将 CSS 样式规则转换为 HTML 元素(反之亦然)

Convert CSS style rules to HTML elements (and vice versa)

本文关键字:元素 反之亦然 HTML CSS 样式 规则 转换      更新时间:2023-09-26

我正在使用一个名为FresherEditor的实用程序,该实用程序使用jQuery的ContentEditable插件在浏览器窗口中创建可编辑的文档。然后,我需要获取该输出,并从通过将 HTML 管理的样式解析为 CSS 获得的规则生成 SVG 图形。


      <font face="Verdana">
       Hello, World!


 <p style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline; font-family: Verdana;">
  Hello, World!


这是一个非常有趣的问题; 谢谢!以下是添加html2style()style2html()方法的脚本。测试用例表明,您可以在两者之间进行转换,而无需视觉变化(尽管往返后元素嵌套的顺序可能会有所不同)。



将嵌套的 HTML 短语元素转换为样式属性

  var HTML2CSS = {
    strong: function(e){ this.style.fontWeight = "bold";                  },
    b:      function(e){ this.style.fontWeight = "bold";                  },
    em:     function(e){ this.style.fontStyle = "italic";                 },
    i:      function(e){ this.style.fontStyle = "italic";                 },
    font:   function(e){ this.style.fontFamily = e.getAttribute('face');  },
    u:      function(e){ this.style.textDecoration += ' underline';       },
    strike: function(e){ this.style.textDecoration += ' line-through';    }
  scope.html2style = function(root){
    for (var name in HTML2CSS){
      var elements = root.querySelectorAll(name);
      var styler   = HTML2CSS[name];
      for (var i=elements.length;i--;){
        var toKill = elements[i],
            parent = toKill.parentNode;
        // Only swap out nodes that are the sole element child of the parent
        if (!toKill.nextElementSibling && !toKill.previousElementSibling){
          // Move contents into the parent
          for (var kids=toKill.childNodes,j=kids.length;j--;){
          // Merge existing styles from this node onto the parent
          parent.style.cssText += toKill.style.cssText;  
          // Hard set the style for this node onto the parent

将样式属性转换为嵌套的 HTML 短语元素

  var CSS2HTML = {
    "fontWeight:bold":             "b",
    "fontStyle:italic":            "i",
    "textDecoration:underline":    "u",
    "textDecoration:line-through": "strike",
    "font-family:*":                function(value){ var e=document.createElement('font'); e.setAttribute('face',value); return e; }
  scope.style2html = function(root){
    var leaf = root;
    for (var style in CSS2HTML){
      var elName = CSS2HTML[style],
          parts  = style.split(':'),
          name   = parts[0],
          wild   = parts[1]=="*",
          regex  = !wild && new RegExp("(^|''s)"+parts[1]+"(''s|$)"),
          before = root.style[name];
      if (before && (wild || regex.test(before))){
        var el = (typeof elName==='function') ? elName(before) : document.createElement(elName);
        for (var kids=leaf.childNodes,j=kids.length;j--;){
        leaf = leaf.appendChild(el);
        root.style[name]=wild ? "" : before.replace(regex,"");
    if (root.getAttribute('style')=="") root.removeAttribute('style');