JQuery 幻灯片向上和淡出“不起作用”

JQuery slideUp and fadeOut 'not working'?

本文关键字:不起作用 淡出 幻灯片 JQuery      更新时间:2023-09-26


$('ul li').click(function(){ //loops through all <li>'s inside a <ul>
    $('ul .clicked').removeClass('clicked'); // when an <li> is clicked, remove .clicked class from any other <li>'s
    $(this).addClass('clicked'); // add .clicked class to the clicked <li> ($(this))


$.fn.screenSlide = function(){ // $(this) = aboutSectorNineteen (<li>'s id)
    var test = $('.current').attr('id'); //if an element with .current as it's class exists, let test be equal to that elements id
    test = "#" + test;
    $(test).slideUp(); // slide it up, hide it and remove the .current class from the <li> element
    var gettingShown = $(this).attr('id');
    gettingShown = "#" + gettingShown + "Slide";
    $(gettingShown).addClass('current'); // add the .current class to $(this) <li>


  • 时,向上滑动的屏幕(gettingDisplay(确实隐藏了,但它不会向上滑动。这意味着



    不行吧?为什么?我还尝试将 slideUp 更改为淡出,但这仍然不起作用。我将幻灯片更改为淡入,它起作用了。为什么幻灯片和淡出不起作用?我用错了吗?

  • slideUp(( 是异步的,它在完成向上滑动时隐藏元素。


    $(test).slideUp(function () {


    $('ul > li').click(function() { //loops through all <li>'s inside a <ul>
        $('li').removeClass('clicked'); // when an <li> is clicked, remove .clicked class from any other <li>'s
        $(this).addClass('clicked').screenSlide(); // add .clicked class to the clicked <li> ($(this))
    $.fn.screenSlide = function() { // $(this) = aboutSectorNineteen (<li>'s id)
        var test = $('.current').attr('id'); //if an element with .current as it's class exists, let test be equal to that elements id
        $('#' + test).slideUp().removeClass('current'); // slide it up, hide it and remove the .current class from the <li> element