
Underscore, clear all values of an object but keep keys

本文关键字:保留 清除 对象 下划线      更新时间:2023-09-26



<!-- model here for faces, could potentially not be seperate model and read off a length -->
        <div class="inputRepeater" ng-repeat="face in inputFaces" ng-show="face.isCurrent" >
            <div class="trialGrid" ng-init="$faceIndex = $index">
                <table st-table="rowCollection" class="table table-striped">
                        <!-- table headers here - this can change if keys are not table exactly table headers with a bit of logic to change table headers to correct titles -->
                        <th ng-repeat="(key, val) in rowCollection[0]">{{key}}</th>
                    <!-- limit length by current face index + 1 -->
                    <tr ng-repeat="row in rowCollection | limitTo: $faceIndex + 1" ng-class=" { 'curentRowTab2' : $index == $faceIndex }">
                        <td ng-repeat="item in row">{{item}}</td>
            <div class="stateTab2Progress"><div class="tab2ShiftLeft" ng-click="faceLeft($index)" ng-show="!$first"><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i></div><div class="progessTitle">Title</div><div class="progessCurrent">Current Progression {{$index + 1}}/{{inputFaces.length}}</div><div class="tab2ShiftRight" ng-show="!$last" ng-click="faceRight($index)"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></div><div class="tab2ShiftRight" ng-show="$last" ng-click="faceRightLast($index)"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></div></div>
            <div class="state2Buttons">Buttons Also Built dynamically</div>
            <button class="tab2Finish" ng-click="startTab3()">Finish</button>


$scope.faceRightLast = function(index){
    //copy current row and empty so we keep a polymorphic format, then add it onto current object, thus adding new empty object
    var storeRow = $scope.inputFaces[index];
    //push new face on face tracking array
    $scope.inputFaces.push({'isCurrent' : false });
    storeRow - clear values out?
    //after we have a fresh row change the is current
    $scope.inputFaces[index].isCurrent = false;
    $scope.inputFaces[index + 1].isCurrent = true;




var newObject = angular.copy(oldObject);
for(var key in newObject){
        newObject[key] = null;
var newObject = _.object(_.keys(oldObject));
// Object {a: undefined, b: undefined, c: undefined}