无法将鼠标坐标从content_script传递到弹出式窗口(Chrome 扩展程序)

can't pass mouse coordinates from content_script to popup (chrome extension)

本文关键字:窗口 弹出式 Chrome 程序 扩展 鼠标 坐标 script content      更新时间:2023-09-26


正在开发我的第一个谷歌浏览器扩展程序,我正在尝试用它转换这个脚本见下文,我制作成一个扩展弹出窗口。这个想法是,出现在右下角该页面上的框将出现在扩展程序的弹出窗口中,同时动态(实时)从实际页面中提取鼠标坐标。我认为这样做的方法是注入一个content_script,该拉动鼠标坐标 ->将它们发送到后台.html ->将它们传递给弹出窗口.js




"browser_action": {
  "default_icon": "icon.png",
  "default_popup": "popup.html"
"content_scripts": [
    "matches": ["<all_urls>","http://*/*","https://*/*"],
    "js": ["coord.js"]

content_script (i.e. coord.js)
var x = event.clientX,
    y = event.clientY;  //record down the x and y
chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(         //listen to request
  function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
    if (request.greeting == "coord"){
      sendResponse({farewell: JSON.stringify([x,y])});//send coordinates to poupup

    chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {    //ask for coordinates
      chrome.tabs.sendRequest(tab.id, {greeting: "coord"}, function(response) {
        var x = JSON.parse(response.farewell)[0],
            y = JSON.parse(response.farewell)[1];
        document.getElementById("main").innerHTML = x + "," + y;


    var width, height, divObj, interval;
    var l, t, r, b;
    function setup() {
            width = window.innerWidth;
            height = window.innerHeight;
            interval = setInterval(loadDiv, 50);
    function getMouseCoordinates(event) {
        ev = event || window.event;
        l = ev.pageX; t = ev.pageY;
        r = width - l; b = height - t;
        divObj.innerHTML = '<div style="position: absolute; left: 20px;">.class {<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;position: absolute;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;left: ' + l + 'px;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;top: ' + t + 'px;<br>}</div><div style="position: absolute; left: 250px;">.class {<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;position: absolute;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;right: ' + r + 'px;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bottom: ' + b + 'px;<br>}</div>';      
    function loadDiv() {
        divObj = document.getElementById("divPlacement");
    document.write('<div id="divPlacement" style="position: absolute; right: 25px; bottom: 25px; z-index: 1000; color: #fff; font-family: monospace; background-color: #000; opacity:0.4; filter:alpha(opacity=40); -webkit-border-radius: 5px;-moz-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px; padding: 10px; width: 420px; height: 80px; border: solid #ccc;"></div>');


chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {    //ask for coordinates
  chrome.tabs.sendRequest(tab.id, {greeting: "coord"}, function(response) {
    var x = JSON.parse(response.farewell)[0],
        y = JSON.parse(response.farewell)[1];
    console.log(x);  //Will give you mouse x
    console.log(y);  //Will give you mouse y
content script
var x = event.clientX,
    y = event.clientY;  //record down the x and y
chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(         //listen to request
  function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
    if (request.greeting == "coord"){
      sendResponse({farewell: JSON.stringify([x,y]));//send coordinates to poupup