
Changing font size using keyboard and mouse

本文关键字:字体 鼠标 键盘      更新时间:2023-09-26


  1. "Alt"answers"+"
  2. Esc


<style>p{font-size: 30pt;}</style>
<body onmousedown="changeSize(event)" onkeyup="changeSize(event)">
    var start = 30;
    var min = 10;
    var max = 50;
    function changeSize(e) {
    var b = e.keyCode;
    var c = e.button; 
    var fontSized = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
    if (e.altKey){
            if (b == 107){
                if (start <=max && start >=min){
                start += 5;
                    for (i=0; i<=fontSized.length; i++){
                        fontSized[i].style.fontSize = start + "pt";
    if (b == 27){
        start = 30;
        for (i=0; i<=fontSized.length; i++){
            fontSized[i].style.fontSize = start + "pt";

您的if (b == 27) {位于if (e.altKey) {块内,因此只有同时按下alt时它才会工作。你的代码应该是这样的:

if (e.altKey){
    if (b == 107){
        if (start <=max && start >=min){
            start += 5;
            for (i=0; i<=fontSized.length; i++){
                fontSized[i].style.fontSize = start + "pt";
if (b == 27){
    start = 30; // start == 30 is a comparator, and does not set start to 30
    for (i=0; i<=fontSized.length; i++){
        fontSized[i].style.fontSize = start + "pt";

注意,if (b == 27)之后的start == 30已更改为start = 30



<style>p{font-size: 30pt;}</style>
<body onmousedown="changeSize(event)" onkeyup="changeSize(event)">
    var start = 30;
    var min = 10;
    var max = 50;
    function changeSize(e) {
    var b = e.keyCode;
    var c = e.button; 
    var fontSized = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
    if (e.altKey) {
        if (b == 187){ // Now the combination is Alt + '='
            if (start <=max && start >=min){
                start += 5;
                    for (i=0; i<=fontSized.length; i++){
                        fontSized[i].style.fontSize = start + "pt";
    if (b == 27){
            start = 30;
            for (i=0; i<=fontSized.length; i++){
                fontSized[i].style.fontSize = start + "pt";
