
sometimes, javascript is multithread?

本文关键字:多线程 JavaScript 有时      更新时间:2023-09-26

我发现有时JavaScript有多个线程,这真的让我很恼火。我查了一下网络,发现人们总是说这只是一个线程,但我遇到的不止一个。您只需将放入 HTML 文件中的代码复制并运行即可。你会明白我的意思。为什么javascript有多个线程具有警报,确认,提示?感谢您的阅读。


<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.7.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function pauseWithAlert(){
  alert("pause at one thread, I guess before this OK is clicked, no javascript should be executed since single thread, and the runner is with this thread in this function fpause");
function pauseWithConfirm(){
  if(confirm("the message has been triggered, while the 1st thread is paused with this confirmation request, but the message from another thread has been presented to you")){
function pauseWithDeadLoop(){
  alert("after you click OK, I will trigger the message, and then let the 1st thread get into dead loop, you will not be able to see the message");

function fireAjax(){
  var location = document.location.toString();
  $.ajax({type:'get',dataType:'html',url:location,success: ajaxSuccess, error: ajaxError});
var message = "have you clicked the OK in the 1st thread, this is a message from 2nd thread, isn't it?";
function ajaxSuccess(){
  document.getElementById('ajaxmessage').textContent = message;  
function ajaxError(){
  document.getElementById('ajaxmessage').textContent = message;  
function clearMessage(){
  document.getElementById('ajaxmessage').textContent = "";  
I know that it was said javascript is just one thread.
However, I found that sometimes, it is not just one thread.
<br/>Click <span onclick="pauseWithAlert();">here to pause with an alert</span> or
  <span onclick="pauseWithConfirm();">here to pause with a confirm</span>, 
and the runner stops there in the 1st thread, but you will see a message from 
another thread below, so not single thread????? No!!!
<br/>Click <span onclick="pauseWithDeadLoop();">here</span> to stop the 1st thread 
with a dead loop, you will not see a message from another thread below.
<span id=ajaxmessage></span>
<span onclick="clearMessage();">Clear the above message</span>

Javascript 只有一个工作线程,但它有回调,所以在你看来可能有多个线程,但没有



确实在使用最新版本的Firefox时看到了一些奇怪的东西。也就是说,DOM 似乎在显示警报(或之前)更新(即,传递给 AJAX 请求的回调被触发)。我感觉到您已经得出结论,必须有多个线程,因为alert应该是一个阻塞调用。

我不知道这是事实,但我有一个理论来解释为什么会这样。如果你考虑alert的语义,它要求调用alert的代码在用户单击"确定"(或其他任何内容)之前不会执行。但这实际上并不意味着调用必须阻止传统意义上的(即旋转和等待)。JavaScript 引擎实际上可能将alert实现为基于回调的协议,以便alert调用后的代码构成用户单击"确定"后触发的回调。

根据此实现,调用$.ajax后跟 alert 就像连续进行两次$.ajax调用一样,在这种情况下,第一个回调可能在第二个 AJAX 请求收到响应之前触发也就不足为奇了。

另一种可能性(尚未测试)是 Firefox 只是有一个优化,其中 AJAX 对当前窗口位置的请求同步返回当前页面的 HTML。也许牵强附会,但肯定是可能的。
