不能触发Alert();on Jqxgrid复选框

Cant trigger Alert(); on Jqxgrid Checkbox

本文关键字:on Jqxgrid 复选框 Alert 不能      更新时间:2023-09-26


jQuery('#jqxgrid').find('span').on("click",function() {
                    alert('i am here');
jQuery('#jqxgrid').on("click",function() {
                        alert('This works but when i try to click on <span> that holds checkbox, it dont alert any thing other then this it works');


<body class='default'>
        <div id="jqxgrid"></div>


$('body').on('click', '#jqxgrid span', function() {
    alert('i am here');

按评论,您可以使用; () :

jQuery('#jqxgrid').on("click", function() {                 
    var span = jQuery(this).find('.jqx-checkbox-check-checked');
I use this.
//=======> First I Define my element in the Jqxgrid, in my case one button...
myDataTable = $('#jqxgrid').DataTable({
            data: dataSet,
            columns: [
                          render: function ()
                              return '<button type="button" id="btnTest"></button>';
                          width: 50

//=======>Then, I catch the event 
   $('#jqxgrid tbody').on('click', '#AddTransportistas', function ()
        { alert('I am here'); 