jquery Animate 在 IE9 及更早版本中不起作用

jquery animate doesn't work in IE9 and older

本文关键字:版本 不起作用 Animate IE9 jquery      更新时间:2023-09-26

我对jquery动画有问题。它在IE9及更早版本中不起作用。我认为问题出在 css 的某个地方,因为正如我在 ie 中看到的那样,不透明度设置为 0。


var $lead = $('.lead');
var height = $lead.height();
var totalHeight = height * numOfLeads;
function bounce() {
    var time = 400;
    var counter1 = 1;
    $($(".lead").get().reverse()).each(function() {
        setTimeout(function(el, counter1, height, totalHeight) {
                top: "-" + (totalHeight - (counter1 * height) + height) + "px",
                opacity: 0,
                display: "block",
                position: "relative"
                top: "+=" + (totalHeight - (counter1 * height) + height) + "px",
                opacity: 1
            }, 1000, "easeOutBounce")
        }, time, this, counter1, height, totalHeight);
        time += 400;
        counter1 += 1;


<div class="lead">
<div class="progress-bar">
        <span class="first green end"></span>
        <span class="middle"></span>
        <span class="middle"></span>
        <span class="last"></span>
<div class="product">Hypotek</div>
<div class="county">Ustecky</div>
<div class="change">


#leads{position: absolute;}
#leads, #leads div { z-index: 5;}
.lead { background: url("../images/lead_back_stripe.png") repeat-x scroll 0 0 transparent; height: 65px;}
.lead > div { float: left; padding-left: 20px; padding-top: 21px; width: 180px;}
.lead > div.progress-bar{width: 185px;}
.lead > div.product {width: 175px;}



长话短说:不透明度在IE中不起作用,据我所知,在IE中设置不透明度的唯一方法是filter: alpha(opacity = X); 0 100 ....不适用于 jQuery 动画


    step: function( now, fx ) {
        var X = 100 * now; //like at half the animation, opacity is 0.5, so X becomes 50