
Proper Syntax for Declaring a Draw in Tic Tac Toe

本文关键字:语法 平局 声明      更新时间:2023-09-26


有两个持续存在的问题。首先,当获胜是直交叉的时,计数器将 1 添加到 x 获胜,将 2 添加到 o 获胜。第二个问题是我无法让游戏打平局。如果没有结果,我已经尝试过其他方法。


jQuery(function() {
    $('.square').click(function () {    
var player_x = true; 
var complete = false; 
var winner = '';
var x_wins = 0;
var o_wins = 0;
var draw = 0;
function clear_squares () {
    localStorage.setItem('x_count', x_wins); 
    localStorage.setItem('o_count', o_wins); 
    localStorage.setItem('draw_count', draw); 
    player_x = true;
    $('#output').html('turn: x');
    complete = false; //allows for new game

function square_stuff (square) {
    if (!complete) {
        if ($(square).html() == '') {       
            if (player_x == true) {
                player_x = false;               
            } else {            
                player_x = true;                
function check_squares () {
    complete = true;
    var values = new Array(); 
    var winner = '';
    $('.square').each(function () {     
        values.push( $(this).html());
        if ($(this).html() == '') complete = false;
        if ( !winner && values[0] == values[1] && values[1] == values[2] ) winner = values[0];
        if ( !winner && values[3] == values[4] && values[4] == values[5] ) winner = values[4];
        if ( !winner && values[6] == values[7] && values[7] == values[8] ) winner = values[7];
        if ( !winner && values[0] == values[3] && values[3] == values[6] ) winner = values[3];
        if ( !winner && values[1] == values[4] && values[4] == values[7] ) winner = values[1];
        if ( !winner && values[2] == values[5] && values[5] == values[8] ) winner = values[5];
        if ( !winner && values[0] == values[4] && values[4] == values[8] ) winner = values[8];
        if ( !winner && values[2] == values[4] && values[4] == values[6] ) winner = values[2];      
        if (winner) {           
            complete = true;
            $('#output').html('winner: ' + winner);
            if ($(this).html() == 'x') {
                localStorage.setItem('x_count', x_wins); 
            if ($(this).html() == 'o') {
                localStorage.setItem('o_count', o_wins); 
            if (winner == '' && complete == true) { 
                $('#output').html('no winner');
                localStorage.setItem('draw_count', draw); 
        if (winner == '' && complete == false) {    
            if (player_x == true) {     
                $('#output').html('turn: x');
            } else {        
                $('#output').html('turn: o');

一旦你发现赢家,你就不会打破你的"每个"循环。 我认为这将起作用:

$('.square').each(function () {  
    if (winner) {
    values.push( $(this).html());


function check_squares () {
complete = true;
var values = []; // better way to declare an empty array
var winner = '';
// build the values array first
$('.square').each(function () {     
    values.push( $(this).html());
// then just check for a winner once... 
if ( !winner && values[0] == values[1] && values[1] == values[2] ) winner = values[0];


   if (winner) {           
        complete = true;
        // the clause will never get executed, because winner must have already been set to have made it this far
        // so winner == '' will aways be false
        if (winner == '') { 
            $('#output').html('no winner');