
How to filter results using jQuery search string

本文关键字:筛选 结果 字符串 搜索 何使用 jQuery      更新时间:2023-09-26


<div id="reporting">
    <div class="user-profile" id="John Smith">...content...</div>
    <div class="user-profile" id="Jane Smith">...content...</div>
    <div class="user-profile" id="Tom Nolan">...content...</div>


使用上面的示例,如果访问者输入搜索字符串"Smith",John和Jane Smith都将保持可见,但Tom Nolan div将淡出。如果访客进入汤姆,简和约翰·史密斯都会消失,但汤姆·诺兰仍然可见。


$(':input[name=filter]').on('input',function() {
  //get value just typed into textbox -- see .toLowerCase()
  var val = this.value.toLowerCase();
  //find all .user-profile divs
  //find those that should be visible
  .filter(function() {
    return $(this).data('id').toLowerCase().indexOf( val ) > -1;
  //make them visible
  //now go back and get only the visible ones
  //filter only those for which typed value 'val' does not match the `data-id` value
  .filter(function() {
    return $(this).data('id').toLowerCase().indexOf( val ) === -1;
  //fade those out
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="reporting">
    <div class="user-profile" data-id="John Smith">...content...1</div>
    <div class="user-profile" data-id="Jane Smith">...content...2</div>
    <div class="user-profile" data-id="Tom Nolan">...content...3</div>
<input type="text" name="filter"/>

// build an array of values
var data = [];
jQuery('.user-profile').each(function () {
    var upid = jQuery(this).attr('id'); // user profile id
// on change of text input get value of the text input then analyze the reporting div children ids (data array), fade out any who has an id that doesn't contain the letter(s)
jQuery('[name="filter"]').change(function (e) {
    var sv = jQuery(this).val();
    // check value against data array values
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        var tupid = data[i]; // this user profile id
        var re = new RegExp(sv, "gi"); // make a regex
        var check = tupid.match(re); // see if there is a match
        var theid = '#'+tupid; // build actual id       
        // if this user profile id doesn't match something in the input fade out, if it does fade in
        if (Array.isArray(check) === false) {            


<div id="reporting">
    <div class="user-profile" id="JohnSmith">...content...</div>
    <div class="user-profile" id="JaneSmith">...content...</div>
    <div class="user-profile" id="TomNolan">...content...</div>
<input name="filter" type="text" placeholder="Enter Your Search" />

   var value = $(this).val().toLowerCase();
   $('#reporting .user-profile').filter(function(){
   $(this).toggle($(this).attr('data-id').toLowerCase().indexOf(value) > -1);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="reporting">
    <div class="user-profile" data-id="John Smith">...content...1</div>
    <div class="user-profile" data-id="Jane Smith">...content...2</div>
    <div class="user-profile" data-id="Tom Nolan">...content...3</div>
<input type="text" name="filter" id="filter"/>

            var value = $(this).val().toLowerCase();
            $('#reporting .user-profile').filter(function(){
                $(this).toggle($(this).attr('data-id').toLowerCase().indexOf(value) > -1);


<div id="reporting">
<div class="user-profile" data-id="John Smith">...content...1</div>
<div class="user-profile" data-id="Jane Smith">...content...2</div>
<div class="user-profile" data-id="Tom Nolan">...content...3</div>