当网格视图设置为 true 时,Jqgrid 在 IE9 中显示“正在加载”

Jqgrid shows 'Loading' in IE9 when gridview is set to true

本文关键字:显示 IE9 正在加载 加载 Jqgrid 设置 视图 网格 true      更新时间:2023-09-26

我的网格在Firefox和chrome中工作正常,但是当gridview设置为true时,它在IE9中显示"正在加载"图标。这是使用 jqgrid 4.7.0

var setGrid = $("#recordSetsGrid");
var gridView=false; //setting this to true in IE9 causes grid not to show with only message 'Loading'.
            ajaxGridOptions: {cache: false},
            url : getUrlContext()+loadUrl,
            postData : {
                searchText : function() {
                    return $("#" + setSearchTextId)
            datatype : "json",
            editurl : setGrid_editUrl,
            colNames : ["","Record Set", "Origin",
                    "Origin", "Organization",
                    "Sharing", "Active?",
                    "Comments" ],
            editCaption : "Edit Record Set",
            colModel : [
                        name : "crud",
                        width : 10,
                        fixed : true,
                        editable : false,
                        search : false
                        name : "recordSet",
                        width : 65,
                        fixed : true,
                        editable : false,
                        search : false
                        name : "origin",
                        width : 90,
                        editable : true,
                        hidden : true,
                        editrules : {
                            required : false,
                            edithidden : true
                        search : true,
                        editoptions : {
                            size : "30"
                        name : "domainName",
                        width : 90,
                        editable : false,
                        search : true,
                        searchoptions : {
                            caption : "Search in record sets",
                            sopt : [ 'cn' ]
                        formatter : originFormatter,
                        editrules : {
                            required : true,
                            edithidden : false
                        name : "org",
                        width : 80,
                        align : "left",
                        editable : true,
                        search : false,
                        formatter : orgFormatter,
                        editoptions : {
                            value : orgChoices
                        edittype : "select",
                        name : "sharing",
                        width : 65,
                        fixed : true,
                        align : "left",
                        editable : true,
                        search : false,
                        editoptions : {
                            value : sharingChoices
                        edittype : "select",
                        name : "active",
                        width : 45,
                        fixed : true,
                        align : "center",
                        editable : true,
                        search : false,
                        edittype : "checkbox",
                        editoptions:{value:"Yes:No", defaultValue: "Yes"}       
                        name : "comments",
                        width : 80,
                        align : "left",
                        editable : true,
                        search : false,
                        editoptions : {
                            size : "60"
                    } ],
            pager : "#recordSetsGridPager",
            gridview: gridView,
            rowNum : getRecordSetInitialPageSize(),
            rowList : getRecordSetPageSizes(),
            sortname : "origin",
            sortorder : "desc",
            viewrecords : true,
            autoencode : true,
            rownumbers: true,
            height : 100,
            width : 700,
            multiselect : false,
            caption : "Record Sets",
            onSelectRow : function(ids) 
                var rowData = setGrid.jqGrid("getRowData",ids);
                var origin=rowData["domainName"];
                var caption="Resource Records: "+ origin;
                if (ids == null) {
                    ids = 0;
                    if (jQuery("#recordsGrid").jqGrid('getGridParam','records') > 0) {
                        recGrid.jqGrid('setGridParam',{url:getUrlContext()+"" +
                } else {
            ondblClickRow : function(rowid) {
                var p = setGrid[0].p;
                if (p.selrow !== rowid) {
                        rowid, editProps);
            loadComplete : function() {
                logMessage("In recordSetsGrid load complete");
            loadError : function(jqXHR, textStatus,
                    errorThrown) {
                handleAjaxError(jqXHR, textStatus,
        }).navGrid('#recordSetsGridPager', {
    add : true,
    edit : true,
    del : true,
    search : false
}, editProps, addProps, delProps);

如果我更改 gridView=false,它在 IE9 中运行良好。我将在此网格中拥有大量数据,因此我读到gridView=true在大数据的情况下可以提高性能。任何让gridView在IE9中工作的想法都是值得赞赏的。


@Oleg的修改对我的类似问题很有帮助,但是在尝试这行代码时,我仍然收到 Internet Explorer 9 中此操作的错误无效目标元素(7、8、10 或 11 中没有问题):

self.firstElementChild.innerHTML += rowData.join('');

但是,在设置 jqGrid 属性后...

gridview: false

。我在Internet Explorer 9中不再有错误。据我了解,将网格视图设置为 true 会立即构建表,从而提供更快的性能,而将 gridview 设置为 false 会逐行构建它并且速度有点慢。


innerHTML 属性在 col、colGroup、frameSet、html、head、style、table、tBody、tFoot、tHead、title 和 tr 对象上是只读的。

但是,即使使用 gridview:true,它也以某种方式在所有版本的 IE 中对我有用,除了 IE9。



} else {
    //$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(ts.p.id)+" tbody:first").append(rowData.join(''));
    ts.firstElementChild.innerHTML += rowData.join(''); // append to innerHTML of tbody which contains the first row (.jqgfirstrow)
    ts.grid.cols = ts.rows[0].cells; // update cached first row

我之前在 jqGrid 的分支中修复了这个错误(请参阅当前的行):

} else if (self.firstElementChild) {
    self.firstElementChild.innerHTML += rowData.join(''); // append to innerHTML of tbody which contains the first row (.jqgfirstrow)
    self.grid.cols = self.rows[0].cells; // update cached first row
} else {
    // for IE8 for example
    $tbody.html($tbody.html() + rowData.join('')); // append to innerHTML of tbody which contains the first row (.jqgfirstrow)
    self.grid.cols = self.rows[0].cells; // update cached first row


更新:上面解决问题的代码是从我的新代码中获取的,因此它包含self$tbody在我的代码中定义。如果你想修改jqGrid 4.7的代码,你可以使用

} else if (ts.firstElementChild) {
    ts.firstElementChild.innerHTML += rowData.join('');
    ts.grid.cols = ts.rows[0].cells;
} else {
    // use for IE8 for example
    var $tbody = $(ts.tBodies[0]);
    $tbody.html($tbody.html() + rowData.join(''));
    ts.grid.cols = ts.rows[0].cells;

更新 2:免费 jqGrid 片段的当前代码如下所示

if (p.treeGrid === true && fpos > 0) {
} else if (p.scroll) {
} else if (self.firstElementChild == null || (document.documentMode != undefined && document.documentMode <= 9)) {
    // for IE8 for example
    $tbody.html($tbody.html() + rowData.join("")); // append to innerHTML of tbody which contains the first row (.jqgfirstrow)
    self.grid.cols = self.rows[0].cells; // update cached first row
} else {
    self.firstElementChild.innerHTML += rowData.join(""); // append to innerHTML of tbody which contains the first row (.jqgfirstrow)
    self.grid.cols = self.rows[0].cells; // update cached first row


 try {
        ts.firstElementChild.innerHTML += rowData.join(''); // append to innerHTML of tbody which contains the first row (.jqgfirstrow)
 catch (e) {
        //IE 9 bug-fix for exception "invalid target element for this operation"                    
       $(ts.firstElementChild).html($(ts.firstElementChild).html() + rowData.join(''));



            } else if (ts.firstElementChild) { //Fix applied by Oleg for gridView=true in IE9.
                ts.firstElementChild.innerHTML += rowData.join(''); // append to innerHTML of tbody which contains the first row (.jqgfirstrow)
                ts.grid.cols = ts.rows[0].cells; // update cached first row
            } else {
                // for IE8 for example
                $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(ts.p.id)+" tbody:first").append($("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(ts.p.id)+" tbody:first").html() + rowData.join('')); //Modified
                //$tbody.html($tbody.html() + rowData.join('')); // append to innerHTML of tbody which contains the first row (.jqgfirstrow) //doesn't work.
                ts.grid.cols = ts.rows[0].cells; // update cached first row
