使用 jQuery 遍历 JSON 数组并输出数据

Using jQuery to loop through JSON Array and output data

本文关键字:输出 数据 数组 JSON jQuery 遍历 使用      更新时间:2023-09-26

我目前正在做一些事情来调用 PHP 文件来获取一些 XML 数据并转换并返回为 JSON 数组数据,效果很好,我正在获取并显示该数据,但是我需要循环显示数组的一部分,但坚持我如何做到这一点。

下面是一个示例 json 数据:

         "CompanyName":"JAMES DERICK",
         "Address2":"LIBER HOUSE",
         "Postcode":"YO10 3UF",
         "ContactName":"JAMES DERICK",
         "CompanyName":"AMBIENT LOUNGE LTD",
         "Address1":"UNIT 3 LONG HEDGE LANE INDUSTR",
         "Postcode":"NG13 0BF",
         "ContactName":"SARAH KIRBY",
         "ContactTelephone":"07879 442266074"
         "Service":"Priority 1",
         "SpecialInstructions":"JAMES DERICK 7507346318 {JAMES'u003Cbr'u003E14075@GMAIL.COM}'u003Cbr'u003E",
               "Description":"Created By EZEEWEB",
               "Description":"Out to deliver",
               "Description":"Failed - Other reason",
               "Description":"Out to deliver",
               "Description":"Auto Inbound Scan   ()",
               "ScannedBy":"NWK CONVYR"
               "Description":"Auto Inbound Scan   ()",
               "ScannedBy":"LDS CONVYR"
               "Description":"Load C & D          (019)",
               "Description":"Load C & D          (019)",


<div id="tracking">
      <div class="delivery"></div>
      <div class="movement"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
       var account = getUrlParameter('account');
       var reference = getUrlParameter('reference'); 
         url: 'http://www.ambientlounge.com/external/ukTracking.php',
         type: 'POST', 
         dataType: "json",
         data: {
           account: account,
           reference: reference
         success: function(json){
           $('#tracking .delivery').html(
             "<h3>Delivery Details</h3><p>Name: " + json["TrackingRecord"]["DeliveryAddress"]["CompanyName"] + "<br /><h5>Address:</h5>" + json["TrackingRecord"]["DeliveryAddress"]["Address1"] + "<br />" + json["TrackingRecord"]["DeliveryAddress"]["Address2"] + "<br />" + json["TrackingRecord"]["DeliveryAddress"]["Address3"] + "<br />" + json["TrackingRecord"]["DeliveryAddress"]["Town"] + "<br />" + json["TrackingRecord"]["DeliveryAddress"]["Postcode"] + "</p>"
           for (var i = 0; i < json["MovementInformation"]["Movement"].length; i++) {
             console.log(json); // stuck here if im doing right at all!
    var getUrlParameter = function getUrlParameter(sParam) {
      var sPageURL = decodeURIComponent(window.location.search.substring(1)),
          sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&'),
      for (i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) {
          sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('=');
          if (sParameterName[0] === sParam) {
              return sParameterName[1] === undefined ? true : sParameterName[1];


json.TrackingRecord.MovementInformation.Movement.forEach(function(item) {