尝试在 AngularJS 上对基本服务进行单元测试时出错

Error when trying to unit test a basic service on AngularJS

本文关键字:服务 单元测试 出错 AngularJS      更新时间:2023-09-26



module.exports = function(config) {
    basePath: '',
    frameworks: ['jasmine'],
    files: [
    exclude: [
    preprocessors: {
    reporters: ['progress'],
    port: 9876,
    colors: true,
    logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
    autoWatch: true,
    browsers: ['PhantomJS'],
    singleRun: false,
    concurrency: Infinity


describe('factory: ProductService',function(){
    var ProductService;
        ProductService = _ProductService_;
    describe('factory: ProductService',function(){
        var ProductService;
            ProductService = _ProductService_;
        var categorizedProducts = angular.fromJson('{ "ErrorMessage": null, "Result": { "0": { "CliClientId": "016VK9B90U", "InvProductCategoryId": "0LQIHDH2EM", "CategoryName": "LACA", "InvProductCategoryParentId": null, "ModifiedDate": "2016-01-28 16:36:37", "products": { "0": { "CliClientId": "016VK9B90U", "InvProductId": "030LFCE9KV", "InvProductCategoryId": "0LQIHDH2EM", "Name": "1055-B020 LACA NITRO MATE 4 LTS", "Description": "1055-B020 LACA NITRO MATE 4 LTS-VALRESA", "Barcode": null, "InternalCode": "L105525", "SaleUnitType": "Piece", "ApplicableTaxKeys": null, "Status": "Active", "CreatedDate": "2016-01-28 16:36:39", "CreatedBy": "0000000000", "ModifiedDate": "2016-01-28 16:36:39", "ModifiedBy": "0000000000", "CliLocationId": "2I1G4IHPOB", "prices": null } } }, "1": { "CliClientId": "016VK9B90U", "InvProductCategoryId": "W27Q71D4XJ", "CategoryName": "BROCHAS", "InvProductCategoryParentId": null, "ModifiedDate": "2016-01-28 16:36:38", "products": { "0": { "CliClientId": "016VK9B90U", "InvProductId": "0B23HD5PGL", "InvProductCategoryId": "W27Q71D4XJ", "Name": "BROCHA FAJA ROJA 2 1'/2", "Description": "BROCHA FAJA ROJA 2 1'/2", "Barcode": null, "InternalCode": "BFR2.5", "SaleUnitType": "Piece", "ApplicableTaxKeys": null, "Status": "Active", "CreatedDate": "2016-01-28 16:36:38", "CreatedBy": "0000000000", "ModifiedDate": "2016-01-28 16:36:38", "ModifiedBy": "0000000000", "CliLocationId": "2I1G4IHPOB", "prices": null }, "1": { "CliClientId": "016VK9B90U", "InvProductId": "0FQO5KJMX7", "InvProductCategoryId": "W27Q71D4XJ", "Name": "BROCHA LA BUENA 2'"", "Description": "BROCHA LA BUENA 2'"-BYP", "Barcode": null, "InternalCode": "BBU2", "SaleUnitType": "Piece", "ApplicableTaxKeys": null, "Status": "Active", "CreatedDate": "2016-01-28 16:36:38", "CreatedBy": "0000000000", "ModifiedDate": "2016-01-28 16:36:38", "ModifiedBy": "0000000000", "CliLocationId": "2I1G4IHPOB", "prices": null } } } } }');
        it("should return json with categorized products", function () {


 * Product service.
 * Service that manages products. Including offline mode and sync tasks.
 * @param {!angular.Http} $http
 * @param {!angular.RootScope} $rootScope
 * @ngInject
 * @export
(function () {
    'use strict';
        .factory('ProductService', ProductService);
     * clientUpdatesQueue
     * Will hold all the offline operations on the following format:
     * {'Section':SectionEnum.SECTION, 'Operation':OperationEnum.OPERATION, 'Record':record, 'Timestamp':currentTimeStamp}
    var clientUpdatesQueue = [];
    var products = [];
     * Enum for sections used by the clientUpdatesQueue array.
    var SectionEnum = {
        PRODUCTS : 0
     * Enum for operations used by the clientUpdatesQueue array.
    var OperationEnum = {
        CREATE : 0,
        UPDATE : 1,
        DELETE : 2
     * Initializes the client updates queue
    (function initClientUpdatesQueue(){
        clientUpdatesQueue = angular.fromJson(localStorage.clientUpdatesQueue || "[]");
        if(localStorage.products === undefined){
        clientUpdatesQueue = angular.fromJson(localStorage.clientUpdatesQueue || "[]");
    ProductService.$inject = ['$http', '$rootScope'];
    function ProductService($http, $rootScope) {
         * TODO
         * Will write a function that sends the offline operations updates to the server
         * service.SendUpdates = SendUpdates;
        var service = {};
        service.GetAllFromServer = GetAllFromServer;
        service.GetAll = GetAll;
        service.Get = Get;
        service.Create = Create;
        service.Update = Update;
        service.Delete = Delete;
        service.Synchronize = Synchronize;
        return service;
        /***************SYNCHRONIZATION TASKS***************
         * Synchronize
         * Iterates through the pending updates queue and performs the corresponding call to the server
        function Synchronize(){
            for (var key in clientUpdatesQueue) {
                    case 0:
                    case 1:
                    case 2:
                clientUpdatesQueue.splice(key, 1);
         * updateLocalStorage
         * Updates local storage with the lastest operations.
        function updateLocalStorage(){
            localStorage.products = angular.toJson(products || "[]");
            localStorage.clientUpdatesQueue = angular.toJson(clientUpdatesQueue || "[]");
         * GetAllFromServer
         * Gets all products matching the current session from the server and store them on the local storage.
        function GetAllFromServer(){
            var session = angular.fromJson(localStorage.session);
                method: 'GET',
                url: $rootScope.apiURL+'getAllClientProducts/'+session,
                headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
                if(response.ErrorMessage === null && response.Result !== null){
                    localStorage.products = angular.toJson(Object.keys(response.Result).map(function (key) {return response.Result[key]}));
                }else if(response.ErrorMessage !==null){
                alert('Something went wrong. Please try again: '+response);
        /***************LOCAL TASKS*************************
         * GetAll
         * Gets all the products from the local storage
         * @return {Array} products
        function GetAll(){
            if(localStorage.products !== undefined) {
                return angular.fromJson(localStorage.products);
         * Gets the specified product by its primary key
         * @param {String} InvProductId
         * @return {Object} product
        function Get(id){
            products = GetAll();
            var thisProduct = products.filter(function(p){
                return p.InvProductId === id;
            return thisProduct[0];
         * Creates a product
         * @param {Object} product
        function Create(product){
            var result = true;
                return false;
            products = GetAll();
            clientUpdatesQueue.push({'Section':SectionEnum.PRODUCTS, 'Operation':OperationEnum.CREATE, 'Record':product, 'Timestamp':Date.now()});
            return result;
         * Updates a product
         * @param {Object} product
        function Update(product){
            var result = true;
                return false;
            products = GetAll();
            for (var key in products) {
                if(products[key].InvProductId === product.InvProductId){
                    products[key] = product;
            clientUpdatesQueue.push({'Section':SectionEnum.PRODUCTS, 'Operation':OperationEnum.UPDATE, 'Record':product, 'Timestamp':Date.now()});
            return result;
         * Deletes a product
         * @param {Object} product
        function Delete(product){
            var result = true;
            products = GetAll();
            for (var key in products) {
                if(products[key].InvProductId === product.InvProductId){
                    products.splice(key, 1);
            clientUpdatesQueue.push({'Section':SectionEnum.PRODUCTS, 'Operation':OperationEnum.DELETE, 'Record':product, 'Timestamp':Date.now()});
            return result;
        /***************SERVER COMMUNICATION****************
         * Creates a product on the server
         * @param {Object} product
        function CreateOnServer(product){
            var session = angular.fromJson(localStorage.session);
                method: 'POST',
                url: $rootScope.apiURL+'createProduct/'+session,
                data: $.param(product),
                headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
                if(response.ErrorMessage === null && response.Result !== null){
                    mixpanel.track("Product successfuly created at server: " + response.Result.InvProductId);
                mixpanel.track("Create Product Went Wrong: "+data);
                alert('Something went wrong with product creation: '+data);
         * Updates a product on the server
         * @param {Object} product
        function UpdateOnServer(product){
            var session = angular.fromJson(localStorage.session);
                method: 'POST',
                url: $rootScope.apiURL+'updateProduct/'+session,
                data: $.param(product),
                headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
                if(response.ErrorMessage === null && response.Result !== null){
                    mixpanel.track("Product successfuly edited: " + response.Result.InvProductId);
                mixpanel.track("Create Product Went Wrong: "+data);
                alert('Something went wrong with product creation: '+data);
         * TODO
         * Deletes a product on the server
         * @param {Object} product
        function DeleteOnServer(product){
            return true;
        /***************VALIDATION UTILITIES****************
        function ValidateSnapshot(product){
            var result = true;
            if(product === null || product === undefined){
                return false;
            if(!product.ApplicableTaxKeys.split(',') instanceof Array || product.ApplicableTaxKeys !== null){
                return false;
            if(product.Barcode.length < 1 || product.Barcode === null || product.Barcode === undefined){
                return false;
            if(product.CliClientId.length !== 10){
                return false;
            if(product.Description.length < 1 || product.Description === null || product.Description === undefined){
                return false;
            if(product.InternalCode.length < 1 || product.InternalCode === null || product.InternalCode === undefined){
                return false;
            if(!product.InvProductCategoryId.split(',') instanceof Array || product.InvProductCategoryId !== null){
                return false;
            if(product.Name.length < 1 || product.Name === null || product.Name === undefined){
                return false;
            if(product.SaleUnitType.length < 1 || product.SaleUnitType === null || product.SaleUnitType === undefined){
                return false;
            if(product.Status.length < 1 || product.Status === null || product.Status === undefined){
                return false;
            if(product.UnitMeasure.length < 1 || product.UnitMeasure === null || product.UnitMeasure === undefined){
                return false;
            return result;


$ 业力开始 01

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Angular 以以下 URL 的形式为您提供错误消息:



在工厂中,您将ProductService声明为位于名为 inspinia 的模块中,因此您需要在测试运行之前加载此模块。



然后 Angular 应该找到服务并能够注入它。

PS:您在测试中有一些重复的代码,您可以删除第二次出现的var ProductService;beforeEach,只使用外部代码。