如何在加载时将加载窗口添加到 sencha 中的图表

How to add a loading window to a chart in sencha while it loads

本文关键字:加载 sencha 窗口 添加      更新时间:2023-09-26


我认为您应该使用 maskElement,但我不确定,我只需要隐藏图表元素或将其变灰。


                xtype: 'panel',
                title: 'Charts',
                items: [
                        xtype: 'component'
                        xtype: 'polar',
                        height: 520,
                        id: '',
                        width: '',
                        title: 'Pie Chart',
                        colors: [
                        store: 'GenderStore',
                        series: [
                                type: 'pie',
                                label: {
                                    field: 'types',
                                    display: 'rotate',
                                    contrast: true,
                                    font: '12px Arial',
                                    color: '#fff'
                                xField: 'counter',
                                yField: 'types'
                        interactions: [
                                type: 'rotate'



.mask( [msg], [msgCls] )

Masks this component with a semi-opaque layer and makes the contents unavailable to clicks.

•msg : String (optional)
A message to show in the center of the mask layer.
•msgCls : String (optional)
A CSS class name to use on the message element in the center of the layer.

但是,如果您手动屏蔽组件,您还必须在加载时取消屏蔽它,在渲染之前屏蔽图表并在存储加载时取消屏蔽它。 当所有数据都已接收完毕时