
How to change parentNode style attributes on childNode events

本文关键字:父节点 样式 属性 何更改 子节点 事件      更新时间:2023-09-26

嘿伙计们,我有一个这样的 UL:

<ul id="list">
    <li class="something">
        <div class="btns" onclick="add(this)"> + </div>
        <div class="btns" onclick="sub(this)"> - </div>
    <li class="something new">
        <div class="btns" onclick="add(this)"> + </div>
        <div class="btns" onclick="sub(this)"> - </div>


我在这里想要实现的是,当进行 add() 或 sub() 函数调用时,进行调用的元素的 parentNode 的背景图像属性会发生变化......

所以这样,我就不必为每个元素制作 ID,并且可以重用相同的函数......


function add(x)
    var y = x.parentNode.style;
    if (y.backgroundImage == 'url("../assets/1.png")'
        y.backgroundImage = 'url("../assets/2.png")';
    } else if (y.backgroundImage == 'url("../assets/2.png")'
        y.backgroundImage = 'url("../assets/3.png")';
    ... so on so forth...



本质上,有一个 3x3 网格填充了 li,背景图像使用点指示当前数量。每个 li 里面有两个按钮,用于加减。单击每个时,背景图像应该会更改为表示当前数量......这必须独立于不同的 li 来完成......

我同意 RobG 的观点,即使用类更适合 - 特别是如果您决定使用框架。在你不想的情况下,这里有一些其他方法:

针对计算样式进行了更新 - 将注释版本保留在帖子底部:这个的主要区别在于它获得内联样式或计算版本的背景图像(例如,如果它由类设置)。

要获取计算样式,请查看 quirksmode.org。在获取样式页面的底部部分。

这是一个在 jsfiddle 中不起作用的小提琴(有点累,但我认为这与我在工作中使用 IE6 有关......),但如果您在正常设置中在本地执行此操作,则可以正常工作。

function add(x) {
    var parent = x.parentNode;
    var y = parent.currentStyle['backgroundImage'] || document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(parent,null).getPropertyValue('backgroundImage');
        case (y.indexOf("1.png")!=-1):
            parent.style.backgroundImage = 'url("http://www.wskidmore.com/2.png")';
        case (y.indexOf("2.png")!=-1):
            parent.style.backgroundImage = 'url("http://www.wskidmore.com/3.png")';
        case (y.indexOf("3.png")!=-1):
            parent.style.backgroundImage = 'url("http://www.wskidmore.com/1.png")';


function add(x) {
        var y = x.parentNode.style.backgroundImage;
    // using indexOf will avoid the possible quote issue and possibly other odd browser quirks
    // switch true means it will do the first case it finds that evaluates to true
        // indexof means it looks through your string for the given substring
        // and returns the position so, "abc".indexOf("b") returns 1 (its 0 based)
        // if it doesnt find it anywhere it returns -1
        // so for our switch, it looks inside the backgroundImage string
        // url("../assets/x.png") no-repeat 50% 50%
        // or whatever it may be for the part "1.png"
        // if it finds it, it will return 5, or 8, or whatever the position is
        // if not it returns -1
        // so when this gets evaluated we check for "not -1"
        case (y.indexOf("1.png")!=-1):
          // if this case is true, then everything between the : and break;
          // will be performed, then it exits the switch
          y = 'url("../assets/2.png")';
        case (y.indexOf("2.png")!=-1):
          y = 'url("../assets/3.png")';
        case (y.indexOf("3.png")!=-1):
          y = 'url("../assets/4.png")';

使用 getElementsByName() 函数,在要更改的所有节点上设置相同的名称。

function add(x) {
  var elements = document.getElementsByName("somename");
  /* Iterate over the array and set the .style.* elements as needed */



var yourLib = {
  dom: {},
  util: {}
/* Check if an element has a particular class name
yourLib.dom.hasClassName = function(el, cName) {
    if (typeof el == 'string') el = document.getElementById(el);
    var re = new RegExp('(^|''s+)' + cName + '(''s+|$)');
    return el && re.test(el.className);
/* Add a class name if element doesn't already have it
yourLib.dom.addClassName = function(el, cName) {
    if (typeof el == 'string') el = document.getElementById(el);
    if (!yourLib.dom.hasClassName(el, cName)) {
        el.className = yourLib.util.trim(el.className + ' ' + cName);
/* Remove a class name if element has it
yourLib.dom.removeClassName = function(el, cName) {
    if (typeof el == 'string') el = document.getElementById(el);
    if (util.dom.hasClassName(el, cName)) {
        var re = new RegExp('(^|''s+)' + cName + '(''s+|$)','g');
        el.className = yourLib.util.trim(el.className.replace(re, ''));
/* Remove leading and trailing whitespace and reduce
** multiple intermediate whitespaces to a single space
yourLib.util.trim = function(s) {
  return s.replace(/(^'s+)|('s+$)/g,'').replace(/'s+/g,' ');

您的代码应该可以正常工作,除非您错误地匹配了现有背景图像。 它不会返回与您设置时相同的引号。

//When setting the url property, you need to wrap the actual URI in double quotes
//and then wrap the whole thing in single quotes to indicate to JS that it's a string
y.backgroundImage = 'url("../assets/1.png")'; //set background image
//y.backgroundImage now has a value of 'url(../assets/1.png)'    
//Here you try to match the value of y.backgroundImage against the string you
//originally stored in it, but that won't work
y.backgroundImage == 'url("../assets/1.png")'; //false
//The backgroundImage property returns a string that has the quotes stripped
//out of the inside of the URL definition
y.backgroundImage == "url(../assets/1.png)";  //true


function add(x)
    var y = x.parentNode.style.backgroundImage;
    if ((y == '') || (y.indexOf("3_0.png") != -1))
        x.parentNode.style.backgroundImage = 'url(../_assets/3_1.png)';
    else if (y.indexOf("3_1.png") != -1)
        x.parentNode.style.backgroundImage = 'url(../_assets/3_2.png)';
    else if (y.indexOf("3_2.png") != -1)
        x.parentNode.style.backgroundImage = 'url(../_assets/3_3.png)';
    else if (y.indexOf("3_-3.png") != -1)
        x.parentNode.style.backgroundImage = 'url(../_assets/3_-2.png)';
    else if (y.indexOf("3_-2.png") != -1)
        x.parentNode.style.backgroundImage = 'url(../_assets/3_-1.png)';
    else if (y.indexOf("3_-1.png") != -1)
        x.parentNode.style.backgroundImage = 'url(../_assets/3_0.png)';
