带有属性装饰器的 TypeScript 类就像静态一样

TypeScript class with property decorator acts as if static

本文关键字:静态 一样 属性 TypeScript      更新时间:2023-09-26



Setting propNum from undefined to 0
testclass.ts:18 Setting propNum from 0 to 123
test.spec.ts:13 t1.propNum = 123
test.spec.ts:14 t2.propNum = 123

t1.propNum 仍应为零


// property decorator to set dirty flag automatically for any decorated property
function testProperty( target: any, key: string ) {
    // property value
    var _val = this[key];
    // property getter
    function getter() {
        return _val;
    // property setter
    function setter( newVal ) {
        if ( _val != newVal ) {
            console.log( `Setting ${key} from ${_val} to ${newVal}` );
            _val = newVal;
            this._dirty = true;
    // Delete original property and define new property with getter & setter
    if ( delete this[key] ) {
        // Create new property with getter and setter
        Object.defineProperty( target, key, {
            get: getter,
            set: setter,
            enumerable: true,
            configurable: true


export class TestClass {
    private _dirty: boolean;
    public propNum: number = 0;

    constructor() {
        this._dirty = false;
    public copyFrom( tc: TestClass ) {
        this.propNum = tc.propNum;


describe( 'Copy Class Test', () => {
    it( 'Copy Test', () => {
        var t1 = new TestClass();
        var t2 = new TestClass();
        t2.propNum = 123;
        console.log( `t1.propNum = ${t1.propNum}` );
        console.log( `t2.propNum = ${t2.propNum}` );
        expect( t1.propNum ).toBe( 0 );
        t1.copyFrom( t2 );
        expect( t1.propNum ).toBe( 123 );

这里的主要问题是 getter 和 setter 共享同一个变量,而不是基于实例获取值。


function TestClass() {
var value;
Object.defineProperty(TestClass.prototype, "propNum", {
    get: function() { return value; },
    set: function(val) { value = val },
    enumerable: true,
    configurable: true


var a = new TestClass(), b = new TestClass();
a.propNum = 2;
a.propNum === b.propNum; // true, because they're both referencing the same variable



function testProperty( target: Object, key: string ) {
    const privateKey = "_" + key;
    function getter() {
        return this[privateKey];
    function setter( newVal: any ) {
        if ( this[privateKey] != newVal ) {
            console.log( `Setting ${key} from ${this[privateKey]} to ${newVal}` );
            this[privateKey] = newVal;
            this._dirty = true;
    Object.defineProperty( target, key, {
        get: getter,
        set: setter,
        enumerable: true,
        configurable: true