
Numbered page-navigation of Google Blogger not working on search results page

本文关键字:搜索结果 工作 编号 谷歌 导航      更新时间:2023-09-26

我在我的 Blogger 上添加了一个带编号的页面导航脚本,它适用于所有页面,除了搜索结果页面(当我搜索帖子时显示结果的页面(——它在该页面上显示默认的"以前的帖子和较新的帖子"。



提前感谢... :-(

    var perPage=7;
    var numPages=6;
    var firstText ='First';
    var lastText ='Last';
    var prevText ='« Previous';
    var nextText ='Next »';
    var urlactivepage=location.href;
    var home_page="/";
    if (typeof firstText == "undefined") firstText = "First"; 
    if (typeof lastText == "undefined") lastText = "Last";
    var noPage;
    var currentPage;
    var currentPageNo;
    var postLabel;
    function looppagecurrentg(pageInfo) {
        var html = '';
        pageNumber = parseInt(numPages / 2);
        if (pageNumber == numPages - pageNumber) {
            numPages = pageNumber * 2 + 1
        pageStart = currentPageNo - pageNumber;
        if (pageStart < 1) pageStart = 1;
        lastPageNo = parseInt(pageInfo / perPage) + 1;
        if (lastPageNo - 1 == pageInfo / perPage) lastPageNo = lastPageNo - 1;
        pageEnd = pageStart + numPages - 1;
        if (pageEnd > lastPageNo) pageEnd = lastPageNo;
        html += "<span class='showpageOf'>Page " + currentPageNo + ' of ' + lastPageNo + "</span>";
        var prevNumber = parseInt(currentPageNo) - 1;
		//Iccsi was here, doing magic      
        if (currentPageNo > 1) {
			if (currentPage == "page") {
			  html += '<span class="showpage firstpage"><a href="' + home_page + '">' + firstText + '</a></span>'
			} else {
			  html += '<span class="displaypageNum firstpage"><a href="/search/label/' + postLabel + '?&max-results=' + perPage + '">' + firstText + '</a></span>'
		if (currentPageNo > 2) {
            if (currentPageNo == 3) { 
                if (currentPage == "page") {
                    html += '<span class="showpage"><a href="' + home_page + '">' + prevText + '</a></span>'
                } else {
                    html += '<span class="displaypageNum"><a href="/search/label/' + postLabel + '?&max-results=' + perPage + '">' + prevText + '</a></span>'
            } else {
                if (currentPage == "page") {
                    html += '<span class="displaypageNum"><a href="#" onclick="redirectpage(' + prevNumber + ');return false">' + prevText + '</a></span>'
                } else {
                    html += '<span class="displaypageNum"><a href="#" onclick="redirectlabel(' + prevNumber + ');return false">' + prevText + '</a></span>'
        if (pageStart > 1) {
            if (currentPage == "page") {
                html += '<span class="displaypageNum"><a href="' + home_page + '">1</a></span>'
            } else {
                html += '<span class="displaypageNum"><a href="/search/label/' + postLabel + '?&max-results=' + perPage + '">1</a></span>'
        if (pageStart > 2) {
            html += ' ... '
        for (var jj = pageStart; jj <= pageEnd; jj++) {
            if (currentPageNo == jj) {
                html += '<span class="pagecurrent">' + jj + '</span>'
            } else if (jj == 1) {
                if (currentPage == "page") {
                    html += '<span class="displaypageNum"><a href="' + home_page + '">1</a></span>'
                } else {
                    html += '<span class="displaypageNum"><a href="/search/label/' + postLabel + '?&max-results=' + perPage + '">1</a></span>'
            } else {
                if (currentPage == "page") {
                    html += '<span class="displaypageNum"><a href="#" onclick="redirectpage(' + jj + ');return false">' + jj + '</a></span>'
                } else {
                    html += '<span class="displaypageNum"><a href="#" onclick="redirectlabel(' + jj + ');return false">' + jj + '</a></span>'
        if (pageEnd < lastPageNo - 1) {
            html += '...'
        if (pageEnd < lastPageNo) {
            if (currentPage == "page") {
                html += '<span class="displaypageNum"><a href="#" onclick="redirectpage(' + lastPageNo + ');return false">' + lastPageNo + '</a></span>'
            } else {
                html += '<span class="displaypageNum"><a href="#" onclick="redirectlabel(' + lastPageNo + ');return false">' + lastPageNo + '</a></span>'
        var nextnumber = parseInt(currentPageNo) + 1;
        if (currentPageNo < (lastPageNo - 1)) {
            if (currentPage == "page") {
                html += '<span class="displaypageNum"><a href="#" onclick="redirectpage(' + nextnumber + ');return false">' + nextText + '</a></span>'
            } else {
                html += '<span class="displaypageNum"><a href="#" onclick="redirectlabel(' + nextnumber + ');return false">' + nextText + '</a></span>'
		if (currentPageNo < lastPageNo) {
			//Iccsi was here, doing magic
			if (currentPage == "page") {
			  html += '<span class="displaypageNum lastpage"><a href="#" onclick="redirectpage(' + lastPageNo + ');return false">' + lastText + '</a></span>'
			} else {
			  html += '<span class="displaypageNum lastpage"><a href="#" onclick="redirectlabel(' + lastPageNo + ');return false">' + lastText + '</a></span>'
        var pageArea = document.getElementsByName("pageArea");
        var blogPager = document.getElementById("blog-pager");
        for (var p = 0; p < pageArea.length; p++) {
            pageArea[p].innerHTML = html
        if (pageArea && pageArea.length > 0) {
            html = ''
        if (blogPager) {
            blogPager.innerHTML = html
    function totalcountdata(root) {
        var feed = root.feed;
        var totaldata = parseInt(feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t, 10);
    function pagecurrentg() {
        var thisUrl = urlactivepage;
        if (thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/") != -1) {
            if (thisUrl.indexOf("?updated-max") != -1) {
                postLabel = thisUrl.substring(thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/") + 14, thisUrl.indexOf("?updated-max"))
            } else {
                postLabel = thisUrl.substring(thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/") + 14, thisUrl.indexOf("?&max"))
        if (thisUrl.indexOf("?q=") == -1 && thisUrl.indexOf(".html") == -1) {
            if (thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/") == -1) {
                currentPage = "page";
                if (urlactivepage.indexOf("#PageNo=") != -1) {
                    currentPageNo = urlactivepage.substring(urlactivepage.indexOf("#PageNo=") + 8, urlactivepage.length)
                } else {
                    currentPageNo = 1
                document.write("<script src='"" + home_page + "feeds/posts/summary?max-results=1&alt=json-in-script&callback=totalcountdata'"><'/script>")
            } else {
                currentPage = "label";
                if (thisUrl.indexOf("&max-results=") == -1) {
                    perPage = 20
                if (urlactivepage.indexOf("#PageNo=") != -1) {
                    currentPageNo = urlactivepage.substring(urlactivepage.indexOf("#PageNo=") + 8, urlactivepage.length)
                } else {
                    currentPageNo = 1
                document.write('<script src="' + home_page + 'feeds/posts/summary/-/' + postLabel + '?alt=json-in-script&callback=totalcountdata&max-results=1" ><'/script>')
    function redirectpage(numberpage) {
        jsonstart = (numberpage - 1) * perPage;
        noPage = numberpage;
        var nameBody = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
        var newInclude = document.createElement('script');
        newInclude.type = 'text/javascript';
        newInclude.setAttribute("src", home_page + "feeds/posts/summary?start-index=" + jsonstart + "&max-results=1&alt=json-in-script&callback=finddatepost");
    function redirectlabel(numberpage) {
        jsonstart = (numberpage - 1) * perPage;
        noPage = numberpage;
        var nameBody = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
        var newInclude = document.createElement('script');
        newInclude.type = 'text/javascript';
        newInclude.setAttribute("src", home_page + "feeds/posts/summary/-/" + postLabel + "?start-index=" + jsonstart + "&max-results=1&alt=json-in-script&callback=finddatepost");
    function finddatepost(root) {
        post = root.feed.entry[0];
        var timestamp1 = post.published.$t.substring(0, 19) + post.published.$t.substring(23, 29);
        var timestamp = encodeURIComponent(timestamp1);
        if (currentPage == "page") {
            var pAddress = "/search?updated-max=" + timestamp + "&max-results=" + perPage + "#PageNo=" + noPage
        } else {
            var pAddress = "/search/label/" + postLabel + "?updated-max=" + timestamp + "&max-results=" + perPage + "#PageNo=" + noPage
        location.href = pAddress
#blog-pager{clear:both;margin:30px auto;text-align:center; padding: 7px; }
.blog-pager {background: none;}
.displaypageNum a,.showpage a,.pagecurrent{font-size: 13px;padding: 5px 12px;margin-right:5px; color: #AD0B00; background-color:#FAB001;}
.displaypageNum a:hover,.showpage a:hover, .pagecurrent{background:#DB4920;text-decoration:none;color: #fff;}
#blog-pager .pagecurrent{font-weight:bold;color: #fff;background:#DB4920;}
#blog-pager .pages{border:none;}






<input type='hidden' name='max-results' value="12" />

其次,在上面的 JavaScript 代码中,搜索以下行 -

if (thisUrl.indexOf("?q=") == -1 && thisUrl.indexOf(".html") == -1)

并将其替换为 -

if (thisUrl.indexOf(".html") == -1)

上述条件(又名 thisUrl.indexOf("?q=") == -1(是停止脚本在 URL 中具有名为 q 的查询参数的页面上工作

编辑 1:用于在搜索结果页上显示正确的页码

在上面的代码中搜索以下函数 -

function redirectpage(numberpage) {
    jsonstart = (numberpage - 1) * perPage;
    noPage = numberpage;
    var nameBody = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
    var newInclude = document.createElement('script');
    newInclude.type = 'text/javascript';
    newInclude.setAttribute("src", home_page + "feeds/posts/summary?start-index=" + jsonstart + "&max-results=1&alt=json-in-script&callback=finddatepost");

将其替换为 -

function redirectpage(numberpage) {
    jsonstart = (numberpage - 1) * perPage;
    noPage = numberpage;
    var nameBody = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
    var newInclude = document.createElement('script');
    newInclude.type = 'text/javascript';
    if(urlactivepage.indexOf("?q=") == -1){
        newInclude.setAttribute("src", home_page + "feeds/posts/summary?start-index=" + jsonstart + "&max-results=1&alt=json-in-script&callback=finddatepost");
    } else {
        newInclude.setAttribute("src", home_page + "feeds/posts/summary?start-index=" + jsonstart + "&alt=json-in-script&q="+ urlactivepage.split("?")[1].split("q=")[1].split("&")[0] +"&callback=finddatepost");  

然后搜索以下代码块 -

function pagecurrentg() {
    var thisUrl = urlactivepage;
    if (thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/") != -1) {
        if (thisUrl.indexOf("?updated-max") != -1) {
            postLabel = thisUrl.substring(thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/") + 14, thisUrl.indexOf("?updated-max"))
        } else {
            postLabel = thisUrl.substring(thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/") + 14, thisUrl.indexOf("?&max"))
    if (thisUrl.indexOf("?q=") == -1 && thisUrl.indexOf(".html") == -1) {
        if (thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/") == -1) {
            currentPage = "page";
            if (urlactivepage.indexOf("#PageNo=") != -1) {
                currentPageNo = urlactivepage.substring(urlactivepage.indexOf("#PageNo=") + 8, urlactivepage.length)
            } else {
                currentPageNo = 1
            document.write("<script src='"" + home_page + "feeds/posts/summary?max-results=1&alt=json-in-script&callback=totalcountdata'"><'/script>")
        } else {
            currentPage = "label";
            if (thisUrl.indexOf("&max-results=") == -1) {
                perPage = 20
            if (urlactivepage.indexOf("#PageNo=") != -1) {
                currentPageNo = urlactivepage.substring(urlactivepage.indexOf("#PageNo=") + 8, urlactivepage.length)
            } else {
                currentPageNo = 1
            document.write('<script src="' + home_page + 'feeds/posts/summary/-/' + postLabel + '?alt=json-in-script&callback=totalcountdata&max-results=1" ><'/script>')

并将其替换为 -

function pagecurrentg() {
    var thisUrl = urlactivepage;
    if (thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/") != -1) {
        if (thisUrl.indexOf("?updated-max") != -1) {
            postLabel = thisUrl.substring(thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/") + 14, thisUrl.indexOf("?updated-max"))
        } else {
            postLabel = thisUrl.substring(thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/") + 14, thisUrl.indexOf("?&max"))
    if (thisUrl.indexOf(".html") == -1) {
        if (thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/") == -1) {
            currentPage = "page";
            if (urlactivepage.indexOf("#PageNo=") != -1) {
                currentPageNo = urlactivepage.substring(urlactivepage.indexOf("#PageNo=") + 8, urlactivepage.length)
            } else {
                currentPageNo = 1
            if(thisUrl.indexOf("q=") == -1){
                document.write("<script src='"" + home_page + "feeds/posts/summary?max-results=1&alt=json-in-script&callback=totalcountdata'"><'/script>")
            } else {
                document.write("<script src='"" + home_page + "feeds/posts/summary?q=" + thisUrl.split("?")[1].split("q=")[1].split("&")[0] + "&alt=json-in-script&callback=totalcountdata'"><'/script>")
       } else {
            currentPage = "label";
            if (thisUrl.indexOf("&max-results=") == -1) {
                perPage = 20
            if (urlactivepage.indexOf("#PageNo=") != -1) {
                currentPageNo = urlactivepage.substring(urlactivepage.indexOf("#PageNo=") + 8, urlactivepage.length)
            } else {
                currentPageNo = 1
            document.write('<script src="' + home_page + 'feeds/posts/summary/-/' + postLabel + '?alt=json-in-script&callback=totalcountdata&max-results=1" ><'/script>')


function finddatepost(root) {
    post = root.feed.entry[0];
    var timestamp1 = post.published.$t.substring(0, 19) + post.published.$t.substring(23, 29);
    var timestamp = encodeURIComponent(timestamp1);
    if (currentPage == "page") {
        var pAddress = "/search?updated-max=" + timestamp + "&max-results=" + perPage + "#PageNo=" + noPage
    } else {
        var pAddress = "/search/label/" + postLabel + "?updated-max=" + timestamp + "&max-results=" + perPage + "#PageNo=" + noPage
    location.href = pAddress

并将其替换为 -

function finddatepost(root) {
    post = root.feed.entry[0];
    var timestamp1 = post.published.$t.substring(0, 19) + post.published.$t.substring(23, 29);
    var timestamp = encodeURIComponent(timestamp1);
    if (currentPage == "page") {
        if(urlactivepage.indexOf("?q=") == -1){
                var pAddress = "/search?updated-max=" + timestamp + "&max-results=" + perPage + "#PageNo=" + noPage
        } else {
                var pAddress = "/search?updated-max=" + timestamp + "&q="+ urlactivepage.split("?")[1].split("q=")[1].split("&")[0] +"&max-results=" + perPage + "#PageNo=" + noPage
        } else {
        var pAddress = "/search/label/" + postLabel + "?updated-max=" + timestamp + "&max-results=" + perPage + "#PageNo=" + noPage
    location.href = pAddress

在所有这些代码块中,我添加了额外的条件来处理查询参数条件。如果您感到困惑,那么整个新文件看起来像 - 这个.可以在此处检查一个工作示例 - .

注意:我还从上面的 JSON API 调用中删除了max-results,因为它们会影响openSearch$totalResults.$t参数(通常不应该(