Knockout MVC中丢弃更改时的无限Ajax请求

Infinity Ajax Request When Drop Change in Knockout MVC

本文关键字:无限 Ajax 请求 MVC Knockout      更新时间:2023-09-26

我在项目中使用Knockout MVC。当Drop Down更改时,我尝试将viewModel传递给。但是当我多次尝试这个方法调用并且警报"ok"调用continuesley时。有人能帮我吗??

$(function () {
  $('#rmch').change(function () {             
      url: '@Url.Action("DropChange", "Home")',
      type: 'POST',
      data: ko.mapping.toJSON(viewModel),
      dataType: "json",
      contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
      success: function (data) {
        if (data.redirect) {
          location.href = resolveUrl(data.url);
        else {
          //ko.applyBindings(viewModel, document.getElementById("p_scentsFH"));
          ko.mapping.fromJS(data, viewModel);
      error: function (error) {
       alert("There was an error posting the data to the server: " + error.responseText);


public JsonResult DropChange(HotelModel hotelmod)
  //hmodel.RoomModel = new List<RoomModel>();
  //for (int i = 1; i <= hmodel.NoOfRooms; i++)
  //    hmodel.RoomModel.Add(new RoomModel { adultsDrp = ListItems.GetList(1, 6), childDrop = ListItems.GetList(0, 5) });
  //    //hmodel.RoomModel.Add(new RoomModel { });
  var jjj = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(hotelmod);
  return Json(hotelmod);


<div class="search-tab-content">
  <div class="tab-pane fade active in" id="hotels-tab">
    <form id="searchfrm">
      <div class="title-container">
        <h2 class="search-title">Search and Book Hotels</h2>
        <p>We're bringing you a new level of comfort.</p>
        <i class="soap-icon-hotel"></i>
      <div class="search-content">
        <h5 class="title">Where</h5>
        <label>Your Destination</label>
        @ko.Html.TextBox(m => m.Destination, new { @class = "input-text full-width", @placeholder = "Any destination, country, city code" })
        @ko.Html.Hidden(new { @Id = "DesCode" }).Value(m => m.DesCode)
        <h5 class="title">When</h5>
        <div class="row">
          <div class="col-xs-4">
            <label>Check In</label>
            <div class="datepicker-wrap">
            @ko.Html.TextBox(m => m.CheckInDate, new { @class = "input-text full-width" })
        <div class="col-xs-4">
          <label>Check Out</label>
          <div class="datepicker-wrap">
            @ko.Html.TextBox(m => m.CheckOutDate, new { @class = "input-text full-width" })
        <div class="col-xs-4">
          <div class="selector">
            @ko.Html.DropDownList(m => m.RoomList, new { @class = "full-width jkl", @id = "rmch" }, "Text", "Value").Value(m => m.NoOfRooms)
      <div id="p_scentsFH">
        @using (var rmModel = ko.Foreach(m => m.RoomModel))
          <h5 class="title">Room 1</h5><div class="row">                                                    
          <div class="col-xs-3">                                                        
            <div class="selectorgen">
              @rmModel.Html.DropDownList(m => m.adultsDrp, new { @class = "full-width" },"Text","Value").Value(m=>m.adultscount)                                                            
          <div class="col-xs-3">                                               
            <div class="selectorgen">
              @rmModel.Html.DropDownList(m => m.childDrop, new { @class = "full-width" }, "Text", "Value").Value(m => m.childcount)                                                                                                                                                            
          <div class="agecls">
            @using(var chage=rmModel.Foreach(m=>m.childage))
              <div class="col-xs-3">                                                        
                <div class="selectorgen">   
                  @chage.Html.DropDownList(m => m.ageDrop, new { @class = "full-width" },"Text","Value").Value(m=>m.Age)                                                                                              
      <button type="submit" class="full-width uppercase">Search Cheap Hotels</button>
