解析 - JavaScript 指针查询,从指针返回解析对象的问题

Parse - JavaScript Pointer Query, issue returning Parse Objects from pointers

本文关键字:指针 对象 返回 问题 JavaScript 查询 解析      更新时间:2023-09-26

我有一个带有多个指针的类,我想在响应中返回它们的完整对象(如SQL中的连接)。 下面的示例这样做,但它返回 JSON 而不是 Parse 对象。 如何从指针返回包含每个 Parse 对象的对象数组,而无需对每个指针进行额外的查询?

        /* Go Through Each Comment*/
        var commentsArray = new Array();
        for(i in results){
            /* Set obj to current comment*/
            var obj = results[i];
            /* Get Post's Name */
            var postName = obj.get("post").get("postName");
            /* Get Post's Message */
            var postMsg = obj.get("post").get("postMsg");
            /* Get Post Author's Name */
            var authorName = obj.get("post").get("postAuthor").get("name");
            /* Get Comment's Message */
            var commentMsg = obj.get("msg");
            /* Get Comment's Author*/
            var commentAuthor = obj.get("user").get("name");
            /* Let's Put the Comment Information in an Array as an Object*/
                    name: postName,
                    msg: postMsg
                author: authorName,
                comment: {
                    author: commentAuthor,
                    msg: commentMsg

已编辑(我在客户端上使用 Swift 构建):

var query = new Parse.Query("Profile");
query.equalTo("objectId", objectId);
query.find().then(function(profile) {
  response.success(profile)  // Returns profile parse object
}, function(error) {

"<Profile: 0x153f96570, objectId: HKdukNBlmA, localId: (null)> {'n}"

Parse.Cloud.define("getProfiles", function(request, response) {
  var query = new Parse.Query("Profile");
  query.find().then(function(profiles) {
    var res = [];
    profiles.forEach(function(profile) {
      var obj = {
        firstName: profile.get("firstName"),
        lastName: profile.get("lastName"),
        age: profile.get("age"),
        gender: profile.get("gender")
      obj.friend = {
        firstName: profile.get("friendId").get("firstName"),
        lastName: profile.get("friendId").get("lastName"),
  }, function(error) {
    response.error("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);

  firstName: "bob",
  lastName: "smith",
  age: 19,
  gender: male
  friend: {
    firstName: "tim",
    lastName: "wang",
  firstName: "chris",
  lastName: "scalia",
  age: 24,
  gender: male
  friend: {
    firstName: "ben",
    lastName: "calder",


调用方正在获取部分对象(只是一些属性),因为云函数使用它构造的少数属性进行响应。 要取回解析对象,请返回解析对象...

Parse.Cloud.define("getProfiles", function(request, response) {
    var query = new Parse.Query("Profile");
    query.find().then(function(profiles) {
    }, function(error) {
      response.error("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);

当然,这不一定是云函数,因为它不会向查询添加任何值。 客户端可以只运行查询。

另请注意,我看到的另一件事,尤其是通过调用 parse 的 swift 作者,是一种奇怪的习惯,即进行查询,获取 PFObject 数组作为响应,然后迭代这些对象并仅将一些属性存储在本地数组中。 这通常是一个错误,所以,在我看来,你的客户应该看起来像这样......

// no need to call a cloud function that just does a query
var query = PFQuery(className:"Profile")
query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock { (objects: [PFObject]?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
    if error == nil {
        // don't iterate the objects here, saving bits of them in an array
        // have an instance var that is an array of PFObjects
        self.objects = objects;
    } else {
        print("Error: '(error!) '(error!.userInfo)")