
Create new line in document write (JavaScript)

本文关键字:创建 新行 JavaScript 文档      更新时间:2023-09-26


<script type="text/javascript">
    var     firstString =  prompt(" Enter the first number ", "");
    var     secondString = prompt(" Enter the second number ", "");
    var     num1 = parseFloat(firstString);
    var     num2 = parseFloat(secondString);
    var addition = num1 + num2;         //  Addition of num1 and num2
    var subtraction = num1 - num2;      //  Subtraction of num1 and num2
    var multiplication = num1 * num2;   //  Multiplication of num1 and num2
    var division = num1 / num2          //  Division of num1 and num2
    //These are the ones I'm trying to get to appear on separate lines
    document.write (
        "<p> First Value Entered: " + num1 + 'n
        "Second Value Entered: " + num2 + 'n
        "Sum: " + addition + 'n
        "Difference: " + subtraction + 'n
        "Product: " + multiplication + 'n
        "Quotient: " + division + "</p>"
// -->




  • 引用所有字符串文字
  • 在要连接的每个字符串对之间放置一个+
  • 使用<br>元素而不是文字新行(因为HTML中的新行不会导致换行)


"Second Value Entered: " + num2 + "<br>" +


<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- JavaScript Arith - Oct. 22, 1918 -->
var name = prompt("Hello and Welcome! I'm Chip. We're going to play a little math game. What's your name?", "");
    alert("Hello, " + name + ". Please enter a number for each prompt. Please, do not use 0 for either number.")
    var answer, sum, difference, product, quotient, power = -1; // Initialize 
    // Input - Prompt for the numbers
    // Processing - the preparation for number crunching        
    // Make sure the values are numeric.var first = Number(prompt("Enter the first number", ""));       
    var first = Number(prompt("Enter the first number", ""));
    var second = Number(prompt("Enter the second number", ""));
    // Output - results 
    // Feedback - later for errors, e.g., 0, letters, etc.
    document.write(name + ", the numbers chosen were: " + first + " and " + second);
    document.write(".<br>The results are shown below.<ul>");
    var sum = first + second;
    document.write("<li>Sum: " + sum + "</li>"); // ad d
    var difference = first - second;
    document.write("<li>Difference: " + difference + "</li>"); // subtract
    M, S and D. For positive arguments M and S holds:
    The minuend (M) is the first number in a subtraction; the number from which another number (the Subtrahend) is to be subtracted.
    The subtrahend (s) is the number that is being subtracted from the minuend.
    Example: in 8 − 3 = 5, 8 is the minuend (M). 3 is the subtrahend (S). 5 is the difference (D).
    If the minuend is larger than the subtrahend, the difference D is positive.
    If the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend, the difference D is negative.
    In any case, if minuend and subtrahend are equal, the difference D = 0.
    var product = first * second;
    document.write("<li>Product: " + product + "</li>");    // multiply
    /* factors */
    var quotient = first / second;
    document.write("<li>Quotient: " + quotient + "</li>");  // divide
    Division shows the relationship between the dividend, divisor, quotient and remainder. The number which we divide (before  the '/' operator) is called the 'dividend.' The number by which we divide (after the '/' operator)is called the 'divisor.' The result obtained is called the 'quotient.'
    var power = first ** second;
    document.write("<li>Power: " + power + "</li>");    // exponentiation
    document.write("</ul>Thanks, " + name + ". Have a Nice Day!");

 function breakline()
            document.write("Hi?<br> nice shirt");
            // "<br>" use in document.write
            alert("Hi? 'n nice shirt");
            // '/n' use in alert 