父元素的鼠标关闭事件时错误的偏移量 X 和偏移量 Y

Wrong offsetX and offsetY on mousedown event of parent element

本文关键字:偏移量 错误 事件 元素 鼠标      更新时间:2023-09-26


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <div id="myP" onmousedown="mouseDown()">
            Click the text! The mouseDown() function is triggered when the mouse button is pressed down over this paragraph,
            <p style="margin-left:50px">
             and sets the color of the text to red. The mouseUp() function is triggered when the mouse button is released, 
            and sets the color of the text to green.
            function mouseDown() {
                var left = event.offsetX;
                var top = event.offsetY;
当我的鼠标按下在div 区域上时,我

得到了我想要的正确结果,但是当我的鼠标悬停在段落区域上时,它会给我错误的结果。我不明白为什么会发生这种情况,因为事件是父元素,即 DIV 元素。

获取结果情况 1:当我的鼠标悬停在 DIV 元素上时 上图:17 像素,左侧:61 像素

情况 1:当我的鼠标悬停在 DIV 元素上时 上图:11 像素,左上:9 像素

MouseEvent.offsetXMouseEvent.offsetY 将为您提供鼠标指针相对于目标节点填充边缘的坐标。


MouseEvent.offsetX 只读属性提供该事件与目标节点的填充边缘之间的鼠标指针 X 坐标中的偏移量。


要始终获取相对于 #myP 元素的鼠标坐标,您可以做的是从MouseEvent.clientXMouseEvent.clientY属性中减去该方法给出lefttopgetBoundingClientRect


var myP = document.getElementById('myP'),
    output = document.getElementById('output');
function mouseDown(e) {
  var rect = e.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect(),
      offsetX = e.clientX - rect.left,
      offsetY = e.clientY - rect.top;
  output.textContent = "Mouse-X: " + offsetX + ", Mouse-Y: " +  offsetY;
  console.log("Mouse-X: " + offsetX, "Mouse-Y: " + offsetY);
myP.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseDown, false);
body {
  margin: 0;
  font-family: sans-serif;
#myP {
  background: lawngreen;
  margin-left: 50px;
#myP > p {
  background: yellow;
  margin-left: 50px;
#myP > div > p {
  background: red;
  color: white;
  margin-left: 100px;
<div id="myP">
  Click the text! The mouseDown() function is triggered when the mouse button is pressed down over this paragraph,
    andsets the color of the text to red. The mouseUp() function is triggered when the mouse button is released,
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aut quaerat dolor modi et quidem repudiandae vero, recusandae laborum quae veritatis, doloribus similique accusamus quibusdam voluptate, dolore fugiat eum. Corporis, porro.
  and sets the color of the text to green.
<p id="output"></p>

作为快速解决方案,您可以将pointer-events: none;应用于根子节点