
Is there a limit to how many different markers you can have in a fusion layer?

本文关键字:多少 有限制 一个 融合      更新时间:2023-09-26



var layer = new google.maps.FusionTablesLayer({
    query: {
        select: 'Geometry',
        from: 0000000
    map: map,
    options: {
        suppressInfoWindows: true
    styles: [{
        markerOptions: {
            iconName: "measle_white"


var queryUrlHead = 'http://www.google.com/fusiontables/api/query?sql=',
    queryUrlTail = '&jsonCallback=success',
    query = 'SELECT+ID+FROM+0000000+ORDER+BY+ST_DISTANCE(Geometry,LATLNG('+position.coords.latitude+','+position.coords.longitude+'))+LIMIT+25';
var queryurl = queryUrlHead + query + queryUrlTail;


    google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'zoom_changed', function () {
    styles: [{
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "measle_white"
        }, //fallback
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[0][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "a_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[1][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "b_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[2][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "c_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[3][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "d_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[4][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "e_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[5][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "f_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[6][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "g_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[7][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "h_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[8][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "i_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[9][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "j_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[10][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "k_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[11][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "l_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[12][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "m_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[13][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "n_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[14][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "o_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[15][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "p_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[16][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "q_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[17][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "r_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[18][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "s_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[19][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "t_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[20][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "u_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[21][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "v_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[22][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "w_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[23][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "x_blue"
        }, {
            where: "'ID' = " + ids.table.rows[24][0],
            markerOptions: {
                iconName: "z_blue"



很抱歉,通过Maps API只能设置5种样式。开发者指南中提到了这个限制。我怀疑显示所有可能图标的地图不是FT层。如果通过FT UI完成,你可以有更多的风格,但这不是动态的,可能不适合你的情况。