如何在 JavaScript 中使用 http.post 将图像发送到服务器,并在 MongoDB 中存储 base64

how to send image to server with http.post in javascript and store base64 in mongodb

本文关键字:服务器 并在 存储 MongoDB base64 JavaScript post http 图像      更新时间:2023-09-26

我无法使用mongodb在客户端进入http请求,在服务器端存储图像。我非常感谢帮助。我需要一个简单的示例来说明如何将图像文件作为数据添加到 http post 请求(如 XMLhttprequest)中。比方说,我知道服务器方法的网址。图像的源在 中定义





var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
httpPost.onreadystatechange = function(err) {
        if (httpPost.readyState == 4 && httpPost.status == 200){
        } else {
var  path = ""+name;
httpPost.open("POST", path, true);
// I guess I have to add the imagedata into the httpPost here, but i dont know how

然后在服务器端的路径上,将调用以下方法,我想将base64编码图像的url存储在mongodb中。如何从 httpPost 访问图像?

function postNewImageType(req, res, next){
    var newImageTypeData = {
         name: req.params.name,
         image: "placeholder.png"
    var data = // how to access the image?
    var imageBuffer = decodeBase64Image(data);
    fs.writeFile(cfg.imageFolger+newImageTypeData._id+'.jpeg', imageBuffer.data, function(err){
        if (err) return new Error(err);
        var image = new ImageType(newImageData);
    imagetype.save(function (err) {
        if (error) {return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError(JSON.stringify(error.errors)));}
        else { res.send(201, imagetype);}

多种方式将请求中的图像数据发送到服务器,但所有这些方法都涉及使用要发送的数据作为其参数调用 XMLHttpRequest 对象的 send 方法。

send 方法既将请求调度到远程服务器,又将其参数设置为该请求的正文。由于服务器上需要 Base64 编码的图像数据,因此首先需要在客户端上将图像文件转换为 Base64 数据。

在客户端上将图像转换为 Base64 的最简单方法是将图像作为图像元素加载,将其绘制到画布元素,然后获取画布图像数据的 Base64 表示形式。

这可能看起来像下面这样(假设原始图像的 URL 存储在名为 imgsrc 的变量中,并且所需的名称存储在name中,如前所述):

// This function accepts three arguments, the URL of the image to be 
// converted, the mime type of the Base64 image to be output, and a 
// callback function that will be called with the data URL as its argument 
// once processing is complete
var convertToBase64 = function(url, imagetype, callback){
    var img = document.createElement('IMG'),
        canvas = document.createElement('CANVAS'),
        ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
        data = '';
    // Set the crossOrigin property of the image element to 'Anonymous',
    // allowing us to load images from other domains so long as that domain 
    // has cross-origin headers properly set
    img.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous'
    // Because image loading is asynchronous, we define an event listening function that will be called when the image has been loaded
    img.onLoad = function(){
        // When the image is loaded, this function is called with the image object as its context or 'this' value
        canvas.height = this.height;
        canvas.width = this.width;
        ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0);
        data = canvas.toDataURL(imagetype);
    // We set the source of the image tag to start loading its data. We define 
    // the event listener first, so that if the image has already been loaded 
    // on the page or is cached the event listener will still fire
    img.src = url;
// Here we define the function that will send the request to the server. 
// It will accept the image name, and the base64 data as arguments
var sendBase64ToServer = function(name, base64){
    var httpPost = new XMLHttpRequest(),
        path = "" + name,
        data = JSON.stringify({image: base64});
    httpPost.onreadystatechange = function(err) {
            if (httpPost.readyState == 4 && httpPost.status == 200){
            } else {
    // Set the content type of the request to json since that's what's being sent
    httpPost.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    httpPost.open("POST", path, true);
// This wrapper function will accept the name of the image, the url, and the 
// image type and perform the request
var uploadImage = function(src, name, type){
    convertToBase64(src, type, function(data){
        sendBase64ToServer(name, data);
// Call the function with the provided values. The mime type could also be png
// or webp
uploadImage(imgsrc, name, 'image/jpeg')

当服务器收到请求时,请求正文将包含 JSON 字符串,其中包含 Base64 映像。由于您尚未提供用于 Mongo 的服务器框架或数据库驱动程序,因此我调整了您的代码,假设您使用的是 Express 和 Mongoose 以及应用程序中已定义的 ImageType 模型。



function postNewImageType(req, res, next){
    var json = JSON.parse(req.body),
        newImageTypeData = {
            name: json.name,
            image: "placeholder.png"
        imageBuffer = decodeBase64Image(data),
        newImageType = new ImageType(newImageTypeData);
    //First we save the image to Mongo to get an id
        if(err) return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError(JSON.stringify(err.errors)));
        var fileName = cfg.imageFolder + newImageType._id + '.jpeg';
        fs.writeFile(fileName, imageBuffer.data, function(err){
            //Handle error in next middleware function somehow
            if (err) return next(err);
            newImageType.set({image: 'filename.png'});
                if (err) return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError(JSON.stringify(err.errors)));
                res.send(201, imagetype);