeStart event is fired, check whether
    // its safe to let the user change the route.
    $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function () {
      // Get the authentication status of a user
      var isAuthenticated = authenticationService.isAuthenticated();
      var newRoute = $location.url();
      // If the route requires authentication and the user is not 
      // authenticated, then redirect to login page.
      if ( !rootIsPresent(newRoute, routesThatDoNotRequireAuthentication) && !isAuthenticated ) {


似乎我误解了这个问题,并认为您的所有路由都以 /protected/unprotected 为前缀(如果您考虑一下,在大多数情况下,这样做真的不是那么明智)。

在这种情况下,您可以在定义 $routeProvider 中的路由时设置一个附加属性:

  .when('/awesomePath', {
    templateUrl: 'awesome-template.html',
    controller: 'AwesomeController',
    controllerAs: 'vm',
    requireAuth: true  // add the property that defines a route as protected or unprotected


$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function () {
      // Get the authentication status of a user
      var isAuthenticated = authenticationService.isAuthenticated();
      var newRoute = $location.url();
      // In a controller, $route object has a 'current' property that
      // holds route defined route properties, but here the 'current'
      // property is null, so we need to get the $route object we 
      // need by using the $location.url()
      if ( $route.routes[$location.url()].requireAuth && !isAuthenticated ) {
