使用 php 从网络服务器读取时返回空的 JSON 文件

JSON file returning null when read from webserver using php.

本文关键字:返回 JSON 文件 读取 php 网络 网络服务 服务器 使用      更新时间:2023-09-26

我有一个 .json 文件上传到我的 Web 服务器上,具有有效的语法 http://www.isoivit.in/Details.json。

我想使用 php 编辑它。我的php代码如下:

   $jsonString = file_get_contents('http:/www.isoivit.in/json/Details.json');
preg_replace("/'s+/", " ", $jsonString);
		"total_events": "3", 
                	"id": "1",
                	"name": "JUST F.A.S.T",
			"short_des":"JUST F.A.S.T(Finding an Answer is So Tricky) It is 
an interesting and enthusiastic game. You must be so fast in finding the tricky 
			"med_des":" It is an interesting and enthusiastic game.'r'nYou 
must be so fast in finding the tricky answers. It has four rounds. In the first 2 rounds 
the questionnaire would be funny and enjoyable which includes few audio and video clips 
also.'r'nThere will be a rapid fire round based on themes of Riviera and also 
interesting tasks to be done in the final round. Exciting rewards will be given after 
the clearance of 2nd and 3rd rounds.So gear up people, to experience the boundless fun.
			"full_des":"1) It has 4 rounds.'r'n2) In first round 5 questions 
will be asked and there will be a time limit. The questions will not be general 
knowledge or current affairs based. They will be funny riddles and tricky questions.'r
'n3)In second round questions will be mostly based on audios and visuals. Eg: an audio 
of any cartoon character will be played and they have to recognize that cartoon 
character.'r'n4)They can use lifelines in first 2 rounds like skip a question, take 
audience help.'r'n5) The third round will be a rapid fire round. In this round we will 
provide them few topics and they need to choose one of them(those topics will be related 
to the theme of Riviera, like Indian cricket ,etc.).The participant will be asked 
questions on the topic of his choice.'r'n6)The fourth round will be held on the fourth 
day. The participant will be given 3 tasks to perform. They are:'r'n---> They will be 
given riddles in different languages other than English and Hindi. They need to know 
which language it is and solve the riddle. 'r'n--->They need to bring outdated posters 
from the whole VIT. Specific time limit will be given. 'r'n---> They need to get 
autographs or photos of tags of organizers and managers of Riviera.'r'n7)Apart from this 
audience also will have their set of interesting questions. Their answers will be taken 
into consideration and rewards are given to the lucky persons.'r'n",
                	"details":" Prize Money :'r'n'r'n1st- Rs.2000'/- 'r'n2nd- 
Rs.1500'/- 'r'n3rd- Rs.1000'/-'r'nRegistration fee:'r'n'r'nRs.100 per member'r'nEvent 
Coordinators'r'n'r'nN.Sai Mounika 'r'nmouni123.nekkalapudi@gmail.com 'r'n "
                	"id": "2",
                	"name": "Speeling Bee",
			"short_des":"Spelling Bee is a competition in which contestants 
are asked to spell a broad selection of words, usually with a varying degree of 
			"med_des":" Spelling Bee is a competition in which contestants 
are asked to spell a broad selection of words, usually with a varying degree of 
difficulty.'r'nIt has three rounds.'r'nFirst round- 'r'nIn first round, audio of 25 
words is played and participants need to write them on paper.Based on the score top ten 
people are screened. 'r'n'r'nSecond round- 'r'nIn second round, 5 questions are asked to 
each 10 participants. 'r'n'r'nThird round- 'r'nThird or final round is a buzzer round.10 
questions are asked. 'r'nThere are negative marks for wrong answers in this round. 'r
'nBased on scores of 2nd and third round,winner and runner-up are decided.'r'n",
                	"details":" 'r'nPrize Money :'r'n'r'n1st- Rs.2000'/- 'r'n2nd- 
Rs.1500'/- 'r'n3rd- Rs.1000'/-'r'nRegistration fee:'r'n'r'nRs.100 per member'r'nEvent 
Coordinators'r'n'r'nPranay Yenigandla 'r'npranay.pranu111@gmail.com'r'nShreyash Saurabh
'r'n "
                	"id": "3",
                	"name": "Be Crazy",
			"short_des":" Do you wanna do something crazy? !!! Here is our 
event '"Be Crazy'"-Crazyness in peaks.",
			"med_des":" Do you wanna do something crazy? !!! Here is our 
event '"Be Crazy'"-Crazyness in peaks.'r'nDo you think that you are a bit crazy among 
your friends..!!!Here is our event for this RIVEIRA2015.'r'nIn this event you are given 
some crazy tasks to perform with time limit in levels of 1,2 &3.like '"Shot A Celebrete 
-in this event u have to get a selfie with organisers and famous personalities of VIT
			"full_des":" We have 3 rounds in this event.'r'n1st round has 10 
simpler tasks.'r'nExamples:'r'n>>Forming towers with paper cups'r'n>>Lemon spoon race'r
'n>>Walk in grills without touching'r'n>>Run the race with legs tied together'r'n>>Lift 
the rod holding from edge'r'n>>Skipping race'r'n2nd round has 5 tasks.'r'nExamples:'r
'n>>Sac race'r'n>>Hold the wet brick with two fingers'r'n>>Get a photo with organizers 
of RIVEIRA (10)'r'n3rd round has 2-3 tasks like'r'nExamples:'r'n>>catch the paper 
between fingers when it is released'r'nEach task is given its own credits. The time 
taken to complete every task is noted for every team. Teams which are leading in that 
task in terms of time will get credits. At the end of first round depending on the 
credits they will be qualified to the second round. In the similar manner people will be 
selected to the third round also. winners are announced after the third round depending 
on their credits.'r'nWe will select top 20 teams from round 1 that will qualify to round 
2.'r'nWe will select top10 teams from round 2 that will qualify round 3.'r'nWe will 
decide qualifiers for each round on basis of points and time taken to complete a task.
                	"details":" Prize Money :'r'n'r'n1st- Rs.3000'/-'r'n2nd- 
Rs.2000'/-'r'n3rd- Rs.1000'/-'r'nRegistration fee:'r'n'r'nRs 150'/- per team'r'nNo of 
participants per team:'r'n'r'n5(Maximum)'r'nEvent Coordinators'r'n 'r'nK. Jaswanth 
Kumar'r'njaswanthjaan@gmail.com'r'nAnkush Saini'r'nankushsaini88@gmail.com'r'n"
		"total_events": "2", 
                	"id": "1",
                	"name": "Explore Matlab",
			"short_des":" It is a five day free workshop.'r'nMATLAB (matrix 
laboratory) is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment and fourth-generation 
programming language. Developed by MathWorks, MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, 
plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user 
interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages, including C, C++, 
Java, Fortran and Python.'r'nThe workshop aims to develop the vision and skills 
MATLAB.The workshop is one of the huge success with approximately 400 students attending 
the workshop every year .'r'n",
                	"details":"1) Basics of MATLAB.'r'n2) MATLAB Simulink.'r'n3) 
Fundamentals of Signals & Systems using MATLAB.'r'n4) Probability & Random Processes 
using MATLAB.'r'n5) Analysis & Design of Control System using MATLAB.'r'n6) Modelling & 
Simulation of Signal Processing Application.'r'n7) Artificial Neural Network using 
                	"id": "2",
                	"name": "See The C",
			"short_des":" It is a free workshop for all the students to 
develop their programming skills used in the field of Computer Science. C is the most 
widely used programming languages of all time and C compilers are available for the 
majority of available computer architecture and operating systems.'r'nThis workshop is 
to help first years to learn a new language in which most of them find difficulty to 
                	"details":"1) C Language is a general-purpose programming 
language .C has facilities for structured programming and allows lexical variable scope 
and recursion.'r'n2) Its design provides constructs that map efficiently to typical 
machine instructions and therefore it has found lasting use in applications that had 
formerly been coded in assembly language.'r'n3) The C programming language uses 
libraries as its primary method of extension. In C, a library is a set of functions 
contained within a single '"archive'" file. Each library typically has a header file, 
which contains the prototypes of the functions contained within the library that may be 
used by a program, and declarations of special data types and macro symbols used with 
these functions.'r'n4) C has been used successfully for every type of programming 
problem imaginable from operating systems to spreadsheets to expert systems - and 
efficient compilers are available for machines ranging in power from the Apple Macintosh 
to the Cray supercomputers.'r'n5) Tools have been created to help C programmers avoid 
some of the problems inherent in the language, such as statements with undefined 
behavior or statements that are not a good practice because they are likely to result in 
unintended behavior or run-time errors.'r'n6) Despite its low-level capabilities, the 
language was designed to encourage cross-platform programming. A standards-compliant and 
portably written C program can be compiled for a very wide variety of computer platforms 
and operating systems with few changes to its source code'r'n7) With regards to personal 
computers Microsoft C for IBM (or clones) PC''s. and Borlands C are seen to be the two 
most commonly used systems. However, the latest version of Microsoft C is now considered 
to be the most powerful and efficient C compiler for personal computers.'r'n"
		"total_events": "3", 
                	"id": "1",
                	"name": "JUST F.A.S.T",
			"short_des":"JUST F.A.S.T(Finding an Answer is So Tricky) It is 
an interesting and enthusiastic game. You must be so fast in finding the tricky 
			"med_des":" It is an interesting and enthusiastic game.'r'nYou 
must be so fast in finding the tricky answers. It has four rounds. In the first 2 rounds 
the questionnaire would be funny and enjoyable which includes few audio and video clips 
also.'r'nThere will be a rapid fire round based on themes of Riviera and also 
interesting tasks to be done in the final round. Exciting rewards will be given after 
the clearance of 2nd and 3rd rounds.So gear up people, to experience the boundless fun.
			"full_des":"1) It has 4 rounds.'r'n2) In first round 5 questions 
will be asked and there will be a time limit. The questions will not be general 
knowledge or current affairs based. They will be funny riddles and tricky questions.'r
'n3)In second round questions will be mostly based on audios and visuals. Eg: an audio 
of any cartoon character will be played and they have to recognize that cartoon 
character.'r'n4)They can use lifelines in first 2 rounds like skip a question, take 
audience help.'r'n5) The third round will be a rapid fire round. In this round we will 
provide them few topics and they need to choose one of them(those topics will be related 
to the theme of Riviera, like Indian cricket ,etc.).The participant will be asked 
questions on the topic of his choice.'r'n6)The fourth round will be held on the fourth 
day. The participant will be given 3 tasks to perform. They are:'r'n---> They will be 
given riddles in different languages other than English and Hindi. They need to know 
which language it is and solve the riddle. 'r'n--->They need to bring outdated posters 
from the whole VIT. Specific time limit will be given. 'r'n---> They need to get 
autographs or photos of tags of organizers and managers of Riviera.'r'n7)Apart from this 
audience also will have their set of interesting questions. Their answers will be taken 
into consideration and rewards are given to the lucky persons.'r'n",
                	"details":" Prize Money :'r'n'r'n1st- Rs.2000'/- 'r'n2nd- 
Rs.1500'/- 'r'n3rd- Rs.1000'/-'r'nRegistration fee:'r'n'r'nRs.100 per member'r'nEvent 
Coordinators'r'n'r'nN.Sai Mounika 'r'nmouni123.nekkalapudi@gmail.com 'r'n "
                	"id": "2",
                	"name": "Speeling Bee",
			"short_des":"Spelling Bee is a competition in which contestants 
are asked to spell a broad selection of words, usually with a varying degree of 
			"med_des":" Spelling Bee is a competition in which contestants 
are asked to spell a broad selection of words, usually with a varying degree of 
difficulty.'r'nIt has three rounds.'r'nFirst round- 'r'nIn first round, audio of 25 
words is played and participants need to write them on paper.Based on the score top ten 
people are screened. 'r'n'r'nSecond round- 'r'nIn second round, 5 questions are asked to 
each 10 participants. 'r'n'r'nThird round- 'r'nThird or final round is a buzzer round.10 
questions are asked. 'r'nThere are negative marks for wrong answers in this round. 'r
'nBased on scores of 2nd and third round,winner and runner-up are decided.'r'n",
                	"details":" 'r'nPrize Money :'r'n'r'n1st- Rs.2000'/- 'r'n2nd- 
Rs.1500'/- 'r'n3rd- Rs.1000'/-'r'nRegistration fee:'r'n'r'nRs.100 per member'r'nEvent 
Coordinators'r'n'r'nPranay Yenigandla 'r'npranay.pranu111@gmail.com'r'nShreyash Saurabh
'r'n "
                	"id": "3",
                	"name": "Be Crazy",
			"short_des":" Do you wanna do something crazy? !!! Here is our 
event '"Be Crazy'"-Crazyness in peaks.",
			"med_des":" Do you wanna do something crazy? !!! Here is our 
event '"Be Crazy'"-Crazyness in peaks.'r'nDo you think that you are a bit crazy among 
your friends..!!!Here is our event for this RIVEIRA2015.'r'nIn this event you are given 
some crazy tasks to perform with time limit in levels of 1,2 &3.like '"Shot A Celebrete 
-in this event u have to get a selfie with organisers and famous personalities of VIT
			"full_des":" We have 3 rounds in this event.'r'n1st round has 10 
simpler tasks.'r'nExamples:'r'n>>Forming towers with paper cups'r'n>>Lemon spoon race'r
'n>>Walk in grills without touching'r'n>>Run the race with legs tied together'r'n>>Lift 
the rod holding from edge'r'n>>Skipping race'r'n2nd round has 5 tasks.'r'nExamples:'r
'n>>Sac race'r'n>>Hold the wet brick with two fingers'r'n>>Get a photo with organizers 
of RIVEIRA (10)'r'n3rd round has 2-3 tasks like'r'nExamples:'r'n>>catch the paper 
between fingers when it is released'r'nEach task is given its own credits. The time 
taken to complete every task is noted for every team. Teams which are leading in that 
task in terms of time will get credits. At the end of first round depending on the 
credits they will be qualified to the second round. In the similar manner people will be 
selected to the third round also. winners are announced after the third round depending 
on their credits.'r'nWe will select top 20 teams from round 1 that will qualify to round 
2.'r'nWe will select top10 teams from round 2 that will qualify round 3.'r'nWe will 
decide qualifiers for each round on basis of points and time taken to complete a task.
                	"details":" Prize Money :'r'n'r'n1st- Rs.3000'/-'r'n2nd- 
Rs.2000'/-'r'n3rd- Rs.1000'/-'r'nRegistration fee:'r'n'r'nRs 150'/- per team'r'nNo of 
participants per team:'r'n'r'n5(Maximum)'r'nEvent Coordinators'r'n 'r'nK. Jaswanth 
Kumar'r'njaswanthjaan@gmail.com'r'nAnkush Saini'r'nankushsaini88@gmail.com'r'n"
echo $jsonString;
echo '...............................................';
$var1= $data['events_info'];
$var2= $var1['events'];
echo $var3['name'];
echo json_last_error();?>

在我的 php 脚本的评论部分是从 web 复制的整个 json 字符串。我面临的问题是,当我在 file_get_contents('http:/www.isoivit.in/json/Details.json') 返回的字符串上使用json_decode时,它会返回 NULL,而当我在从同一 json 文件复制的字符串上使用json_decode时,我得到了我想要的有效输出。这意味着我的 php 代码能够从 web 读取 json 文件,但无法对其进行解码。我收到一个 json 最后一个错误 4(语法错误)。尽管我已经检查了所有错误及其在我的 android 应用程序上运行。请帮忙。

你在http://中只有一个/,你应该更改为 http://www.isoivit.in/json/Details.json,你会因为来自PC''s''而得到 NULL(它用简单的未转义'解码,然后它与json_decode发生冲突。你可以做:

$jsonString =  file_get_contents('http://www.isoivit.in/json/Details.json');
$jsonString = str_replace("'''", "'''''", $jsonString); // double encode the single quote
$jsonString = json_decode($jsonString, true);