
Fill Dropdown Based on Another's Selection with a Variable/Function

本文关键字:一个人的 选择 填充 下拉列表 变量 函数      更新时间:2023-09-26


$conn = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'Rosters') 
or die ('Cannot connect to db');
$result = $conn->query("SELECT City, Name FROM Teams");
echo "<select name='Teams'>";
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
              unset($city, $team);
              $city = $row['City'];
              $name = $row['Name'];
              $fullname = $city." ".$name;
              echo '<option value="'.$fullname.'">'.$fullname.'</option>';
echo "</select>";

$conn = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'Rosters') 
or die ('Cannot connect to db');
$team = "Chicago Blackhawks";
$result = $conn->query("SELECT Number, First, Last FROM `$team`");
echo "<select name='Players'>";
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
              unset($number, $first, $last);
              $number = $row['Number'];
              $first = $row['First'];
              $last = $row['Last'];
              $fullname = $first." ".$last;
              echo '<option value="'.$fullname.'">'.$number." - ".$fullname.'</option>';
echo "</select>";

第一个是NHL的球队名单。第二个是该团队的球员名单。我正在尝试使第二个在更改第一个时更新(基于"选项"的"值")。为此,需要更新第二个代码片段中的 $team 变量。由于PHP是服务器端的,无法动态更新,我该怎么做?即使使用 AJAX,答案似乎也不明显。我是否完全使用了有缺陷的方法?

您必须在更改第一个下拉列表时使用 ajax,并从 ajax 调用 php 文件并将数据从 php 文件返回到 ajax 并将其显示在第二个下拉列表中。


最后,编写一个 javascript 函数来解析服务器端响应并更新网页。



    <title>PHP/Ajax update 2nd drop down box base on 1st drop down box value</title>
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
    <script language=javascript>
      function updateData(v)
        var value=v.options[v.selectedIndex].value;
        $("#number").empty(); //empty "digit" drop down box
        if (value!="") //Ensure no empty value is submitted to server side
      function updateNumber(data)
        var numberData=jQuery.trim(data).split("'n");//split server side response by "'n"
        var number=document.getElementById("number");
        for (i=0;i<numberData.length;i++)
          value=numberData[i].split("-")[0];//get value from server response 
          text=numberData[i].split("-")[1]; //get text from server response 
          option=new Option(text,value);    //for better IE compatibility
    <h1>PHP/Ajax update 2nd drop down box base on 1st drop down box value Demo</h1>
    No number type
    <select id=type name="type" onchange="updateData(this)">
      <option value="">Please select</option>
      <option value="1">Odd No.</option>
      <option value="0">Even No.</option>
    <select id="number" name="number">

php 文件(文件名:getResult.php)

    if ($type=="1")
        echo "1-one'n";//Ends-with 'n for client side getting data from server side response
        echo "3-three'n";//Ends-with 'n for client side getting data from server side response
        echo "5-five'n";//Ends-with 'n for client side getting data from server side response
        echo "7-seven'n";//Ends-with 'n for client side getting data from server side response
        if ($type=="0")
        {   echo "2-two'n";//Ends-with 'n for client side getting data from server side response
            echo "4-four'n";//Ends-with 'n for client side getting data from server side response
            echo "6-six'n";//Ends-with 'n for client side getting data from server side response
            echo "8-eight'n";//Ends-with 'n for client side getting data from server side response