深度嵌套函数的替代方案 javascript

Alternatives to deep nesting functions javascript

本文关键字:方案 javascript 嵌套 函数 深度      更新时间:2023-09-26



function Level1(dep1, dep2, dep3, dep4){
    var tempResult1 = dep1 + dep2;
    var tempResult2 = tempResult1/2;
    var tempResult3 = dep3 + dep4;
    var mainResult = tempResult2 + tempResult3;
    return mainResult;


function Level1(dep1, dep2, dep3, dep4){
    var tempResult2 = getTempResult2(dep1, dep2);
    var tempResult3 = getTempResult3(dep3, dep4);
    var mainResult = tempResult2 + tempResult3;
    return mainResult;
    function getTempResult2(dep1, dep2){
        var tempResult1 = getTempResult1(dep1, dep2);
        return tempResult1/2;
        function getTempResult1(dep1, dep2){
            return dep1 + dep2;
    function getTempResult3(dep3, dep4){
        return dep3 + dep4;

显然,对于这里使用的操作,函数有点过多,但它确实有助于使我的项目中的函数更易于管理。我不熟悉任何其他方法,因为这是我的第一个javascript项目。我在这里找到的建议只处理 1 级嵌套函数,而不是 2 级,我没有看到任何关于如何实现嵌套范围的好例子。如果有人能给我一个例子,说明如何完成我在这里寻找的组织,我会非常高兴。谢谢。






您可以使用 IEFE 创建一个额外的范围,从中仅导出Level1

var Level1 = (function() {
    function Level1(dep1, dep2, dep3, dep4) {
        var tempResult2 = getTempResult2(dep1, dep2);
        var tempResult3 = getTempResult3(dep3, dep4);
        var mainResult = tempResult2 + tempResult3;
        return mainResult;
    var getTemptResult2 = (function() {
        function getTempResult2(dep1, dep2) {
            var tempResult1 = getTempResult1(dep1, dep2);
            return tempResult1/2;
        function getTempResult1(dep1, dep2) {
            return dep1 + dep2;
        return getTempResult2;
    function getTempResult3(dep3, dep4) {
        return dep3 + dep4;
    return Level1;


function Level1(dep1, dep2, dep3, dep4){
    var tempResult2 = Level1.getTempResult2(dep1, dep2);
    var tempResult3 = Level1.getTempResult3(dep3, dep4);
    var mainResult = tempResult2 + tempResult3;
    return mainResult;
Level1.getTempResult2 = function (dep1, dep2) {
    var tempResult1 = Level1.getTempResult2.getTempResult1(dep1, dep2);
    return tempResult1/2;   
Level1.getTempResult2.getTempResult1 = function (dep1, dep2){
    return dep1 + dep2;
Level1.getTempResult3 = function (dep3, dep4){
    return dep3 + dep4;


function a(val1, val2) { return a.foo(val1, val2) }
a.foo = function (x,y) { return x + y }


function a() { return a.foo(1,2) }
a.foo = function (x,y) { return a.foo.bar(x,y) }
a.foo.bar = function (x,y) { return x+y }
a(1,2) // -> 3


由于您要求隐藏数据并保持 getTempResult1 对 getTempResult2 以外的任何内容隐藏,因此我将假设这些函数中的每一个都相当复杂,并且可能由不同的人编写,并且您希望隐藏内部结构。这需要为每个类创建一个不同的类,而不仅仅是一个函数。

我将用更具体的示例替换您的示例代码,并使用适当的 OOP 方法来解决问题。假设您正在构建一个电子商务应用程序。级别 1 将是一个发票类,dep1-4 可能是:购买价格、利润率、贴现率、税率。我们将制作一个非常简单的应用程序,它将计算: purchase price - discount + profit + taxes = total price

我希望这足够忠实地类似于您的问题,以便您可以欣赏使用的一些 OOP 技术(对于完成的计算来说,它在结构上仍然有点矫枉过正,但这是 OOP 中的一个教训,如果问题域在未来变得更加复杂,则允许大量的可扩展性,比如说你走向国际并且必须计算不同国家的税收等)。

我将使用 OoJs 库来能够在 JavaScript 中执行适当的 OOP。请参阅下面的代码在 jsfiddle 上工作。



  • 隐藏实现详细信息
  • 没有嵌套函数
  • 每个函数仅创建一次
  • 具有
  • 可扩展性、可维护性,并且在发生变化时具有灵活性要求


// Create your namespace to avoid polluting global
var eComm = eComm || {}

// this will be some factory code which will return the needed objects, it won't actually use them.
// Normally this should be a class living in our eComm namespace
function factory( db, clientID )
   // we would assume here that the hardcoded rates would be found in the database using the client id.
   var discount = new eComm.Discount( 5            ) // in %
   var profit   = new eComm.Profit  ( 20, discount ) // in %
   var taxRate  = new eComm.TaxRate ( 5 , profit   ) // in %

   // note that I use a simple aggragation approach, because I don't know the
   // actual complexity of your problem domain. It makes this very simple ecommerce
   // code not entirely ideal. If we would just perform a chain of operations on
   // a number, other design patterns would be more suited, like a decorator.
   // It is not appropriate to just pass taxRate to Invoice, because it is no different
   // than profit or discount, it just comes later in a chain of calculations.
   // I have taken this approach to show that it is possible to hide steps of the
   // implementation down a hierarchy.
   return new eComm.Invoice( taxRate )

// now when we will actually use it, it looks like this
// wrapped it in a function call because on global scope
// we would have to put this entirely at the bottom
// if you put all your code in classes you don't have this
// problem. They can occur in any order
function usage()
   var invoice = factory( "database", 1654 /* the client id */ )
   invoice.addPurchase( 1574 ) // price in some currency
   invoice.addPurchase( 1200 ) // a second purchase

   // in reality you would probably also pass an object representing an output
   // device to Invoice (a printer, or a pdf generator, ...)
   console.log( invoice.total() )


;( function class_Invoice( namespace )
   'use strict'; // recommended
   if( namespace[ "Invoice" ] ) return    // protect against double inclusions
       namespace.Invoice = Invoice
   var Static            = OoJs.setupClass( namespace, "Invoice" )

   // constructor
   function Invoice( taxRate )
      // should do validation as javascript is loosely typed
      if( "TaxRate" !== OoJs.typeOf( taxRate ) )
         ;// throw an error

      // Data members
      this.taxRate    = taxRate
      this.totalPrice = 0

      this.Protected( "taxRate", "totalPrice" ) // if you want them available to subclasses

      var iFace = this.Public( total, addPurchase ) // make these methods public
      return iFace

   // all your method definitions go here
   function addPurchase( price )
      this.totalPrice += this.taxRate.calculate( price )

   function total()
      return this.totalPrice
})( eComm )

;( function class_TaxRate( namespace )
       namespace.TaxRate = TaxRate
   var Static            = OoJs.setupClass( namespace, "TaxRate" )

   // constructor
   function TaxRate( rate, profit )
      // do your validation on profit and rate as above
      this.rate   = rate
      this.profit = profit
      this.Protected( "profit" ) // if you want
      return this.Public( calculate )

   function calculate( price )
      return this.profit.calculate( price ) * ( 1 + this.rate / 100 )
})( eComm )

;( function class_Profit( namespace )
       namespace.Profit = Profit
   var Static           = OoJs.setupClass( namespace, "Profit" )

   // constructor
   function Profit( rate, discount )
      this.rate     = rate
      this.discount = discount
      return this.Public( calculate )

   function calculate( price )
      return this.discount.calculate( price ) * ( 1 + this.rate / 100 )
})( eComm )

;( function class_Discount( namespace )
       namespace.Discount = Discount
   var Static             = OoJs.setupClass( namespace, "Discount" )

   // constructor
   function Discount( rate )
      this.rate = rate
      return this.Public( calculate )

   function calculate( price )
      return price - price * this.rate / 100
})( eComm )




尝试查看用于 node.js 的步骤模块。我一直在使用它。

但是,即使在节点.js环境之外,您也可以使用 step.js 脚本(注意:我尚未对此进行测试)。至少,它显示了如何扁平化任意数量的嵌套级别。



Addy Osmani 的学习 JavaScript 设计模式是一个很棒的阅读/资源,可以了解创建 JavaScript 应用程序、创建可重用代码、闭包等的多种模式。


// Types.js - Constructors used behind the scenes
// A constructor for defining new cars
function Car( options ) {
 // some defaults
 this.doors = options.doors || 4;
 this.state = options.state || "brand new";
 this.color = options.color || "silver";
// A constructor for defining new trucks
function Truck( options){
  this.state = options.state || "used";
  this.wheelSize = options.wheelSize || "large";
  this.color = options.color || "blue";

// FactoryExample.js
// Define a skeleton vehicle factory
function VehicleFactory() {}
// Define the prototypes and utilities for this factory
// Our default vehicleClass is Car
VehicleFactory.prototype.vehicleClass = Car;
// Our Factory method for creating new Vehicle instances
VehicleFactory.prototype.createVehicle = function ( options ) {
  case "car":
  this.vehicleClass = Car;
  case "truck":
    this.vehicleClass = Truck;
  //defaults to VehicleFactory.prototype.vehicleClass (Car)
return new this.vehicleClass( options );

// Create an instance of our factory that makes cars
var carFactory = new VehicleFactory();
var car = carFactory.createVehicle( {
            vehicleType: "car",
            color: "yellow",
            doors: 6 } );
// Test to confirm our car was created using the vehicleClass/prototype Car
// Outputs: true
console.log( car instanceof Car );
// Outputs: Car object of color "yellow", doors: 6 in a "brand new" state
console.log( car );




function doChores(){
  //actually wash the dishes
  //actually walk the dog.


function doChores(){


您面临的问题是将变量传递给函数链时。我通常将一个参数传递给函数,该参数包含一个具有所需参数的对象。每个函数都可以读取或改变它们所关注的传递对象的成员。如果以后需要添加更多参数,则无需更改函数的签名(例如function(arg1, arg2, newArg)),您将始终拥有function(args)

有关参数传递的详细信息,请参阅此处:https://stackoverflow.com/a/16063711/1641941 在传递(构造函数)参数下