
Velocity.js clearing default values after animation

本文关键字:清除 默认值 动画 js Velocity      更新时间:2023-09-26



// first use CSS to hide the element and squish it
    width: 0, 
    left: "-10px", 
    opacity: 0,
    marginRight: 0,
    transition: "none"
// now animate the width and margin (do this first
// so there's a little gap between existing elements
// before we fade in new element.
    width: width,
    marginRight: margin
}, {
    queue: false,
    duration: 230
// then fade and move in the new element,
// but this is the iffy bit when it completes
// I have to unset all the styles I've animated?
    left: 0, 
    opacity: 1 
}, {
    queue: false,
    duration: 100,
    delay: 130,
    complete: function(els) {
            width: "",
            left: "",
            opacity: "",
            marginRight: "",
            transition: ""


您也可以执行$(els).attr("style", "");来清除所有样式。