使用 asp.net 和 IIS 在地理服务器中进行身份验证

Authenticate in geoserver with asp.net and iis

本文关键字:服务器 身份验证 net asp IIS 使用      更新时间:2023-09-26

我不知道这是否是一个愚蠢的问题,但是如何将 asp.net 身份验证与openlayers"结合"?

我创建了一个登录页面以在 openlayers(在 c# 中,服务器端)进行身份验证,这是我的代码

Uri uri = new Uri("http://"+username+":"+password+"@localhost:1979/geoserver/wms");
        if (uri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp)
            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(uri);
            request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Post;
            HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()); string tmp = reader.ReadToEnd();

我不知道这是否是解决我问题的正确方法,无论如何,如果我达到了我的目标(在地理服务器中使用用户名和密码进行身份验证),我如何将此身份验证与用户端的 openlayers 相结合(javascript)


要从 javascript 端向 geoserever 进行身份验证,您必须向地理服务器 autentication servlet(j_spring_security_check) 发帖。尝试使用此登录功能:

     function login (options) {
    // url del servlet del geoserver
    var url = options.server + "/geoserver/j_spring_security_check";
    // parametros para el login
    params = "username=" + options["user"] + "&password="
                + options["password"];
    var contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
    //se inicializa la petición ajax
    var ajax = $.ajax({
        data : params,
        type : "POST",
        contentType : contentType,
        url : url
    // se ejecuta cuando la peticion finaliza
    ajax.done(function() {
        if ($.cookie("JSESSIONID") != null && options && options.success) {
    // si ocurrio un error al realizar la peticion
    ajax.fail(function(data) {
        if (options && options.failure) {
    // se ejecuta siempre al final de la petición, sin importar que esta
    // haya fallado
    ajax.always(function() {
        if (options && options.always) {


    user:"admin" //geoserver user
    password: "adminPassword", 
    server : "", //geoserver host
    success : function(){
        alert("Login OK!");
    failure : function(){
        alert("Login fail!");

由于某种原因,GeoServer 在 2.7 之后无法正确处理身份验证直通。因此,我添加了一种从服务器上的页面方法登录并将身份验证cookie保存在会话变量中的方法。不漂亮,但它有效。

            'Post a login request to GS.
        Dim myCookies As String = ""
        Dim Method As String = "POST"
        Dim HttpWRequest As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create("https://" & GSServer & "/geoserver/j_spring_security_check"), HttpWebRequest)
        Dim PostData As String = "username=" + UID + "&password=" + PWD
        HttpWRequest.KeepAlive = False
        HttpWRequest.Headers.Set("Pragma", "no-cache")
        'HttpWRequest.Headers.Set("Translate", "f")
        HttpWRequest.ContentType = "text/xml"
        HttpWRequest.ContentLength = PostData.Length
        'This is important, otherwise j_spring security check does an immediate redirect, and the cookie is lost.
        HttpWRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = False
        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(UID) = False Then
            HttpWRequest.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(UID, PWD)
        End If
        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(myCookies) = False Then
            HttpWRequest.Headers("Cookie") = myCookies
        End If
        'Set the request timeout to 5 minutes.
        HttpWRequest.Timeout = 300000
        ' set the request method
        HttpWRequest.Method = Method
        If Method = "POST" Or Method = "PUT" Then
            ' Store the data in a byte array.
            Dim ByteQuery() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(PostData)
            HttpWRequest.ContentLength = ByteQuery.Length
            Dim QueryStream As Stream = Nothing
                QueryStream = HttpWRequest.GetRequestStream()
            Catch e As Exception
                Throw New ArgumentException("Couldn't log into GeoServer.")
            End Try
            ' Write the data to be posted to the Request stream.
            QueryStream.Write(ByteQuery, 0, ByteQuery.Length)
        End If
        ' Send the request and get a response.
        Dim HttpWResponse As HttpWebResponse
            HttpWResponse = HttpWRequest.GetResponse()
        Catch e As Exception
            Throw New ArgumentException("Couldn't log into GeoServer.")
        End Try
        ' Get the Response stream.
        Dim strm As Stream = HttpWResponse.GetResponseStream()
        ' Read the Response stream.
        Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(strm)
        Dim sText As String = sr.ReadToEnd()

        ' Close the stream.
        myCookies = HttpWResponse.GetResponseHeader("Set-Cookie")
        HttpContext.Current.Session("GeoServerSessionID") = myCookies
        ' Clean up.
        HttpWRequest = Nothing
        HttpWResponse = Nothing
        If sText.Contains("Invalid username/password combination") Or String.IsNullOrEmpty(myCookies) Then
            Throw New ArgumentException("Couldn't log into GeoServer.")
        End If