
Hidden Div Tab-through (accessibility)

本文关键字:访问 分区 标签 隐藏      更新时间:2023-09-26

我有一个部分,其中隐藏了点击显示的div。我试图实现的是可访问性合规性,如果我按 Tab 键浏览并打开其中一个部分,它将通过该部分的内部内容,然后返回到最初中断的位置。

例如。如果我通过 Tab 键打开第 1 部分,我希望能够按 tab 键浏览第 1 节的内部内容,然后返回打开第 2 节的按钮,依此类推......



<div id="dropdown-menus">
  <div id="section1-drop" class="drop-section hidden-panel">
    <a href="#">Link 1</a>
    <a href="#">Link 2</a>
  <div id="section2-drop" class="drop-section hidden-panel">
    <a href="#">Link 1</a>
    <a href="#">Link 2</a>
<ul id="dropdown-links" class="menu main-tabs">
    <a class="panel-btn" 
       id="drop-link-section1">section 1</a>
    <a class="panel-btn" 
       id="drop-link-section2">section 2</a>


function dropMenu(menusection) {
    if ( !($('#dropdown-menus #' + menusection + '-drop').is(':hidden')) ) {
        // Select panel is open. Closes the panel.
        $('#dropdown-menus #' + menusection + '-drop').slideUp(500);
        $('#dropdown-menus #' + menusection + '-drop').removeClass('active');
        $('a#drop-link-' + menusection).removeClass('active');
        // Scroll to top of buttons.
        var aid = $("#dropdown-links");
        $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: aid.offset().top-480},400,function(){});
    } else if ( $('#dropdown-menus .drop-section').hasClass('active') 
                && $('#dropdown-menus #' + menusection + '-drop').is(':hidden') ) {
        // Another panel is open. 
        // Closes currently open panel and opens selected panel.
        $('.menu a.active').removeClass('active');
        $('#dropdown-menus .active').slideUp(500,function(){
            $('#dropdown-menus #' + menusection + '-drop').slideDown(500);
            $('#dropdown-menus #' + menusection + '-drop').addClass('active');
            $('a#drop-link-' + menusection).addClass('active');
        // Scroll to top of panel.
        var aid = $("#dropdown-menus");
        $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: aid.offset().top-155},400,function(){});
    } else {
        // No panel currently open. Opens selected panel.
        $('#dropdown-menus #' + menusection + '-drop').slideDown(500);
        $('#dropdown-menus #' + menusection + '-drop').addClass('active');
        $('a#drop-link-' + menusection).addClass('active');
        // Scroll to top of panel.
        var aid = $("#dropdown-menus");
        $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: aid.offset().top-155},400,function(){});



click 事件在单击链接或按 Enter 时执行 JavaScript 操作。

<div id="dropdown-menus">
  <div id="section1-drop" class="drop-section hidden-panel">
    <a href="#">Link 1</a>
    <a href="#">Link 2</a>
  <div id="section2-drop" class="drop-section hidden-panel">
    <a href="#">Link 3</a>
    <a href="#">Link 4</a>
<ul id="dropdown-links" class="menu main-tabs">
    <a class="panel-btn" 
       id="drop-link-section1">section 1</a>
    <a class="panel-btn" 
       id="drop-link-section2">section 2</a>

上面,我删除了 href 属性并添加了一个 data-section 元素,该元素指定此链接激活哪个部分。这更具语义和可读性,现在我们可以在jQuery中设置处理程序。


// Setup the focus handler for the root links
$('.panel-btn').on('click', function(e) {
    var link = $(this);
    var section = link.attr('data-section');
    // Pass in the current link and the section name to dropMenu
    dropMenu($(this), section);


function dropMenu(link, menusection) {
  // Get the section specified by the menusection id
  var section = $('#' + menusection);
  // Get the open section by checking for the active class
  var openSection = $('#dropdown-menus').find('.drop-section.active');
  // Anonymous function for activating a section and focussing the 
  // first link within the section
  var showSection = function() {
    // Slide the section into view
    // Focus the first link in the section.
  // If there is a section open, we want to slide it up first,
  // then call showSection when that has completed.
  if(openSection.length > 0) {
    // If the open section is the one that was clicked, we want
    // to simply close that section rather than open another
    if(openSecion[0] === section[0]) {
    else {
        openSection.slideUp(500, showSection).removeClass('active');
  // Otherwise, we can just show the section straight away.
  else {

这都是非常标准的,但是您现在需要处理各部分之间的移动,因为您希望使用Tab键在本地发生。问题是,由于您的"拖放部分"位于根链接上方,因此从拖放部分中的最后一个链接开始按 Tab 键将始终将您带回第 1 部分,因为这是文档中的下一个可选项卡元素。为了防止这种情况,我们需要解决一些默认功能并实现我们自己的功能。

首先,您需要配置一个keydown处理程序,以便在 Tab 发生之前捕获它

// Setup a keydown handler to handle tabbing on section links
$('.drop-section').on('keydown', 'a', function(e) {
  if(e.keyCode === TAB_KEY) {
    var link = $(this);
    // Flag determins whether to prevent default tab behaviour
    var preventDef = false;
    // Travel to previous link on SHIFT + TAB
    if(e.shiftKey) {
      preventDef = travelPrevious(link);
    // Travel to next link on TAB
    else {
      preventDef = travelNext(link);
    // Prevent default focus behaviour
    if(preventDef) {


// Handles travelling to the next link
function travelNext(link) {
  var next = link.next();
  if(next.length > 0) {
    // Continue with default behaviour of moving to next link
    return false;
  // Drop section parent ID
  var parentId = link.parents('.drop-section').attr('id');
  // Root link whose data-section attribute matches parent ID
  var rootLink = $('.panel-btn[data-section=' + parentId + ']').parent();
  // Next root link to move to.
  var nextLink = rootLink.next().find('a');
  // Focus on the next root link, which will fire dropMenu for 
  // the next section.
  // Prevent default behaviour
  return true;
function travelPrevious(link) {
  var prev = link.prev();
  if(prev.length > 0) {
    // Continue with default behaviour of moving to previous link
    return false;
  // Drop section parent ID
  var parentId = link.parents('.drop-section').attr('id');
  // LI container for Root link whose data-section attribute matches parent ID
  var rootLink = $('.panel-btn[data-section=' + parentId + ']').parent();
  // Previous root link to move to.
  var prevLink = rootLink.prev().find('a');
  // Focus on the previous root link, which will fire dropMenu for 
  // the previous section.
  // Prevent default behaviour
  return true;




如果您的链接以非标准方式包含在拖放部分中,则上述方法将不起作用,因为它使用寻找直接兄弟姐妹的nextprev函数。如果每个 a 标记都包含在 divli 包装器中,则它们没有直接的同级。


$('.drop-section').on('keydown', 'a', function(e) {
    if(e.keyCode === TAB_KEY) {
        var link = $(this);
        // Retrieve all available links within the parent.
        var linkCollection = link.parents('.drop-section').find('a');


preventDef = travelPrevious(link, linkCollection);
preventDef = travelNext(link, linkCollection);



// Find where the current link sits within the collection
var linkIndex = linkCollection.index(link);
var nextIndex = linkIndex + 1;
if(nextIndex < linkCollection.length) {
  // Continue with default behaviour of moving to next link.
  return false;


// Find where the current link sits within the collection
var linkIndex = linkCollection.index(link);
var nextIndex = linkIndex - 1;
if(nextIndex >= 0) {
  // Continue with default behaviour of moving to previous link
  return false;

查看更新的小提琴 https://jsfiddle.net/rjvw915r/18/